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On Reese's birthday, he stayed home from school.

He woke up to Archie telling him Blake was on the phone which had Reese nearly falling off the firepole to reach the first floor.

"Happy birthday, Reese!" Blake said when he took the phone from Archie. "You're finally eighteen!"

Reese laughed and sat on the stool by the phone. "Thanks, baby. I love you."

He giggled, how cute, Reese thought. "I love you too. Do you have any plans for your birthday?"

"Mom got a cake and the group's coming over to celebrate." Reese stared out the window. It was the first time since sixth grade Blake wouldn't be at his birthday party. It was a depressing thought.

Mom walked into the dining room, "Reese, there's a package from Blake."

Blake tittered over the phone, "Oh, the box arrived! Open it!"

Reese stretched the phone cord as he held it up with his shoulder as he opened up the box to find another box all wrapped up.

The tag said 'I love you' in Blake's somewhat cursive hand writing. Reese tore open the orange wrapping paper and it was a new pair of wheels for his Longboard that had sharks on them.

"Last time we talked you said your wheels were getting a little worn."

Reese chuckled and felt his eyes mist over, he really missed his boyfriend. "They're great. Thank you, Blake."

He wished Blake were there surely they would've 'celebrated' his becoming an adult all night long and Blake would've woke up in his arms with messy hair and covered in marks. It made Reese wonder how long the lovebites he'd left on Blake lasted.

They talked about school, Blake was on the soccer team and readily accepted within all social circles but he'd always been social and well-liked. He talked a lot about a guy named Jeremy which was unsettling, not because he didn't trust Blake bit because he didn't want anyone else to make a move on him. His mind chided himself, not all guys were into other guys, but Reese couldn't help feeling a little jealous.

Eventually, there was a knock at the door and Nikki walked in with Gabe who carried the presents. "Happy birthday, Reese!" She shouted, "Oh my God, are you talking to Blake? I wanna talk to Blake!"

"Me too!" Chirped Gabe as he set down the gifts on the table.

They passed the phone around so everyone could talk to Blake, when Dory came over he got a turn as well. The air was a little awkward between Nikki and Dory, for the past month they've been arguing about their relationship.

After two years of dating, the two decided to have a grown-up talk about where their relationship was going after high school. Doria planned on going abroad while Nikki was applying to Berkley and neither would budge in their plans. Doria was leaving to study photography while Nikki was majoring in clinical psychology. They had stopped talking the week before and were on the cusp of breaking up.  

Archie appeared, wrapping his arms around Gabe and kissing his temples. Gabe smiled, closed his eyes and leant into the touch. Reese was jealous of them, being so open. Dory was the only person that seemed oblivious to Reese's and Blake's relationship.

Dory handed the phone back to Reese, "go have some fun. Tell me all about it later," Blake said with a chuckle that sounded a little forced.

Reese sighed, he wanted Blake here. His parents were despicable, Reese wouldn't have gotten to say goodbye if it wasn't for open-minded Amelia. Thank God there was at least one reasonable person in his family.

"I love you," Reese said with a smile, resting his head against the wall.

Blake replied, "I love you too. I'll talk to you later."

He hung up and Reese felt a hollowness in his chest. Nikki, Gabe, and Arch gave him a sympathetic look while Dory cracked open a beer and passed it to Reese. "Happy birthday, dude!"

Reese took a drink and smiled at his clueless friend. They ordered pizza and turned up some music and played party games. Truth or Dare was tradition and an absolute must. If the person backed out of a dare or refused to answer a truth they had to drink.

A couple rounds in, no one had skimped out until Dory asked, "Reese, truth or dare?"

He eyed the shots on the table, "truth."

"What's your girlfriend's name? You've been talking about her forever but you won't introduce her to your best pals." Nikki snickered and ate her pizza with a superior look. Dory shot her a look, "what? Do you know who it is?"

Nikki gave a sarcastic smile, "I have no idea who his girlfriend is."

Dory didn't pick up, Reese rolled his eyes. Reese picked up a shot and knocked it back, turning the shot glass upside down on the table. Dory groaned, "Jesus, Reese, how top secret is she?"

Smiling dryly, "you wouldn't be able to handle that information."

The game continued and more shots were thrown back to escape humiliating or disgusting dares or to keep secrets. Gabe, who had a low tolerance, was drunk and sitting in Archie's lap, clinging to him as he slept. The liquor was starting to affect Nikki, she slurred her words and became more obnoxious.

Reese called it quits on the game to sober up, his body felt warm and sluggish and he was nodding off on the couch. His mind was consumed with thoughts of Blake, they cuddled on this very sofa all the time. He hugged a throw pillow and murmured, "I miss my Blakey."

Dory hiccuped and snickered, "you act like he's your girlfriend."

Eyelids slipping close and no control over his own tongue, "he is." That was the last thing he remembered about his eighteenth birthday party. Oops.

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