Let's be friends

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Mydoria's POV
I was walking to class when I noticed, Bakugo pushing Kirishima into the wall and screaming at him. I decided to eavesdrop because Kirishima is normally a cool guy. "You shouldve left me there to die!" Kirishima almost looked like he was gonna cry. Wait? Die?! Bakugo was gonna die!? Suddenly Bakugo broke down and started crying. Kirishima then hugged him, "It's cuz I care about you. I can tell you're hurt, I want to help and be your friend." After a few seconds,  the two separated. I walked up to Bakugo to ask about it. "Why would I tell you!?"  Then I suddenly remembered the first day of school, "dose it have somethingto do with your eyes?" He stated to year up. He suddenly just started pouring his heart out. He told me everything,  about the bullying,  the self-harm and Kirishima. After hearing him out it was obvious that, him and Kirishima were soulmates. It makes sense, Kirishima has a yellow eye, like Bakugo's hair. And Bakugo's natural eye color is red, like Kirishima's hair. I didn't know if I should tell him out not. I decided not to at the moment, that I should ask someone else for advice.
Time skip~ To class
"Psst. Mina." I called Mina aside to ask her for advice. She was always a close friend to Kirishima, so I figured she could help. "What's up Mydoria!" She said smiling. "Its about Kirishima..." I explained it all to her. "The only way for them to realize, is if Bakugo stops being stubborn. You shouldn't tell them so straight forward. But you should help them become friends, things will progress on its own from there." "What if Bakugo tries to-" she cut me off and grinned, "Kirishima won't let that happen."

Bakugo's POV
It was lunch and i went to sit at the bench that I normally sat at. I sat down and looked at the cherry blossoms that had just bloomed. I was taking in the pretty sight,  when Mydoria walked up to me. "What!?" I snapped at him. He scratched the back of his his head,  "well... I was wondering if we could maybe be friends?" I guess it wouldn't be soooo bad.  After all, Kirishima is the only one that's screwing with my head. And Mydoria knows,  practically my entire life, I don't want him telling anyone. "sure." Mydoria looked a little surprised. "I didn't stutter!" I heard him mumble to himself,  "that was easier than I expected." We sat and talked for awhile until lunch was over.
Time skip~ 3 weeks
It's been a few weeks and I've been making more friends. The only person in class 1-A that I wasn't friends with, was Kirishima. I was too afraid. I haven't developed a crush on anyone yet, cuz I was also too afraid. Although my other problems were sorta the same. I still was depressed that I had no soulmate and my relationship with my parents dropped. They got mad at me for cutting, they told me that I was selfish and that I didn't care how others felt. One thing I haven't noticed this whole time,  was that ive always been watching Kirishima from afar. It made me kinda sad, not being near him. I was only his friend for one day, but it's affected me a lot. It was Saturday and i was walking to the store to but,  ingredients to make ramen for lunch. I was walking, reading the list when I looked up to see a guy with long blonde hair, in a low ponytail. He had one green eye and one blue eye. I imideiently recognized him. I didn't exactly remember his name, but I remember who he is and what he did. "Long time no see, Bakugo!" He was one of my middle school bullies. I started shaking, but I didn't think once about running away. His quirk was to teleport. He may not seem that strong,  but he is. He could probably give a pro a hard time. "Are ya just gonna stand there? Or are ya gonna fight back!?" I'll distract him with an explosion and run. I then made a megga explosion and made a run fort it. "You aren't escaping me that easily." He teleported infront of me and hit me with all he had. I fell onto the ground, my vision was blurry.  I could tell that a was bleeding a lot from my head. He was going to strike me again,  when a rock with red hair, named Kirishima hit him from behind. He was so fast that he didn't have time to teleport. Kirishima must've hit him pretty hard, cuz he was out cold. "You okay?" He said to me holding out his hand for me to take. I was completely zoned out. What just happened? "Ummm, Bakugo?" I came back into reality then. Suddenly, body took control and i grabbed his hand. "Yeah, I'm ok..." What the hell am I saying!? I then noticed that his arm was bleeding. "Is your arm okay?" I said, examining it closer. "O-oh it's fine. I'll just go home a s have my mom fix it." I need him with me... "n-no you can  come with me. I'm going to the store for stuff to make ramen. You can come to my house to eat that too." The words were just pouring out of my mouth. I didn't know what I was doing, but it hurt not being near him. He gave me a huge smile,  showing all his teeth. I could feel myself blushing. We finished walking to the store, and I'm just now noticing how he has a great sense of humor. We went shopping and finally got home. "My parents work on weekends." He sat on my couch and started watching t.v. I then started cooking the ramen. "That smells really good!" I turned to see Kirishima sitting on my counter.

Kirishima's POV
Bakugo was actually being nice. "Oh!" He then got up and ran upstairs. He came back down with a cloth bandage and wrapped it around his arm. "B-bakugo, you really don't have to." He looked up at me, "Yes I do..." I let him take care of my arm, until I noticed something, "the foods burning!" Bakugo ran over and turned off the flaming stove. We looked at each other and began to laugh. It was nice to see him smile. A REAL smile. Bakugo re-made the ramen, and it was good. Before we noticed, it was 9:00. "Well, I should get going." I said scratching the back of my head. Bakugo nodded his head. "Hey... uh Bakugo wanna be friends????"


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