Kladora/Quiglet: The Baudelauires third trip to Briny Beach

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A/N: this takes place just as the Baudelaire children come back to briny beach, as Beatrice II said they got back there in the show.

It was the first sight of land the Baudelaire children had in days and civilization in months. They consider what they were to do, they were still wanted murders and were most likely blamed for the fire at the hotel Denouement, but they weren't sure.

As the 'Beatrice' touched land hey noticed they were at Briny Beach the almost waited to hear Mr.Poe's terrible hacking cough. But for once it was silent. Beatrice looked around and said "Gak" which meant 'Where are we? You all look like your seeing ghosts.'.

The Baudelaire's wondered where to go from here, Violet sincerely hoped to meet with the Quagmire triplets again over the year on the island she truly missed Quigley. Klaus longed to see Isadora, it had been a over a year a half since he had last seen the Quagmire girl and he quite missed her.

As they got off the ship they heard the sound of the newspaper boy, his bicycle barreling down the steps he through a paper and left the head line read
'Daily punctilio shut down, most head lines fake.(Except this one)'.

The Baudelaire children wondered if that debunked their story looking they saw a picture of Jacques Snicket with his real name say that count Olaf and Esmé Squalor killed him with crow bars, the Baudelaire's were free of all crimes.


Violet had a job at the local mechanic, one day while working someone drove in in the Snicket taxi saying they needed the oil changes, the man was tall with dark brown hair and sunglasses covering his eyes, he seemed familiar so Violet chose to help him. And she who had the taxi now.

As Violet the man looked confused similar to her. She pointed he seemed young to be driving a taxi he countered with her looking young to work here. When she saw his license at the end she looked at him as almost jumped on him 'Quigley Quagmire' she looked at him as he said she did a lovely job for some one her age said simply responded with "Very lovely indeed". He took of his sunglasses to show his hazel eyes as they met Violets blue. The pair hugged tightly in the middle of the auto shop when Violet noticed people staring she said that they could meet in an hour after her shift ended.


Violet got home and quickly told her siblings. The Baudelaire children rushed to the beach where they decided to meet as the trolley arrived they saw a bright yellow taxi pull through the fog as the three Quagmires got out, Quigley got out of the driver seat Duncan and Isadora followed, the Baudelaire's looked at the trio and noticed the difference only a few years made.

Isadora had grown significantly, her already long brown hair had grown every longer she had light make up on on she had a pair of thin framed glasses on. Klaus still thought she was the most beautiful girl he would ever see.

Duncan was just taller then Isadora, his hair was roughly the same length as the last time they saw him out of the three he had changed the least.

Then there was Quigley Quagmire, Violet didn't get a good look at him but now he was in full view of them all he had grown quite a lot being at least six inches taller then his brother, his hair was also the same length he had some light stubble.

The Baudelaire children ran up the steps embraced the trio, though Violet and Quigley broke apart and shared a light peck on the lips as Isadora kissed Klaus on the cheek while Duncan played with Sunny and Bea.

The Quagmires explained how they came back to land and how Quigley was a volunteer and how Kit had gave him the keys to the taxi shortly before taking the QueeQueg saying that was her last mission and that Jacques was driving the taxi around Quigley's age. Meanwhile the Baudelaires told the story of the island, Count Olaf and Kit's death.

The Quagmires had told them that they had quite the large home set up by VFD. And of course invited them to live with them, which they accepted with the elder Baudelaires also becoming volunteers. Even though they lost some much they all still had each other.

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