How The Hell Would You Know?!

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(I think that this song describes Bakugo's life in this story ^^^)
Bakugo's POV
"So we goin to my house or yours?" Kirishima asked. "I don't care weird hair!!!" He looked a little disappointed at my comment. "Is my hair that bad?????" He asked looking towards the ground. For some reason .   .   . I actually felt kinda bad, "S-sorry .   .   . Kirishima." I looked up and we could both tell I was blushing. Soon, we were both blushing. I got too embarrassed and went back to my normal tone of voice, "L-lets go home, weird hair!!" This time he didn't look sad (Kirishima is sorta making one of those sarcastic looks right now. Where they have sad looking eyebrows and a grin) "We're going HOME????" He said, clearly teasing me. "I m-mean your house!!!!!"

Kirishima's POV
This guy .   .   . This guy that calls himself Bakugo. He's different. I don't think he's weird or anything. He's just, different. I feel really sorry him. Especially all those cuts. I decided not to tell because that might push him over the edge. All I know is that I need to save this guy. If he cuts anymore than he has .   .   . It could end bad. He has two eyes of the same color. The only logical explanation, is that he's found his soulmate. Then again, he said he doesn't have a girlfriend. Maybe he's gay and got disowned??? He hates this world and every one in it. But I don't want him to hate me. I need to save this guy. (Anyways, back to the actual storyline) After Bakugo declares that we're going tok my house he turns around, obviously blushing. I begin to laugh, "My house is in the opposite direction!". He grunts and turns around.

Time skip~ at Kirishima's house
"My parents work the night shift, so they aren't home." I say as we walk in. Bakugo takes his shoes off at my door. We decide to go to my room to work on our project.  "So the topic is, soulmates." I said, reading the paper Aizawa gave us. "He wants the definition of the words following words, Blah, Blah, Blah, and soulmate. We'll have to look up the other definitions, but I can easily name what a soulmate is. A soulmate is something everyone has, or should I say someone. Every person on earth is born with two different colored eyes." As I talked I couldn't help but notice, that Bakugo looked like he was ready to throw up. I continued talking though, "One eye color is the natural genetic eye color, (Genetic might be the wrong word to use. I SUCK AT VOCABULARY OKAY!) the other eye is the color of their soulmate's hair. The only way for someone to have two different colored eyes, is if them and their soulmate to have earned each others love." I paused for a second to hear his reaction. "Ummm Bakugo??????" I had to wave my hand in front of his face to snap him back into reality. I gave him a smile, " You must be thinking about you soulmate. She must be great. OR HIM! It's ok if you're gay, or anything. What's it lik-" I got cut of by Bakugo's crying, " NO YOU IDIOT! I DON'T HAVE A SOULMATE! I WAS BORN LIKE THIS!!!!! Look at you, you and your beautiful eyes. You're wandering around just looking for your soulmate to find you! But me, I'm empty!!!! Would if you woke up one morning to find out that no one loves you, no one will?! To wake up and find out that you're going to be alone for the rest of your life!? HOW THE HELL WOULD YOU KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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