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Harry's POV

"Harry I'm worried about Hermione. What if we never find her?" Ginny said pacing around the Room of Requirement.

"We will I promise." I said giving her a quick hug.

"Thanks Harry." she said. Just then Draco walked in. Was wearing jeans and a long sleeved green shirt and his hair was slicked back like always. "Draco! Any news on Hermione?" Ginny asked

"Oh yeah I got news." he said sounding stressed out.

"What happened then where is she?" I asked

"She had Blaise modify her memory and now she thinks she like a better version of Black Widow she made her hair red and has the suit and everything. It's very disturbig because that's not like Hermione, it's the complete opposite." Draco said

"Maybe that's what she wanted she knew that if you ever found her again that you wouldn't fall in love with her that way. You liked Hermione the way she was and she knew that so she completely changed so you didn't fall in love with her again. She just doesn't want you to get hurt." Ginny said

"It hurts a whole lot more with out her here." Draco said and Ginny walked over and gave him a hug which suprised him but he highed her back.

"I know. It's hard loving someone who doesn't even hardly know your there. Hermione knows your there she just doesn't know why right now. My crush knows I'm here but thinks I've moved on, when I really haven't." Ginny said

"Thanks Ginny." Draco said pulling out of the hug.

"So could we go visit Hermione? I really want to see her even if she has changed." I said

"Yeah but don't call her Hermione she doesn't like it so you have to call her BW." Draco said

"Alright." I said.

"I'm in." Ginny said smiling.

"Okay so we just need to get out of here unnoticed." Draco said and suddenly a trapdoor appeared. He went and opened it and looke inside. "Looks like a way out. I'll go first and Harry you go last." Draco said and I frowned.

"Why do I have to go last?" I asked

"Would you rather go first and possibly be killed easier or go last and watch our backs?" Draco asked

"Why can't he be in the middle?" Ginny asked

"Because we'd want to protect you not have you protect us. We've lived longer than you have." Draco said

"Only by a year." she said

"It's still longer." Draco said as he walked in. "Lumos" he said and his wand light showed brightly in the corridor. Ginny went in next doing the same thing and I went in last copying their example. We walked for a while maybe an hour down a spiral stair case until we reached a tunnel. We walked through the tunnel for about twenty minutes. We then went up another stair case and reached the end. Draco pushed up on the ceiling and it moved. He peeked out to see that we were in Hogsmeade. There weren't many people around so we waited till the coast was clear and came out.

"That was awefully chlostrophobic." Ginny said stretching out.

"I can get you guys to Blaise's house and we an visit her for a little while but take in mind she doesn't know you and Ginny she might hug you because I told her that you stopped Ron from beating me." Draco said

"Then shouldn't she know that she used to date you?" I asked

"No I just said my girlfriend no name. She saw the scars on my arm and asked about them but there's no time for that right now we better get going." Draco said and gripped both of us tightly and we apperated to Blaise's. We ended up in what I guessed was Draco's room. I somehow ended up on top of his wardrobe. I tumbled off and hit the floor with a thud. "That happened to me last time. Sorry I forgot about having to apperate away from the wardrobe." Draco said helping me up.

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