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I woke up the next morning and got dressed for the day and went into the common room. Harry and Ron were playing Wizard Chess talking about that oh so beautiful girl the saw last night.

"I'm telling you we have to figure out who she is she's gorgeous! Did you see the way her hair shined when she turned around." Ron said

"And her eyes were a perfect shade of brown." Harry said

"Who are you guys talking about?" I asked as I sat down next to Harry.

"This beautiful girl we saw last night she was the one in the dark teal dress." Ron said

"Oh really." I said internally crying I was laughing so hard

"Yeah she was the prettiest one there." Harry said

"Well Ron to answer your question no it did not hurt when I fell from heaven." I said and couldn't hold back my laughter anymore. I fell over off of my seat I was laughing so hard Ron and Harry both looked bewildered.

"That was you!" Ron and Harry said at the same time and I nodded still laughing as I sat back in my seat. I wiped the tears from my face from my laughter.

"That was not nice to lead us on like that! God Hermione I thought you were our friend!" Ron said

"I am but you were very content on dancing with me and I could risk anyone else knowing that was me." I said

"Who knew it was you?!" Harry said

"The girls from my dormitory and Ginny." I said calming my laughing and I heard her laughing as she walked over.

"You knew that was her and youdidn't tell me!" Ron said to her as she sat down.

"You never asked me who she was." Ginny said "Which pick up line did he used?" Ginny asked still laughing

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven." I said and started laughing again

"Oh Ron you need some better pick up lines." Ginny said. We stopped laughing a couple minute later. "Hey Hermione can you help me do my hair for the masqurade since you're so good at it." Ginny asked

"Yeah I'll come by your dormitory just before I get ready and I'll do your hair." I said taking Harry's turn in wizards chess and checkmating Ron because Harry was going to move the wrong piece.

"Hey! You can't do that that's cheating." Ron said

"Not cheating just helping." I said with a smile.

"Well your helping just lost me my game." Said Ron grumpily

"That's for hitting on me." I said with a triumphant smile at his loss for words. The day seemed to go very slowly as I waited to get back to the ball. We wen down to breakfast and everyone was talking about who they might've been dacing with. I looked over at the Slytherin table trying to identify my date but there wasn't a single person who had his hair color. Maybe he changed it to make himself even less recondnisable, he was smart.

"Why do you keep looking at the Slytherin table?" Harry asked as half way through breakfast I looked over for the 5th time trying to think of possible candidates for my date.

"Well it turns out that my date was a Slytherin which was a really big shock to me because he acted the complete opposite of a Slytherin." I said still scanning the table.

"Wait?! You're going to the masqurade with a Slytherin?!" Ron said

"A Slytherin who was more of a gentleman than you were. He didn't hit on me or try to make a move on me or insult me even after he knew I was a Gryffindor. He wanted to get to know me, he wanted to get to know the person behind all the beauty. That's the kind of person I want to date, that's the kind of guy every girl deserves not just one that only cares about how she looks. The whole time I danced with you and Harry you just hit on me and told me how beautiful I was you didn't really want to get to know the person behind the mask. I bet neither of you could answer what your dates' favorite colors are." I said to them

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