"I Love You"

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Bakugo's POV
It was over, I was falling. Falling to a place with no more pain. A place with nothing, no mom, no dad, no school, no bullys, no kirishi- all these thoughts ran threw my head within the second that I stepped over. Until I felt a hand grab mine, I was no longer falling. Just dangling, looking down below at where I couldve been at that moment.

Kirishima's POV
"KATSUKI!!!" I then in that moment, with no time to think sprinted over there. I leaned over and grabbed his hand. "You're so stupid! You're so so so stupid!!" I cried as I tried desperately to pull him up. "Are you just gonna sit there dangling waiting for us both to fall, or are you gonna help us both out?!" Bakugo leaned over and grabbed my hand with his other. Pulling him up took the last bit of energy out of my being.

I plopped us both down on the concrete of the building. He sat up and looked at me, "Why- How are-" I cut him off and sat ontop of him with his legs in between mine. I grabbed his shoulders and looked him dead in the eyes, "How could you?! You're so stupid! You were just gonna leave us all like that with nothing to say-!" Bakugo looked at me and pulled a peice of paper out his pocket, "I did have something to sa-" I cut him off and snatched the paper shoving it in my pocket. "What would your mom and dad do?! What would Midoriya, or Mina, or Sero, or anyone in our class do?! What would I do?! You were just gonna take all your suffering and throw it on us times ten million! Who knows how that note could effect us either!"

Bakugo didn't say anything. He just sat there looking at me, he finally spoke up, "T-thank you." "Thank you!? That's all you have to say-!" He spoke up again, "Thank you. And I'm sorry." He pushed me off him, "I'm going back home, please don't tell anyone about this. I won't do it again. I'm sorry." He stood up and walked out the door and down the stairs.

~Timeskip- 3 days later~
It's been three days and Bakugo still hasn't come to school. I also haven't had the courage to read his note yet. I've been going to bakugo's house to make sure he wasn't off trying anything funny. He hasn't. Whenever his mom answers the door she says the same thing, "Katsuki is in his room, and he doesn't want visitors.". The same thing happened today so I just went home.

~Timeskip- 2 months~
It's been two months and we're now on summer vacation and in dorms. Bakugo still hasn't been to school at all and I'm really worried. I was sitting in my dorm thinking about Bakugo looking at the note. Not reading it, just eyeballing it from across the room. He suddenly got a text from Mina. The text said,

Mina: Word just got out that Bakugo is leaving. He apparently just packed his bag and said 'im out' just like that.

I got up and grabbed the note. I scanned through the part of the note that was to other people and started to read the peice left for me. After i finished reading I texted Mina.

Kirishima: Where the hell is he now?!?!

Mina: At the train station in *town name* at least that's what his mom told me. I don't know when the train leaves, so if you're gonna go after him it best be now

I got up and ran out the door with the note. I ran out the door and through town as fast as I could, like my life depended on it.

Dear Eijiro Kirishima,
I love you. It hurts me most. Who knew that this emotion that's supposed to be happy, could hurt so much. I don't have a soulmate, I've already told you this. That's why I can't stand to be with you, or love you. Because I know I'll have to see you be with someone else. I have to leave you now before that happens. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I fell in love with you.
Katsuki Bakugo.

(Sorry this is kinda a short chapter oof)

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