Cold lips

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As soon as you came back to your dorm, you looked at yourself in the mirror.

You fixed your hair and put on some Coco Chanel, cause why not?

You got slightly nervous, your nervousness tuning into panic, your heart beating faster as time passed by. What will he say? What are you going to do? What is he planning?

You took a deep breath and walked to his dorm. You raised your hand, which was decorated with a few silver bracelets and you knocked softly on his door.

He opened up, smiling widely.

You sat on the couch. "Would you like a drink?", he asked in a really nice, calm tone.

"No, thanks".
"Do you want to play some videogames?", he sat next to you.
"I do, but I suck at videogames"
He smiled, "I'm sure you'll be great".

For most of the time, you were winning, he was purposely letting you win because he loved seeing you all hyped up and smiling.

After more than an hour of playing, he suggested that you two stop playing and just talk.
Actually, he wanted to flirt, to be exact.

You agreed and he told you to sit on his bed, while he goes to the kitchen.
He came back with a piece of strawberry cake.
It looked so tasty and creamy.

"The recipe was inspired by you, try it", he gave you the cake and as soon as you tried it, your eyes widened.
"Wow, it's delicious! You have talent! The best thing I ever ate!"

Taeyong chuckled proudly. When you were finished he put the plate away and sat next to you.

"So did you put poison in it?", you asked joking.
"I would never do that, but I see you did. It's your perfume", he got closer, taking it all in, you could feel his breath on your neck.

You felt like screaming but remained silent. He moved his head away from you and stared at you, being deeply lost in his thoughts.

Out of nowhere you felt his soft fingertips, moving a strand of hair from your face and caressing your cheek lovingly.

His touch was so gentle, like a breeze. It made you so weak.

"Why are you doing this all the time?", you could barely speak.

"Because I love the way you are captivated by me, you want me",
he whispered.

You almost shivered, "But you
seem so cold, and at other times your personality is the
complete opposite".

He nodded slightly, carefully listening at what you had to
say next.
You continued, "When you had a fight with Jaehyun...You told him I was yours.
Did you really mean it?"

"Do you really think you would be here right now if I didn't mean it?"

The corners of your lips upturned, his eyes sparkled as soon as he noticed it.

He stroke your hair, touching your neck and then he removed your necklace.
"Your skin is so soft", he said in a low tone.

"These could bother us", he took off your braceletes and gently planted a kiss on your hand.

You were so shook, not being able to believe anything that was going on at the moment. But you had to ask: "How can you be so tough when around others but so caring towards me?"

He gently tickled your neck and you laughed, escaping from him to the other side of the bed. He came closer, you could feel his breath and the warmth of his skin. He glanced at your lips and then looked you in the eyes. You could feel your heart beat... Every single pound in your chest.

"It's because you managed to melt the ice", he whispered.

You barely answered, "W-what ice?"

"The ice that kept my heart so cold".

At his lips' touch you blossomed like the most beautiful rose.
His lips brushed against yours, softly, delicately, like butterfly wings. He kissed you gently at first, and then with a swift gradation of intensity. You didn't allow yourself to let out a moan. He was the dominant one, proving that he only wants you for himself. No sharing.

He parted his lips from yours, sending wild tremors along your nerves, evoking from your sensations you had never known you were capable of feeling.

As soon he let go, you gave him a peck on the lips.
Even if it was for a short time, he found it very cute.

He desired to give you hickeys, but chose not to. He knew it wouldn't be easy to cover them up and people would ask a lot of questions.

"You're so precious", his voice sounded so delightful.

You blushed, and looked away.
As you looked away, you spotted your pinkish bunny pillow on his bed.

"Hey you still have that!", you smiled.

"Yeah, can I keep it?", he asked, staring at you.

"What? No, go buy your own!"

"Oh but pleeeaaseee...", he begged, doing aegyo.

"Why? It's mine", you acted like you were serious.

"Because it smells like you, I like to sleep with it".

"Aww, of course you can keep it".

When you were on your way out, he wished you a good night and kissed your cheek, you hugged him, "Sweet dreams".

"You too, I hope you dream of me", he winked.

You went to your dorm.
You quickly fell asleep, without any worries.

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