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Kirishima's POV
I woke up the next morning and imideiently jumped up to get ready. I got dressed, made breakfast for me and my parents, styled my hair, and left for school. I practically ran to school, I needed to talk to Bakugo. I finally gory to the school entrance and I saw the back of Bakugo's head. "Bakugo! Wait up!" He ran away, he didn't even look at me. During class he didn't talk to me. I couldn't even find him at lunch. He didn't work on our project with us. He worked on it, but didn't communicate with us. It's been going on like this for a few months now. I decided that I needed to put a stop to it. It was lunch, I decided to go outside and look for him. I was walking around and i finally saw him walking to some bench. I didn't call for him, cuz I didn't want him running away again. I started walking towards him when he, out of nowhere collapsed! "Bakugo!" I tan to him, to see that he passed out. "Come on man! You're screwin' with me... right!?" I pic need him up bridal style, and set him under a tree for shade. The first thing that came to mind wad his arms. I pulled up his sleeves to see twice as many cuts as there was the first time! "No no no no no!" My mind was racing, I didn't know what I should do. The ambulance will take too long, I don't know where he lives........ I did the only thing I could think of, I picked him up and threw him in some car. It had no roof so I crawled in and luckily, there was a key in. I drove FAR PAST the speed limit, to the hospital. What did I just do?! I just freakin stole someone's car to get here! Although, I didn't hesitate to get out and rush him inside. I cut in front of EVERYONE in line to get to the front desk. "Get this guy help! He might die!" (I'm pretty sure people can die from cutting? If they can't, WELL THEY CAN NOW!) After a few seconds, some people can be out to help him. Apparently, he had lots of blood loss over a long course of time. I didn't wanna leave him there, but I KINDA needed to return the car and tell the teacher why we didn't show up. I knew that he was in good hands, so I left. Turns out the car I stole was All-Mights. He was actually not mad. He thought it was 'heroic'. I never thought that stealing cars, was heroic.

Bakugo's POV
I opened my eyes to find myself in a hospital bed. I imidiently shot up, "what the fuck happened!?" The doctor looked a bit startled, "oh so you're finally awake. You passed out, due to blood loss." All I did was make a 'Tch' sound. "You're lucky someone found you. You should maybe show some gratitude to..." He started reading some paperwork, "Kirishima Eijiro." ( I think that's how you spell it ) My heart dropped. Why? Why dose that idiot keep trying?! He knows I'm like this! Is he trying to fuck with my head!? The guy cut off my thoughts, "Your parents are on their way, they've been notified of the situation." Everything went blank. Everything that the man was saying, sounded muffled. After a few minutes my parents came rushing into my room. The doctor left to give us 'alone time'. "Why would you do that!?" My mom yelled at me. I didn't respond. I was at awe, I've never seen my mom yell like this. "Answer me!" I responded with tears. "Is that all you got!? You could have died! How selfish are you!?" I continued to sit in silence, "think about all the people who would be sad if you died!" My dad tried to call her down but it didn't work much. Who would be sad if I died? Me?! She must be lost her mind, noone cares about me. Then, Kirishima all of the sudden popped in my head. I got angry,  like REALLY angry.

Kirishima's POV
It's all my fault! I should've told someone about Bakugo! I of coarse, blamed myself.  A week past and Bakugo hasn't showed up to school. It was a Friday and i finally noticed that Bakugo came back to school. "Hey! Bakugo!!" He walked up to me, surprisingly. "Why!?" He yelled at me before pushing me to the wall,  "Why do you care about me so much!? Why did you kiss me!? Are you trying to screw with my head! You should've left me there to die!!"

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