The First Tutoring Session

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Hermione POV

I was so embarrased to have Draco apologizing to me. I knew he didn't really mean it but I had to accept it anyways. I was not at all happy with him for this, my face itched to no end because the hives were getting worse and where the scar was even though it was fading it still hurt. I decided that I wanted the itching to go away because it was driving me crazy and the pain from the scar was making me cry that I was going to see Madam Pomfrey. When I got to the hospital wing I walked in and didn't see Madam Pomfrey so I called for her

"Madam Pomfrey? Are you in here?" She then walked out of her office and saw me and she looked upset. "Madam Pomfrey the pain is getting worse and the hives are itching horribly."

"Here lay down I'm afraid that you'll need to stay for a while." she said

"Why?" I asked confused

"Well you see you must have to take the antidote hourly because well the cut is opening back up again and well your hives are getting very bad. Now I'll get the antidote and something for your hives." she said and walked into her office and came out with the antidote which was a neon green color and then something for my hives which was more of a metalic color. I took both and then felt very sleepy. I fell asleep in about five minutes. I wokeup what I thought was the next day with Harry, Ron, and Ginny sitting on my bed side. As I started to wakeup I heard them saying things like "Shhhhh guys she's waking up" and "Hermione how are you?" once I was fully awake I saw them more clearly and said

"Hi I didn't expect you all to be waiting here for me it's only just been one night but I feel fine now and look," I said feeling my face "no more hive and no more pain from the cut."

"Listen Hermione you've been out since Sunday night and it's kinda tuesday. Lessons just ended a few minutes ago." Harry said and I freaked I was supposed to be in the library tutoring Draco!

"I have to go! I have tutoring with Draco!" I said trying to get up but they all held me down.

"You're not going anywhere Madam Pomfrey's orders."

"Fine then Ginny if you would please go down to the library and get Draco and bring him up here and qick before he thinks I won't show and leaves." I asked and she ran out in the direction of the library. Ten minutes later her and Draco both walked in. "Thank you Ginny" I said as I got up and got my wand. I was kind of wobbly but I managed. Now i needed something to break. "Draco we're going to start out with the Repairing spell, now lets see here." I said and picked up an empty vial that was sitting on the stand where my wand was. I dropped it on the ground and it shattered. "Watch closely" I said then said "Reparo" and it fixed it's self. I then picked it up and dropped it again. "Now you try it." I said to him. He did the spell and fixed the vial. I picked it up and put it back on the stand. Then I swiped Harry's glasses off his face and threw them on the floor and they broke in half.

"Hey!" Harry said to me "i was kind of using those."

"Yes" i said "and so am I." I pointed at them and said "Oculus Reparo" and they fixed I then stepped on them and broke them again and told Draco to fix them. He did the spell and I had to give Harry his glasses back. We then did some defence spells

"Let's start with Expelliarmus now I'll do it then you can try." I said "Now get ready Expelliarmus!" I yelled and his wand went flying out of his hand. He walked over and got it then did the same to me. We tried that spell four more times till we moved onto Petrificus Totalus. We did that one five times also and then moved onto other spells all of which we practiced five times or until he got them by the time we finished it was dinner and Harry, Ron, and Ginny still hadn't left much to Draco disliking.

"Hermione I think we should be done because it's dinner and I can't stand being with any of you." Draco said in a cold voice

"Fine but unless I'm in here we will be meeting instead of in the library in the Room of Requirement on the seventh floor which you are to tell no one about once we start studying in there because if you do there will be problems. Alright? Great now you can go down to dinner." I said to Draco and he left mumbling something about people always telling him what to do. I laughed to myself a little and they all looked at me questionably but I just waved it off.

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