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No sleep. At all.
Only your mind being a mess.
Only thoughts of him.

Is it that obvious? Am I not hiding it well enough? How does he know he's my bias? Why is there
no place for anyone else?

You thought about it the whole night.
The next morning you felt like dying.
Too tired, not able to work properly.
But you still tried to do your best, you did all the tasks successfully and finally got some free time for yourself.
You went to your room and slept
for a few hours.

After you got some rest, you headed to the canteen to eat dinner with the members and other managers.

The food was delicious and everyone was being friendly to you.
You chatted with two other women, they shared their experiences with you and were pretty interesting and fun to talk to.


You tiredly walked towards you dorm when you heard footsteps behind.
Taeyong 'accidentaly' touched you with his arm while walking past you.
You barely managed to hold in a gasp, he looked at you over his shoulder and winked.




He winked, he fucking winked at me,
I do not deserve this. Holy crap.

Your hands were shaking as you tried to type in the pin to unlock your dorm's door.
The password was correct and the door unlocked, you quickly went in, closed the door and jumped on your bed.
It felt like you were laying on a cloud.
Why is he doing this to you?
He shouldn't be doing this, but
you ain't complaining, you like it.

You had flashbacks: "I know I'm secretly your bias"......"No other faves, like that sweetheart of yours".

What did he mean by that?! He's your ultimate bias, even tho all of them biaswreck you all the time. Mostly Jaehyun, ah he's as sweet as honey.
Those dimples stealing your heart
every single time. He's so nice and kind.
So fluffly. So pure.

Unlike your ultimate peacock who's being rude all the time, making you want him even more. You can't help it, still love him
to death.

You calmed yourself down and finally fell asleep. In the morning you felt much better, well rested.

You had to go to the meeting room, there you and others discussed about the next comeback, you wrote down all their ideas and gave them some of your opinions.

Then you headed to Coex Artium to pick up some stuff for your boss. While you were walking through the streets of Seoul, you thought about the whole situation, trying to think of some solutions, how to control yourself, hide your feelings and be proffessional...

When you came back to your boss, it was already 8pm. You gave him the stuff that you picked up and also handed him a report in which you wrote down everyone's ideas while you were at the meeting. "Thank you Park Y/N, you are improving more and more each day, good job. You can go now, good night".

While going down to the 2nd floor, you bumped into Johnny.

"Oh! Manager Park, I was looking
for you".

"What do you need Johnny?", you smiled.

"Taeyong wanted me to tell you that he'll come around 9. Apparently he needs some help with past tenses."

You tried not to panic, "Where do I need to meet him?"

Johnny replied: "He'll come to your dorm".

You nodded, "Alright, um....no problem.....Thanks for telling me, good night".

"Good night, sleep well", he entered his dorm.

You went to your dorm too. Immediately after you closed the door, you started panicking.

Oh shit, shit, SHIT, he's gonna
come here!!
I'm so going to embarrass myself!
What do I do!?

Having no idea what to do, you quickly cleaned everything up.
And waited for him to knock on your door. You could feel the cold sweat on your forehead and hands. Out of nervousness you started fidgeting with your ring.

When you became impatient, you heard how the door unlocked and he walked in.

His hair being flawless. His skin shining.
His eyes sparkling. Killing you softly with his stare.
Holy macaroni.

"Good evening, my English
teacher", he smirked, which made the butterflies in your stomach go wild.

Why does it feel so great yet so wrong when he does this to you? Ah, it's against the rules. I mean, rules are meant to be broken, right?

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