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I turned to see him standing in the doorway. He was filthy and smelled horid. I wasn't letting this idiot get away. Simultaniously everyone in the room threw a stunning spell at him. They didn't do it on purpose but they did it. Ron fell to the ground. I walked over and took his wand before checking his pulse. There wasn't a pulse. He was dead. He wasn't supposed to be dead just stunned. I didn't want to kill him.

"I-I'm so sorry Mr and Mrs Weasley but he's-" I said but I was interrupted

"Don't you dare be sorry he isn't worth it." Mrs. Weasley said,

"What's happened?" Lily asked

"Ron turned out to be bad and he killed some people." Harry said

"That's devestating. I'm so sorry Molly and Arthur." James said

"Thank you." Mr.Weasley said

"Now about introducing us?" Lily said

"Dumbledore will be so happy to see you." Harry said

"We can't wait." Lily said and she side hugged him as we all walked out. They looked so happy I was so glad Harry had them back. He really did deserve it.

"I'm proud of you they look so happy." Draco said putting his arm around me.

"Thanks, I've been working on it since I heard Harry's parents had been killed with the killing curse. He's been through so much he deserved a good family. His family." I said

"Your an amazing person you know that." He said

"Thanks" I said and then we walked into the school with everyone else. By now it was lunch and everyone was in the Great Hall eating. Lily and James waited outside for us to announce them. I walked in with everyone and they had me go in front of everyone and talk because I was the one to bring them back.

"Hello everyone! I'm back with great news!" I said. Snape tried to leave but I stopped him. "Professor Snape I'n certain you'll want to stay here her this." I said "I mean it's not everyday we find out how to bring people back from the dead." I said and a collective gasp went through the room

"Hermione I'm afraid I don't understand." Dumbledore said

"Recently I've figured out how to brew a potion that brings people who've been hit with the Killing curse back to life. I tested it out first on my parents because as you've all probably heard they were killed by Ron Weasley, who by accident was killed by 11 stunning spells. The potion was sucessful and so in honor of my best friend Harry Potter I've given him an early Christmas present. Come on in!" I yelled to Lily and James. They walked in and everyone gasped. Snape looked ready to pass out, he went white as a sheet and Dumbledore looked like a ghost and McGonagal looked so awestuck.

"I'd like to introduce my parents Lily and James Potter." Harry said proudly and they smiled at him

"Lily?" Snape asked

"Yes Severus it's really me." Lily said to him and he looked ready to cry too. She walked over and hugged him and I saw tears going down his face.

"Well Professor Snape I guess you weren't that bad of a potions teacher after all." I told him and he smiled at me. He actually smiled at me. I didn't think he knew how to smile.

"Thank you Hermione." he said to me

"It was no problem." I said with a smile back. Lily pulled back probably suspecting he'd never let go of her.

"I never thought I'd see you again." he said

"Well now you can." Lily said

"Harry is a good kid you're lucky." Snape said

"Thanks." Harry said

"I will admit I judged him at first because I was mad that you had to die. He survived because you died and I never got over it." Snape said "So Harry I am deeply sorry about how I was too you I just assumed you were mean and awful but it wasn't you that was the mean one."

"I accept your apology." Harry said

"Thank you." Snape said

"No problem. Why hold onto the past when there's a big future ahead of you?" Harry said "And trust me we do."

"Everyone! I'd love to welcome back Lily and James Potter, you were deeply missed." Dumbledore said and a roar went through the Great Hall. Everyone clapped and cheered. Two of the greatest wizards were back, and they were planning on leaving for a while. Everyone stayed for a while as a welcome back party.

"I'm so lucky to have such an amazing girlfriend." Draco said hugging me. I blushed a deep shade of red and hugged him back. He was my bad boy slytherin, but now he's my slytherin prince. After we were done at Hogwarts we went back to St Mungo's. Lily and James were the talk of the wizarding world. Word spreads fast here, but we didn't mind, they loved being able to see everyone again.

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