Are They Really Soulmates...?

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Kirishima's POV
It was Monday morning and i had woken up in the strangest place ever, "wait why am i in Bakugo's bed?!" I shot up and Bakugo slowly entered the room, "u-uh Hi?" I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck. "Mornin" I looked down and whispered, "D-did I move around a lot?" He stopped and looked at me, " I slept on the couch." My face imidiently shot red, "O-Oh I uh!?" His face also turned red until he finally exclaimed, "Look at the clock!" I turned and faced the clock and noticed that we were hella late. "Shit!" I pounced out of bed and me and Bakugo ran around the house trying to get ready asap. As we were walking out the door, I grabbed 2 pieces of toast out of the toaster. I shoved one in my mouth and then threw the other at Bakugo, "Eat."
~Time skip , at school~
Bakugo's POV
Kirishima and I came to school really late. In between a class, I stopped at my locker. As I was putting books in my locker and taking other stuff out, I heard a voice behind me. "Hey! Bakugo!" I turned around, it was Kaminari, "Don't start thinking that Kirishima likes you, or somethin! It's obvious that he's my soulmate!" I was slightly confused, Why would Kaminari think that I like him? He then stepped towards me, making sure our faces were really close, "Just remember this, you don't have a soulmate." He then kicked my bookbag over and walked away.
(Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on Kaminari. I really do love him as a character. I just read a comment mentioning Kirishima's yellow eye, saying that they thought it was Kaminari at first. I decided that it was a good idea) I walked to class a little angry, not because Kaminari assumed that i liked Kirishima, but because he reminded me of the one reason I hate myself and my life. I have no soulmate.
~Time Skip- Lunch~
It was finally lunch, I sat down by myself and began eating some spicy ramen. Until Kirishima came over to me, "So I just got word in that my mom's gonna be Ok! AND there's gonna be a HUGE party at Momo's place tomorrow night! Since she's rich she has a huge house! She wanted me to invite you!" I sat and thought about it. "Pleeeeease!" Kirishima begged. I finally gave in, "Fine." He jumped up and put his hands together, " Ah yeah! It's gonna be AWESOME! Just you wait Katsuki!" I blushed a bit at the cuteness of his behavior. But I managed to brush it off. " Ok it's tomorrow at 8!" He handed me a sheet of paper, " here's the address." I nodded my head. " Wait. Do you have a ride?" I shook my head. "Okay! I'll be there to get you at 7:55, it doesn't take too long to get to momo's."

~Time skip- next day 7:50 p.m.~
Bakugo's POV
I was getting ready to go to the party. After 5 minuets I heard Kiri honk his horn outside my house. I ran out and got in the car, " Are you ready Katsuki!?!?!?!" He asked excitedly with a smile. I blushed a lot. Cute. That's all I could think. Not that I wanted to. We drove away and we soon got to Momo's house.  It was pretty big. Kiri grabbed my hand (wich also made me blush) and dragged me into Momo's house. When we got there, there was a lot of people hanging out, dancing, eating, ext. "Want any soda or anything?" Kirishima asked looking at me. I nodded, "Sprite if there is any here." Kiri nodded, "I'll be right back." Kirishima walked away and I decided to quickly use the bathroom. I opened a door, that wasn't the bathroom, to find Midoriya (I corrected my spelling are you proud of me) and Half-n-half making out. I quickly slammed it shut. And walked into the opposite direction.

Kirishima's POV
I walked away from Bakugo and went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. There was mainly soda and some alcohol, "probably mineta's doing." I mumbled to myself. I searched through the fridge and eventually found a sprite for Bakugo and a doctor pepper for myself. I pulled the sodas out and began walking back towards where Bakugo was. As I was walking, I was stopped by a clearly drunk Kaminari. "Hey bro you feelin' Ok???" I asked. He nodded and started laughing for no apparent reason.

Bakugo's POV
I finally found the bathroom (after a series of walking in on people making out). I began walking back towards where I was originally waiting for Kirishima. Once i got there I noticed Kirishima across the room, with our drinks, talking to Kaminari. It slightly hurt... Ok it hurt alot. But I didn't interrupt their conversation. After all, they were soul mates. I wanted to walk away to give them alone time, but my body wouldn't move. I continued to stand there staring at them until Kaminari harshly pinned Kirishima to the wall with his arm and kissed him. That's when I ran, I ran out of the building and sat outside. (Now you get my KamiSero shit-) I sat there and cried lightly for a few seconds before Sero suddenly ran out with the same expression I had. I looked over at him, "Why the hell did you follow me?!" I ask angrily, still crying. Sero started crying as well, "I d-didn't I just had to get away from that situation just as much as you did..!" I looked over at him, "Are- Are they really soul mates...?"

Kirishima's POV
I was talking to Kaminari when he suddenly pinned me to the wall and kissed me, within a split second, I pushed him away, "What the he-!" Before I could finish my sentence, Mina ran over and literally tackled Kaminari to the ground, "Nope! That's not how this is going down 😲!!" I stood there in awe. Very, very confused. Suddenly a thought came to my head. I quickly looked over to where Bakugo was standing, and noticed he was gone...

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