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After my last class which was Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall I headed to the library. I had set up everything for the lesson and then sat and waited first 20 minutes then an hour then another and another and before I even noticed they were closing the library. 

He had just decided he didn't want to show! Maybe he's in the Hospital Wing, maybe he was hurt or sick. I decided I'd stop by before curfew just to make sure. I looked in and sure enough, it was empty. I stormed back to the Gryffindor dormitories. I went into the common room and everyone was in there including Harry and Ron who must've been feeling better. When they saw me they rushed over in concern. They all started asking me questions.

"Hey!" I yelled "What are you all freaking out over?" Then Harry spoke up to explain

"We had all wondered where you went because you had left class as soon as it ended. We got extra worried when you didn't even join us for dinner."

"Well that's not the first time I've done that. What made everyone worry this time?" I asked setting my stuff down and taking a seat

"After curfew an owl brought a note saying" Harry said taking the note out if his pocket "Have you seen Hermione lately? You should learn to keep a better eye on her. I'll tell her you miss her before I kill her. And I will unless you bring me Godric Gryffindor's sword. I'm aware you know how it looks Mr. Potter, you did retrieve it from the sorting hat. You will send it this owl to me or Hermione isn't going to be the only one with a problem.
Love, Nobody"

"Did anybody else think it's weird how they referred to Harry as Mr. Potter but referred to Hermione as Hermione?" Ron asked

"I noticed that too, like they know her so they could refer to her as Hermione, but they don't know Harry so they stick to referring to him as Mr. Potter." Lavender Brown said.

"We should tell McGonagall or Dumbledore or somebody. This is serious. She shouldn't be getting death threats." said Katie Bell, one of their quidditch team's chasers.

"No we don't. I mean obviously she's just fine, they were bluffing they can't lay a finger on her in Hogwarts." said someone from the crowd.

"Yeah guys I'm fine and if someone tried to take me I could handle myself just fine." I said.

"I don't know about this Hermione." said Harry warily looking between her and the note.

"I have one person by me all the time, I have you and Ron and then the person I'm tutoring is decently good and could, if needed, definitely buy me time making fun of the kidnapper. They're quite good at that."

"Tutoring?" Ron asked

"Yes I'm tutoring a student and that's why I was gone all this time, well it would have been tutoring  if they would have showed up as planned. I sat there all afternoon after classes and all evening waiting for them to show and they didn't." I said infuriated.

"It's okay, maybe they just got the day mixed up." Said Harry trying to calm me.

"Trust me I know they didn't." I said and then everyone started going up to their dormitories but Fred and George walked over to where she had sat down in a chair.

"So you're tutoring Malfoy?" they asked at the same time

"Yes, but by force. Nobody else would take him and now you can see why." I explained slumping down in my seat with a frown.

"Well he's not worth it." Said Fred

"Yeah and if he does it again just give him one of these." Said George pulling an orange gummy out of his pocket. "I won't tell you what it does but it'll definitely make him regret doing anything to you."

"Thanks" I said examining the gummy as they walked away. I got up and went to my dormitory and changed into my pajamas and went to sleep wondering why he didn't show up.

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