Pranks and Cooking

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Hermione's POV

"What is he talking about?" I asked Blaise as Draco left. Blaise shrugged and left the common room saying he had to use the bathroom before we started. I went upstairs to check on Draco and get Blaise some black clothes to wear. I just walked right in and went over to Blaise's trunk. I opened it and started going through it trying to find black clothes for him.

"What are you doing?" I heard Draco ask from the bed next to Blaise's.

"Well young Malfoy I'm trying find our friend Blaise black clothes to wear when we prank the school." I said

"Can't he get his own clothes?" Draco asked

"Yes but he's not here right now and I want to get started as soon as possible so it's quicker for me to get it and have him immidiately change so we can leave." I said

"Can I come?" He ask I was slightly taken aback.

"I uhhh I guess so if you want to. Just put on all black." I said pulling out Blaise's outfit.

"Alright" Draco said and walked to his trunk and pulled out black clothes. I walked downstairs just as Blaise walked back in. I shoved the clothes at him and turned around as he changed in the common room saving time.

"Hey Blaise Draco said he wanted to come so he'll be joining us." I said double tying my shoes which had come untied. I couldn't risk tripping.

"Are you sure your okay with that I mean he's been acting kind of wierd around you." Blaise said

"Yeah I guess I'm okay with it. He's a bit of a wierdo but I can deal with that for one night if he wants to come." I said "Besides it'll make it easier to make him uncomfortable if he's hanging around us." I said with a smirk.

"No, no, we don't need you strut anymore. That was an awful and traumatizing event I wish I could get out of my head but it has been cow branded into my brain." Blaise said shaking his head

"Cow branded?" I asked with a laugh.

"Yeah you know like seared into my brain." He said in a matter of fact tone

"I know what it is you git I was wondering why you used it." I said

"I don't know, I like cows I guess." He said

"That explains your patronus." I said with a smirk.

"How'd you know my patronus is a cow?! I've never shown it to anyone except the DADA tearchers!" he said looking horrified that I knew that.

"I was spying on you as you did yours." I said with a smirk.

"That's very sneaky." Blaise said

"You really should have saw it coming." I said

"True." Blaise replied just then Draco came walking downstairs in full black. Black really wasn't his color it didn't compliment his eyes that well. I'd see him more of on the green and blue side. I guess I must have zoned out a bit because Blaise had to snap his fingers by my ear. "Does someone have a crushie wushie on Drakie Poo." Blaise teased

"No." I replied snappily " I was judging his outfit."

"What wrong with my outfit?" Draco asked

"It's black and black isn't your color your more of a blue and green person." I said

"You told me to wear black." he said

"Yes I know because you have to I'm just saying black's not your color it doesn't compliment your eyes very well." I said

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