My Soulmate (Final Chapter)

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Kirishima's POV
I kept running as fast as I could. Running, sweating, hurting, crying. So many things going through my head. So many feelings flowing through my body. Once I finally made my way to the train station I looked around for Bakugo, I couldn't see him. I continued to run around the station looking for him. I decided to sit down and take a break, starting to lose hope. I started to cry more at the thought that he was already gone, out of my sight, out of my reach.

I sat there panting and sweating until I heard, a voice. A voice of an old woman, a kind soft voice. I looked up to see an old woman standing next to the bench I was at. She was alittle short and she had white hair in a small ponytail and purple eyes with round glasses, "Whats wrong young man?" I quickly responded, "Well ya see I came here to stop my good friend from leaving. But I don't know where he is or if he even is here." She slightly frowned, "Well what did he look like, maybe I've seen him. I've been here for the past few hours waiting for my grandson to get here." I widened my eyes, "He's got spiky blonde hair, beauti- passionate..!red eyes." (He's about this tall, clearly gay but we haven't had the talk) (oof I had to sorry) "and he normally walks around with an angry or sad expression." The lady pointed to her left, "I saw him waiting by the 4th train which should be leaving any second now." I shot up and shook the lady's hand with both of mine, "Thank you so so much..! I'd love to stay and talk but I probably should be going!" She smiled and I ran off towards where she pointed. As I ran I pulled a peice of paper out of my pocket and jotted down,

' I love you too
-Eijiro Kirishima '

and folded it into an airplane This'll be my plan B if I can't catch up to him I thought to myself as I ran.
I eventually got to the 4th train waiting area and noticed train four starting to take off. "WAIT!!" I screamed but nothing happened. I noticed an open window and threw the plane at it and it slipped in. But I watched and there was no movement. Noone standing up, no bakugo, no stopping train, nothing.. I could feel everything slowly fading away along with that train. My energy, life and heart. Bakugo... my soulmate, had left me behind watching as everything left me in the dust. As I walked home crying, I felt a weird presence in my heart that practically screamed my name. It felt like Bakugo, my soulmate.

~Timeskip~ 1 month~

Mina's POV
It had been a month since Bakugo had left and kiri hasn't come out of his dorm at all, besides using the bathroom. He didn't even bathe, eat or anything. Me along with everyone else was really worried about him. I wasn't that surprised about his behavior, I mean he lost his best friend and soulmate. I finally needed to put a stop to all this. I marched over to kirishima's room, I had my chin high and an encouraging smile on my face. I knocked on his door, "Kiri can I come in?" "Go away.." I heard him respond in monotone, his voice also sounded like he was crying as well. "No! I'm not leaving, I understand you're sad about Bakugo, I am too. But Noone wants you to mope around in your room reading his suicide note over and over again! It's not healthy! So if you don't get up, put some clean clothes on, brush your teeth, bathe, eat, put your toothy smile on, and act like a man, I'm going to kick the door down and make you!" I yelled. The day Bakugo left, Kiri did tell us about Bakugos attempt to kill himself, and he did let us all read his notes to us. But then Kiri insisted on keeping the note. We all decided not to tell any adults about it because we didn't want bakugo's parents to be mad at Bakugo. (ANYWAYS BACK TO THE STORY) I slowly heard footsteps approuch the door and soon enough Kiri opened. I quickly swung the door all the way open my self and hugged him. "Oh you look so worn out... Go do what I said and then me, you, Sero, and Kami are going out for icecream!"

~Taking place while Bakugo is getting off the train 1 month previous~

Bakugo's POV
I was in tokyo and I was getting off the train along with all the other passengers. My older cousin Kate was there waiting for me, I was staying with her at her place. As I was getting off I looked into an empty seat and noticed a paper airplane. I picked it up and continued walking off the train as I unfolded it. I got off the train and read it and began crying as I clutched it to my chest and looked towards the direction that the train came from and screamed from the bottom of my heart, "EIJIRO KIRISHIMA!!!!!! YOURE THE BIGGEST IDIOT IVE EVER MET!! I LOVE YOU DUMB HAIR!!!!" "What the hell was that??" I turned around to see my cousin, along with many others staring at me. I blushed alot and my cousin walked over to me and smacked the back of my head, "Come on you weirdo. Let's go home." She smiled. I attempted to smile back, but I felt like my "home" was somewhere else. My home was with Kirishima... My cousin turned around and looked at me, "K-katsuki!" I was abit confused, "Wut????" I asked with some attitude in my voice. She put her hands on my shoulders and looked directly into my eyes, "Y-your eyes! They're glowing! and sparkling!"

~Time skip 4 years later~
Kirishima's POV

It's been four years since I've seen Katsuki. I'm now 19 years old and I've graduated and am now a pro hero. I still haven't been in any relationships with anyone. I'm not sad about Katsuki anymore because I know he's my soulmate, I was so blind and stupid for not noticing until Katsuki left. That day when I felt that voice in my heart, my eyes suddenly changed color, both red. We're soulmates, we HAVE to meet again, we ARE going to meet again. I've been trying to track him down but it's been really difficult. I forgot his last name. which I am very ashamed about. And I also forgot his hero name. So it's hard to look up 'Katsuki' on the internet and expect to find the exact person I'm looking for. There's many people named Katsuki after all. But I'm not worried I know we'll find each other.... One day.. and boy I can't wait for that day to come

It was an early Monday morning I woke up in a hotel in Tokyo. I had to stay the night there the previous night because I was dealing with a villain and I finished later than expected. I got up and packed my stuff to go back home. But before I checked out of the hotel I decided to go to the cafe in town because I heard it was really good. I got up and walked to the cafe. I ordered a caramel latte and brought it outside to sit on a bench and drink it. That's when I looked across the street and noticed a familiar looking beautiful blonde boy. I dropped my coffee and sprinted across the street. Tears formed in both our eyes the moment we saw each other face to face. I soon approached him and we hugged each other like we were both going to die if we ever let go. We were both crying our eyes out (tears of joy). I looked at him and wiped his tears away. "I- I told you that you had a soulmate.! You idiot..." "I'm sorry for leaving you.." He cried. That's when I smiled at him and felt his soft, warm lips on mine once again...

Well guys that's it! Thank you so much for the continued love and support!!!! I hope you liked the ending!

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