Middle child syndrome

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"Hey Carol mom sent me up to get you so get your dumb ass down stairs" Barb my older sister by a year says as she walks into my room.
" shove it Barb. tell mom I'll be down in a second" I say as I finish putting the finishing touches to my hair.
"I'm not telling her shit Tell her your damn self, so... see you down stairs"my sister says as she checks herself out in my mirror flicking her long dark hair as she walks out of my room " Thanks Barb you stupid bitch" I call out  and I hear her foot steps heading back down stairs.

I hate my sister but she is the perfect one out of us I mean she is pretty, she's perfect, but me on the other hand I'm not as pretty, I wear glasses and I'm nothing like her , I prefer to stay away from Barb and her posse.
I take once last glance at my hair happy that I put enough effort in to give it enough volume. I open my wardrobe and grab my favourite stripy jumper and denim flared trousers.
Once I got changed I rushed down stairs knowing Mom would kill me if we were late.
" Morning Mom.." I say groggily taking a seat at the table.
" morning sweetheart" mom says placing her hand over the mouth piece of the phone "hi yes I am due to drop the girls to school in an hour" Mom says placing my cereal in front of me, I roll my eyes before I dig in.
Me and barb glare at each other as she sit in silence eating our breakfast.
" Morning everyone" Debbie my younger sister says cheerfully like always completely innocent and blissfully unaware that I absolutely hate her guts and yes I know that's mean as she's only 9 nearly 10 but everything revolves around her and bloody Barb and I just get kind of forgotten about and you know it totally is complete crap being the middle child that everybody hates.
We are soon out the door me, Debbie and Barb get into moms car and she drives us to school.
Mom stops at Debbies middle school, where Debbie cheerfully waved and rushed off towards school "Ugh she's such a loser" I groan " Carol! Don't speak about your sister like that" mom says snaps and me and Barb share a knowing glance.
Once at school mom bid us both a goodbye and head off to work. Barb rushes over to her gang whilst I walk over to the entrance and walk in to school by myself like I always do. I walk glumly up the steps and through the front door squeezing my way through students who clearly don't care that I am trying to get by as they push and shove me out the way. I walk along the corridor and over to my locker, I put in my code and try to open my locker but as always I have great difficulty and yet one seems to notice me struggling to get it open.
Meanwhile Barb struts down corridor like its some kind of run way with her army of followers following closely behind  . I unfortunately happen to pull extremely hard on my locker and to my surprise and dismay it slams open making a huge bag and a slimy content pours all over me covering me front head to toe in this sticky substance and I swear the entire sea of students are looking at me and pointing as they laugh with friends.
" ugh gross" Becky says stopping right in front me as, she looks me over with complete disgust on her face " I can't believe this LOSER is your sister Barb, clearly the clever Denning genes skipped this one" Barb chuckles taking one last glance at me before she walked off with Becky following behind.
I just don't get it I am her baby sister her own flesh and blood and yet she wouldn't stick up for me,  that really hurt.
I looked round the room at everyone and my eyes met geeky Julie Ross's round hazel eyes that looked over at me with concern, I looked away and Eventually the sea of students dispersed and I  started picking my soggy books up off the floor with myself still covered in this sticky goo.
" need some help with that?" Julie offered
" no, I got it thanks" I pick up the last book and shut my locker  " excuse me I got to use the restroom" I mumble and rushed off to the ladies restroom.
I stood at the sink finally seeing my appearance for the first time and it is then that I let the tears fall as I start to clean myself up the best I can with what I have.
" you know...she'll get what's coming to her" Julie says making me jump slightly not realising how much she saw of me breaking down?
" what do you mean? Barb didn't do this" I say frowning.
" oh you poor naive fool, Barb did this to you and she stood and watched it all" Julie whispered.
" she doesn't have a choice I understand and I know she would stick up for me if she could" I say back trying hold back the tears .
" yeah you keep telling yourself that Carol" Julie smirked and turns to leave " remember she will get what she deserves" Julie said finally ,leaving the restroom.
I didn't realise how right she would be......

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