Black Widow

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Hermione's POV

I thrashed around wildly once I was back on solid ground. The figure had let go of me. I whipped out my wand and pointed it at them. Just as I was about to hex them into oblivion I looked around. I knew this place and a smile crept onto my face. I put my wand away and smiled broadly.

"Now Zabini there was a better way to do that." I said walking over and hugging him. Blaise Zabini pulled off his ski mask he was wearing and smiled down at me.

"Now Granger that would have taken all the fun out of "kidnapping" you." he said with a laugh using air quotes around kidnapping. We pulled out of the hug and smiled at each other. I know what your thinking "She's gone mad!" or "What's she thinking he's a Slytherin!" but actually we are friends. Nobody knows of course except us because everyone would flip. We bumped into each other in Diagon Ally and I had bought a wizard book he'd said he'd wanted to read and we just kind of talked after that and became really good friends. He was great like the brother I'd always wanted. "Now may I ask why you are tourturing Draco?" he asked

"I really don't want him hurt. You know what happens everytime someone likes me. They only end up getting themselves hurt." I said crying again

"And more importantly you." Blaise said hugging me to comfort me.

"Oh please I'm the cause of all of it it's all my fault I'm not important." I said inbetween sobs.

"Now you listen you are important and that's why all those boys like you. You're different and they like that. Don't blame yourself for them causing their own trouble." Blaise said

"I wish I could just forget it all." I said

"I'd help if I could but there's nothing we can do." he said. I pondered this thought for a minute and then it came to me.

"Blaise you can help! I can forget it all! We just need to modify my memory." I said pulling away from him.

"Hermione, you aren't honestly considering forgetting all of this are you?" he said

"No Blaise don't you get it we modify my memory and I forget and they move on. I could do it." I said

"You'd forget Draco. You said you loved him." Blaise said

"I do Blaise. That's why I have to do this for him. I need to protect him and if you won't help me I'll do it myself." I said pulling out my wand.

"No. I-I'll help. What do you want to be like?" he asked

"I want to be completely fearless, brave, cunning, and not wanting to go back to Hogwarts, not remember anyone but you and my parents and the teachers at Hogwarts, and I want to be like Black Widow. She's cool." I said laughing with Blaise.

"Alright I'll change you before your memories." he said and cast a charm. Suddenly I was a replica of Black Widow in Captain America Winter Soldier. I had a full back body suit that looked just like hers but with a wand holster and I had straight red hair like hers.

"Really Zabini?" I asked laughing

"Hey you wanted Black Widow." he said laughing holding up his hands.

"Lets just get this over with." I said once I stopped laughing.

"Are you really sure?" Blaise asked

"Yes and make it completely irreversable I don't want to end up remembering anything." I said

"Alright but Granger just know that I'd be your friend either way." Blaise said

"Thanks Zabini now hurry up." I said standing in front of him. A small tear slipped down his face and one fell down mine too and then he did it. Suddenly I felt like a new person completely changed for the better good.

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