Malfoy Manor

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Hermione's POV

I apperated just behind them into Hogs Head. I watched them to see how they reacted. Draco apperated into the window and picked up the note which had fallen when I apperated. He still hadn't had a shirt on and looked chilled to the bone. Tears started streaming down his face and he collapsed right onto the floor crying with the note crumpled up in his hand. Harry and Ginny apperated in and Ginny tried to comfort Draco as Harry took the note and read it and he looked grief stricken. I felt bad seeing them like this but it was for everyones own good. Me leaving was for the greater good. They'd just get over me and move on, hopefully they'd forget me. I stood watching them letting a tear slip out, I'd miss them but this was for the greater good, they'd live without me and that was better for them. As I stood watching I didn't hear a person come up behind me. They put their hand over my mouth and took a strong grip on me and apperated away with me just as Ginny saw me through the window.

Ginny's POV

"Shhhh Draco calm down. Draco calm down. Calm down." I said holding him as he wept. Harry took the letter Draco had in his hand and read it. He showed it to me and I read it

"Give this to somebody you really love." Yikes that was like a dagger to the heart. Draco continued to cry and I held him in my arms trying to calm him down. I looked over to Harry and then looked out the window and right across the way at Hogs Head I saw her. She had tears coming down her cheeks and then a man appeared behind her and put his hand over her mouth and before I could react, they apperated away with her.

"NO! HERMIONE!" I yelled letting go of Draco and apperating out of the window. I ran over to Hogs Head and looked around. They were gone, really truely gone. Hot tears streamed down my cheeks as I looked around for her but she was no where to be seen. Harry and Draco had appeared behind me and I sobbed into Harry's shoulder an he asked me what was wrong and I told him what I saw. Draco started crying again and Harry asked me if I was sure that's what I saw. "Yes, I saw her standing there watching us with tears in her eyes. Then just as I looked up to see her a man in a dark cloak took her and apperated away. Harry I know it was her she's my best friend."

"It all makes sense." Draco said "It all makes sense now! I can't believe we didn't see it! It was Hermione they were talking about in those letters she's the heir of Gryffindor! They're going to kill her! We need to find her!"

"You don't know that she's the heir for sure." I said trying to think on the bright side

"She can't be the heir anyway she's a muggle born." Harry added

"Don't you guys remember! It said that shs didn't know it! Her parents probably tried to hide it! She might be a pureblood for all we know!" Draco said

"You know what that means?" I said

"My parents will be more leinient about me dating her!" Draco said with a smile hugging me in joy. I hugged him back and could feel his happiness in the hug that his parents might agree to him dating Hermione. Then he let go and said firmly "We have to find her no matter what the cost."

"I'll do anything I can to get her back." I said

"So will I." Harry said

"Do you guys realize we never asked Hermione who she thought the writer was. We just lost our only lead due to stupidity of not bothering to ask." I said

"Well she did say she thought it was someone from Voldemort's side and the person being in a black cloak basically just proved that." Harry said

"We could check my house first." Draco said "If she's there I'm going to have a serious talk with my parents about taking people." He said and took a tight grip of both mine and Harry's arm and apperated to his house. We were just outside his house. It was very creepy and big, definently the house a Death Eater would live in. "Alright now you listen very well you two need to play this right if you want us all to live. Now Harry do you have your invisibility cloak?" Draco asked

"Yeah but how'd you-" Harry said but Draco cut him off

"No time to explain. Now you and Ginny need to get under it and stay very close by me and no matter what happens to me no matter who's in there do not come out. Do you hear me Harry?" he said

"Yeah gosh why do you have to single me out." Harry said pulling the invisibility cloak over the two of us.

"Now we have to wait a minute so that it's not obvious I've been crying or else that'd raise even more suspition." Draco said wiping the tears off his face. We waited until Draco's eyes were no longer bloodshot and his face wasn't blotchy anymore. He replace the smile he'd had on his face with a scowl and we walked up to the door. He did some sort of secret knock and then rang the door bell. His mother answered the door. She looked very happy to see him.

"Draco! How are you what are you doing out of school?" she asked hugging him.

"Well a few minutes ago a girl was taken by someone who we think is a Death Eater and I was so greatful she wa gone she was a giant pain in the butt, stupid mudblood always getting in the way." Draco said and sounded completely believeable, so believeable I had forgotten he was on our side and was about to lunge at him when Harry noticed and held me back. Draco's mother smiled and said

"Ahh yes the Granger girl. Sadly we weren't the ones who took her."

"Do you know who did because I'd really like to thank them she's always getting in my way." Draco said

"No but as soon as I know I'll tell you. Now get back to school the teachers will start to worry."

"Thank you mother I'll be sure to find who ever took her and thank them." Draco said hugging his mother. They said goodbye and his mother wished him good luck at school. We all walked off and apperated away. We went back to Hogsmeade to talk.

"Okay so there are still no leads what are we going to do?" I asked pulling the cloak off of Harry and I and gave it to him to put away.

"We look everywere. We should check and see if they left any trace." Draco said going back to Hogs Head. We all checked for traces and we all got a few.

"Okay so mine is of someone apperating to Kings Cross. Another is to Australlia. Then the last is to Egypt. My gosh why come all the way here for this dump." Harry said quietly

"I got one from Rome another from the same town Draco lives in and then another to the middle of muggle London." I said

"I got ones from the Ministry of Magic, America, and another from Italy." Draco said

"Well we should search all of them. Lets start with the ones in London, Ministy of Magic first so we can tell them about her being missing and they can put it in the Daily Prophet." I said

"Alright we better get a move on we can't waste any time." Draco said and we apperated to the Ministry of Magic.

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