You Owe Me An Explaination

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The next morning I woke up up and realized it was Saturday and it was very nice out. I just wanted to be alone for a while but I had to show up to breakfast or everyone might freak out again. I grabbed my shower stuff and tried to sneak out but as soon as I got into the common room Harry and Ron were waiting for me.

"Hello Hermione" said Harry

"Trying to sneak out early are you?" asked Ron

"I'm going to take a shower." I said

"By yourself?" Harry asked

"Yes because boys aren't allowed in the girls shower room and the other girls aren't allowed in the Prefect bathroom now if you'll excuse me." I said walking to the door. I opened it and walked down to the girls prefect bathroom. Once I got out I put on jeans and a t shirt. I went and put my stuff back in my room and got my homework and then walked down to the Great Hall for breakfast. Everyone was already in there but they hadn't started eating yet. She took her seat on the right of Harry and he said hello. She looked over and saw Draco sitting smiling and laughing as he mocked somebody. Just then Dumbledore stood up to make an announcement.

"Hello students I am excited to announce that we will be throwing a masqurade ball in two weeks it will last for 3 nights you are all required to wear a mask and can't ask anybody to go with you everyone's identity will be a complete mystery. We will be transforming the Quidditch field for the 3 nights to use it for the ball. We will also have a singing contest just for the fun if it I hope you all will come. Just remember have fun and don't tell anyone who you are." After Dumbledore sat down the food cane and everyone started talking about the ball. Everyone ate and talked about the ball and when I looked over and saw Malfoy finish getting up to leave so I told Ron and Harry I'd be right back and that I had to use the bathroom and much to their dislike they let me go. I snuck just outside the door and waited for Malfoy. A minute or two later her came out and didn't really notice me so I spoke up

"You know I'm not that easy to avoid Malfoy." He whipped around and saw me standing there I could tell he was thinking about making a run for it. "Yeah don't even try to run." He just stood there then as I walked over to him. "You are going to tell me why you didn't show up."

"Listen Granger I don't think it's any of your buisness what I do with my time."

"It becomes my business when it cuts into my time now you're going to tell me or I'll tell Professor McGonagall you won't show up to tutoring and then she'll make sure you go and if you get out of it then I'll just have to write to your father and tell him that you aren't showing."

"You wouldn't"

"Watch me" I said going back to breakfast to grab my homework and I walked out and started writing on my parchment my Potions essay but out loud I was saying "Dear Mr. Malfoy I am your son Draco's tutor Hermione Granger and I regret to have to inform you that he isn't showing up to the tutoring sessions and refuses to say why, now I know he is a great boy but he just isn't putting any effort into his school work. I believe if you gave him more of a push he would learn to come to tutoring.
~ Hermione Granger" I said and set my quill down and started to roll up the parchment when Malfoy said

"Wait I'll tell you. You see Flint gave us an out of the blue qudditch practice and then I went to dinner and Crabbe had gotten a letter writing me a death threat so they kept me in the common room."

"What'd they want for your life." I asked

"You say that like you got one too." Malfoy said looking at me oddly

"I did mine said in exchange for my life they want Godric Gryffindor's sword Harry pulled out of the Sorting Hat in the Chamber of Secrets." I said plainly because I wasn't even worried about being killed while I was still on Hogwarts grounds.

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