Falling For You

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(WARNING: This chapter graphically talks about suicide)

Bakugo's POV
"Are- Are they really soul mates?" I ask looking at Sero. Sero looked back with a look of discuss. "Of course they're not! Kirishima's hair is naturally red! Kami has himself dead convinced that Kirishima's hair is," he did quotations with his hands, "naturally black. But No! His dad's hair is red and his mom's is black. But he was born with red hair, he told me himself." He fiddled with his own hair, "I mean, I don't really wanna jump to conclusions, but I have black hair," he paused, "and a yellow eye..." Bakugo looked at him, he felt a bit better, but not completely. But would if Kirishima liked it?! Would if he decides to date him even though they aren't soulmates!? Would if he stops hanging out with me because Kaminari doesn't like me!? I suddenly got snapped out of my thoughts when Mina ran out to me and Sero, "Are you guys okay!?" She asked with a concerned look on her face.

She was already well aware about how me and Sero both felt. "I tackled Kaminari if that makes you feel any better 😈" She said with an evil grin. I looked up at her, not knowing what to say, "I-I u-uh-" I began to talk but then I got interrupted when Kirishima ran out, "Mina! You didn't have to tackle him!"

Kirishima's POV
"Mina! You didn't have to tackle him!" I yelled. Just then tears formed in bakugo's eyes and he ran off. "Hey wait!" I yelled and began to run after him. I was stopped by Mina, "go inside and have fun. Give him some alone time, we'll see him at school tomorrow." She smiled lightly. I sighed and looked towards the direction that Bakugo ran.

I slowly nodded before looking over at Sero, "I didn't kiss back Sero. I don't like him, he's all yours." I said calmly before walking back inside.

Bakugo's POV
I was attempting to run back home, but soon enough I got too tired and sat down on a bench infront of a gas station. As I sat there the rain started to fall, making me more emotional than I already was. No you can't start crying now that'll be way to cringy and cliche i think to myself with a tiny, sad chuckle. I sat there, watching cars go by, hearing rain fall, slowly getting soaked.

~Timeskip- Next Morning~
Kirishima's POV
I woke up in the morning and got ready for school. I was really eager to see Bakugo to explain everything to him. I walked to school with Mina, Kaminari and Sero. I couldn't find Bakugo anywhere, not at the enterance, not at his locker, and when I got to class he wasn't there either. I was alittle worried, but tried to just convince myself he was just sick. After school I stopped at bakugo's house because I still couldn't get the thought out of my head that something was wrong. When I got there I slowly knocked on his door and Mitsuki answered. "Oh hello Mrs. Bakugo. Is Katsuki here?" She shook her head, "Sorry he woke up this morning and said he was sick. About an hour ago he said he was gonna run down to the store and buy himself some medicine, and he hasn't been back since." She sighed, "It would actually be pretty helpful if you went to look for him. I got work and- Well I'm not saying you have to-!" I cut her off, "No I will, I already planned on looking for him if he wasn't here. So yea I'll go look for him, no problem."

Mitsuki nodded and shut the door and with that I walked away on my search for Bakugo. The search took longer than expected. After a few hours I got tired and sat down, on a bench, infront of a gas station. I walked over to the snack machine and got myself a soda and some chips. I sat back down on the bench and after what felt like an eternity, of me eating chips and drinking soda, I fell asleep. I woke up again, still on the bench but it was nighttime. I sat up and continued walking until I noticed some sort of a light. It looked like it was coming from a phone. I looked towards where the light was coming from. As soon as I looked at the light it quickly shut off.

The light was coming from the top of a random building, that appeared to be closed. I didn't know who it was sitting up there, it could be Bakugo or any random stranger. But no matter who it was they shouldn't be up there. I ran across the street and to the door of the building. The window on the door was abit foggy since it was cold out and dark. I wiped off the window and peeked inside. The place was closed and the doors were locked. How did that person even manage to get up there?! I thought to myself looking up towards the top. "I'm gonna be so dead for this..!" I hardened my body and charged at the door, breaking the glass. I was inside, the place was dark and I had no idea where to go next. I looked around and noticed an elevator. I quickly ran over to the elevator and pushed the button multiple times, but nothing happened. I started to panic and soon noticed emergency stairs.

"That'll take way to long!" I said out loud to myself, looking at the staircase. After about a minute of debating with myself on wether or not I should do it, I decided that I needed to do it. I took a deep breath and began quickly walking up the stairs. I didn't stop even though my heart, lungs, and legs were begging me to. After what felt like forever, I got to the top. I was breathing heavily and sweating like crazy. I looked up to see the person that was sitting there, was now standing. "KATSUKI!!!" I screamed as he stepped over the edge and began to fall...

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