You Pocket Dialed me...

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Bakugo's POV
It was one of the happiest days ever. I felt happy, a real happy. I laughed... real laughs. I smiled... a real smile. The farreswheel ride was over and Kirishima and i got off to see,  Uraraka, Mydoria and Mina sitting on a bench eating ice cream!? "You said you were sick! Now you're eating ice cream!?" Uraraka let out an evil giggle, " Maybe I had a headache." "HAD!?" I turned around to see Kirishima laughing at us. " Katsuki, calm down." Mina jumped in our faces, you could practically see the sparkles in her eyes,  "Kat-su-KI!?" She started squealing and jumping up and down. I then realised something That's the squeal from when Kirishima and i were walking to school! "You were stalking us!" I snapped at her. She looked really confused at my comment,  "how was I stalking you? You were in the air, and I was on the ground. I face palmed and gave it up. We all went on more rides (together) until the fair was closed. Mina was acting super weird every time I called Kirishima by his name, or if he called me by mine. It was starting to piss me off.

Kirishima's POV
The fair was finally closed and we were all going home. Uraraka dropped us off at our houses and we all went to bed.  The next day wasn't very eventful, but the next night was... I was laying in bed sleeping when I suddenly woke up to the sound of glass shattering. I shot straight up out of bed and ran to the other room to see broken glass all over the floor, and my injured mother on the floor.  "Mom!?" I ran over to her and noticed her head was bleeding. "Who are You!" I screamed, looking for whoever was in my house. I noticed my older brother standing in the corner. (I haven't read the manga yet, I'm pretty sure Kirishima doesn't have a brother, I just kinda made him up.) "Little Kiri... I heard you made *hick* it into *hick* U.A?" His words were slurred. It was obvious that he was drunk, like always. He was put in jail awhile back for beating his girlfriend. His quirk was that anything he throws,  hits you 100× harder than it normally would. If he were to throw a baseball at you, it would hit you like a bullet. He pulled another glass of beer out of the cooler he brought,  and popped it open. "Leave! We don't want you here!" He then got an evil glare and smashed the bottle against my head. I was able to harden before or hit me, I'm assuming that's what he did to my mom.

Bakugo's POV
I was sleeping, when I suddenly woke up to the sound of my ringtone. It was Eijiro. "What do you want? It's 3am." He didn't respond, "Eijiro?" I then heard the sounds of glass breaking, and Kirishima crying while screaming at someone.  "EIJIRO!?" I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs. I found my mom's car keys and drove to his house as fast as I could. I pulled into his driveway and jumped out of the car. I ran to the front door, and bursted inside without even knocking.  I ran inside and noticed some drunk guy holding a glass beer bottle. Kirishima was kneeling on the floor holding his unconscious mother. The drunk guy wasnt facing me, so I used that as an opportunity to make an explosion. There was enough smoke that I was able to quickly pick up Kirishima and his mom, and get out without him noticing us. I threw Kirishima in the passenger seat, and placed his mom in the back laying down. I got in and drove away as fast as I could, knowing that the guy would catch up to us if we were slow. After we were far enough away I parked on the side of the road. "H-how did you know I was in trouble?" Without looking up from my phone I said "You pocket dialed me."

Kirishima's POV
I was so happy Bakugo showed up when he did. My mom and i could've died, or been hurt really bad. Bakugo put his phone to his ear and looked over at me and asked, "whats your address?" I quickly noticed who he was on the phone with. "911 what is your emergency?" "Uh yeah, my friend and his mom have been assaulted in his home.... yeah.... address.... she's unconscious... thank you." He hung up and looked at me "Sooo?" "The police are on their way to your house for who ever that was. The ambulance is on its way here for your mom." He leaned in and hugged me. After a few minutes we both looked back at my mom. "She's breathing..." Bakugo calmly said. After about 20 minutes the ambulance was there to get my mom. I ran up to the people putting her in the truck, "Can I go with you!?" He shook his head.  "You'll be able to see her tomorrow,  you best not come now." I slowly nodded my head. I stood there in total shock until I felt a hand on my shoulder. "It'll be okay." I hugged Bakugo tight, not wanting to let go. I choked on the air trying not to cry, "Thanks *gulp* Katsuki" that's when the tears came. "Come on Eijiro." Bakugo boldly stated after a couple seconds, gripping onto my wrist tighter. "W-where are we going?" I said,  attempting to wipe up my tears. "Well it is 4 in the morning, and I kinda took off in my mom's car. I don't want her to kill me anymore than she already is." We both got in the car and i slightly laughed at his silliness. We got to his house and i started to feel slightly dizzy. We both tip-toed into his door, luckily his mom was still sleeping. "I don't know about you but I'm hungry." Bakugo said,  breaking the silence. "I'm kinda hungry." I quietly replied.  He took off his shoes, and gestured for me to do the same. "The couch is over there, I'll go make food. You can go and put on T.V or somethin" I sat on his couch and befor I knew it I was drifting to sleep.

Bakugo's POV
I went into the kitchen to make whatever food I could find in the cupboard. After like 10 minutes of searching for food, i settled with some chicken soup. After I finished I walked into my living room to see Kirishima peacefully sleeping on my couch. Normally, I would've woken him and demand he eat the food I spent time making, but he looked way too calm and peaceful I just couldnt. As I got closer I noticed some goosebumps on his arms. So I looked around for a blanket and a pillow. I couldn't find one so I picked him up and brought him into my bed. He surprisingly didn't wake and he was actually really light. In the end I ended up sleeping on the couch without a blanket or pillow.

And my chicken soup was never aten.....

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