Why, Ryan?

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"I'm really not so with you anymore
I'm just a ghost
So I can't hurt you anymore
So I can't hurt you anymore!
And now
You wanna see how far down
I can sink?
Let me go!"

T.W.: Graphic Depictions of Murder


I stabbed Pete Wentz while Frank tied Meagan to the chair. We wore all-black clothes and masquerades. (a/n I'll show you their masks at the end of the chapter)

"Pete!" She shrieked, thrashing at the restraints. Watching her fiancee get stabbed to death in her own house must've been disconcerting for her.

Pete stops struggling on the bed I finally stab him in the chest, blood spurting at the wounds. "I'm sorry," I frowned at her. "I liked him, too."

Frank chuckles and pulls me in a kiss. I love when he's proud of me. Meagan glared at us with wide eyes and continued to struggle.

"Don't do that, sweetie," Frank cooed. "You'll hurt yourself."

"What the fuck do you want from me?!" Meagan yelled, her voice scratchy.

Frank walked over to her and pressed his knife against her cleavage. "I wanna get to know each other better."

"You sick fucks!" She struggles again, but Frank stabs her thigh. She screams and Frank tuts her. Blood drips from the wound but Frank doesn't pull out the blade. He keeps it there.

Frank sits down on the bed in front of her and I do the same. He wraps his arm around my waist and we snuggle close together. Meagan eyes us carefully, assessing our every move.

"My name is Frank Iero and this is my lovely husband, Gerard." Frank smiles at her and I put my head on his shoulder. "You remember us in high school, right?"

"Frank. . . that one punk kid?" Meagan looks curious, like she's fitting all the puzzle pieces together. "And Gerard. . . the fat depressed kid that Adam bullied. You lost weight. I'm surprised you're still alive."

"That's us," I replied, fiddling with my hands.

"I can't believe you two got married..." Meagan forced a smile.

Frank gets off the bed and pulls out a pistol. The one his father gave him. He slowly takes out the blade from Megan's thigh and she exclaims sharply in pain. She's in tears now.

"I didn't do anything wrong to you two," Meagan couldn't stop the tears slipping from her eyes. "Please, I'll do anything! Just please don't kill me!"

Frank shushed her. "Shhh, Meagan honey, it'll all be over soon." She gripped onto the chair's armrests and sobbed. Frank pointed the pistol at her forehead.

I couldn't take it. I was already hesitant of the plan, but seeing this woman completely helpless made me sick.

"Frank, stop!" I grab the hand holding the pistol and moved it away from Meagan. "She didn't do anything to us," I heard Meagan's whimpering and my stomach churned. Frank frowned at me.

"You're. . . defying me?" Frank asked innocently. "Who was the one that saved your life?"

"Frank, I-"

"You owe me your life, Gerard Iero," Frank growled, stepping towards me. I step back, uneasy of what he's about to do.

Frank punches me in the stomach and I gasp, the wind being knocked out of me. I fall on the bed and he pins my hands above my head. He watches me writhe and struggle but still keeps me in place. "Frank, please!" I cry out from the discomfort and fear.

"Shut up," Frank punches me in the stomach and face until I cough up blood. I'm in total pain right now, but Frank doesn't seem to care. I see Meagan staring at us with wide, fearful eyes and she continues to cry.

At the end of the assault, Frank gets off of my body. I'm breathing heavily and my body feels like it's on fire. Frank walks toward Meagan and points his pistol at her.

I want to save Meagan. But I couldn't move. Blood trickled out of my mouth and my eyelids feel heavy.

"Frankie," I breathed, trying to get his attention. He ignores me and puts his finger in the trigger.

"I hope you learned your lesson." Frank pulls the trigger.

That ringing sound made my heart stop and I sob. "No..," I breathed weakly. Meagan's dead. She and Pete are dead. My heart rate accelerated and I feel my body convulsing. Before I had time to think, I passed out.


Frank's POV

I lay Gerard on the bed and sigh. It really wasn't supposed to go that way. He was causing a disturbance and I had to do something. Someone may think that I was being irrational and over dramatic, but what I did was completely necessary. At least I didn't kill my Gerard.

I dressed Gerard's limp body in his favorite skeleton onesie. I give him his favorite pacifier and put it in his mouth, hearing soft clicking noises coming from him.

Pulling the blanket over his body, I kiss his forehead before going downstairs. I'm going to make cannolis, his favorite dessert. Gerard deserves it.

While I'm mixing the batter, I hear knocking at the door. I go over to see a taller man. He wore slacks and a blue button-down. He brown hair swooped over his eyes.

"Um, hello," I smiled, trying to look friendly and approachable. Oh shit... what if he works for the feds?

"Let's cut to the chase," The man said, walking in our living room and sitting on the couch. "I am Special Agent Ryan Ross. I know you and your husband are responsible for the murders." He gets up and faces me. "I'll be able to not tell anybody if you do a special favor for me. . ."


oOoOoOh, what will happen?


I'm excited for the next chapter. . .

Their masks:



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