Quagmire sibilings: Reunited.

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This is not an incest post, this is my take on the Quagmire triplets reuniting.

As Quigley Quagmire made his way up the ladder to the top of the Self-Sustaining Hot Air Mobile Home he couldn't help think of his year alone, He had yes been separated from his siblings and that was horrible but they had been through worse. Much worse. He worried if his brother and sister would resent him for his absence.

Meanwhile Duncan and Isadora we're beaming as they watched the slightly older brother make his way to them, They worried the two triplets had each other through this series of unfortunate events. What if Quigley felt behind? What if he wanted to stay alone and only came to visit.

Both sets of terrible thoughts were throw aside when Quigley Quagmire reunited with Duncan and Isadora Quagmire, The two younger triplets pulled him into a tight embrace as tears sparked in all three children's eyes.

Though the hugging and crying was cut short by the squawking of Eagles, they neared the balloons going to pop them and drop the triplets and Hector into the ocean.

Duncan and Isadora began to panic and look for solutions around them but Quigley remembered something, quickly he pulled a flare Kit had gave him and told him to use in emergency's. Quigley thought this counted as an emergency. He quickly pulled the flare out and loaded the gun as his siblings gasp in unison.

Quigley shot up. All passengers heard the terrible screech, of four eagles dying via road flare.

Duncan and Isadora got their first good look at their brother and noticed that he now had small scars on him, he also had longer hair and a thinner, taller frame though he was clearly in good shape for a fifth teen year old. He was taller then both of his siblings which made Isadora laugh and Duncan defend his height.

After a year of perfidy they were together again.

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