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Draco's POV

I sat on my bed awkwardly not knowing what to say. I couldn't tell her the truth could I? No not yet. I needed her to remember herself on her own.

"Well" she asked impatiently

"I uhhh." I said not knowing how to explain the picture. "That's not mine." I said finally.

"Who's is it then?" she asked

"I don't know but it's not mine." I lied

"Draco I can see it in your face that you're lying to me. I know you don't like lying to me. Draco where did you get this." She said looking me in the eye. So I'm busted should I try and lie again. No, she can see right through that.

"I took it a couple day ago." I said

"Where?" she said


"Why?"She asked

"Because Hermione caught me staring at her and told me to take a picture it would last longer so I did." I said

"Why can't I remember it?" She asked,

"I can't tell you that." I said

"Why not." She said angrily

"Because you asked Blaise and I not too." I said

"Lies." she said

"Fine you asked Blaise not to tell you but I won't either because this is what you wanted."

"Tell me now or I will not hesitate to hex you into oblivion." she said pulling out her wand. I got pretty scared but didn't bust. Then she a leg locker curse and my legs locked in place. She walked over to me and took me off the bed and I fell to the floor. She sat on my back and used sone rope from somewher to tie my hands together amd then she tied my legs together. "Gonna tell me yet?" she asked

"Nope." I said

"Alright have it your way." she said and cast a silencing charm on the door and locked it. She then started tickling me take a note that I am probably the most ticklinsh person ever. I was laughing very hard begging her to stop but finally I just gave in

"You didn't want me you wanted to forget because you didn't want to remember me or any of your friends because you think your the problem in our relationship."

"Whoa whoa whoa, relationship?" she asked

"Yeah we were kind of dating for a day there until you friend Ron Weasley got jealous and took it too far. He tried to pry you out of my hands but I wouldn't let go." I said showing her the scars on my arms that I'd covered.

"Ow did he whip you?" she asked touching the scars.

"With a tree branch. My back's a lot worse and I had a broken arm. But you were crying and couldn't take it so once your friend Ginny, Ron's sister, saw him she forced him to stop and I carried you back to your common room and then went down to the hospital wing and blacked out due to blood loss. Then you came in and when I woke up you'd been running out. I didn't listen to Madam Pomfrey telling me to lay back down, I ran after you. You were running and you hit the rail and flipped over it. You were holding on but kept threatening to let go. I told you if you let go I'd jump off the ledge after you and you took my hand. But then a few minutes later you jumped and Dumbledore saved you by making the ground soft. You ran out down to Hogsmeade and found the dress I bought for you that was for the ball tonight and I was going to give it to you, but then you wrote a note on it and well here's the note." I said giving her the note. "Then Ginny, Harry also your friend, and I ran after you and found you. Then you apperated into Hogs Head without us knowing and watched us as we cried and then Blaise kidnapped you but made us think it was like a Death Eater so we went searching for you. He had modified your memory because you forced him to because you didn't want to feel the pain of leaving me. Then I found you when you and Blaise went back to Hogwarts and you were different you were who you are now." I said tears falling down my cheeks and hers.

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