Chapter 8

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Our breaths formed little clouds as soon as they hit the cold air and the sun let the frozen meadows, trees and cars sparkle in its light. Jun was playing around with Chenle a few meters in front of us and I think I've never seen him happier. 

"So what about your parent's? Aren't they going to miss you two?" Renjun asked, walking next to me.

"Nah we're basically out the house or in Juns case silently playing in his room, so they're never gonna notice." I answered, burying my hands deeper in the pockets of my jacket.

"And when they look after you or call you for breakfast, lunch or dinner?"

"Well then they're gonna notice but that's way to late."

The boy next to me shook his head in disbelief but went with the answer I gave him.

Jun hung tiredly with his head on my shoulder as we reached the outskirts of Seoul, searching for a place to stay. It wasn't easy but after an hour we managed it to find a hotel. With our last money we managed it to get a room and went upstairs, ignoring the weird looks the woman at the reception gave us.

"I'm taking this bed." Haechan shouted and threw himself on the single bed.

"I'm sleeping at the top." Jisung shouted and climbed up the ladder of the loft bed.

Mark sat down on the bottom of the bed. So now there was still a double bed and a sleeping couch left.

"My side." Jaemin shouted, taking one half of the double bed.

"The other side is mine." Jeno said and vanished in the bathroom.

"I'll take the couch then." Chenle mumbled and sat down on it.

"What about Hyemin and Jun?" Renjun asked.

"Your problem." Jaemin gave back.

He obviously didn't like me. No clue what I've ever done to him. Maybe I'm breathing the same air as him and are not honoured or something.

"Take the other half of the couch I'm sleeping with Jaemin and Jeno on the double bed." Renjun offered and I nodded gladly.

One after another went showering and made himself comfortable on his bed. If my parents would know I was sharing a room with seven guys, oh boy I would be dead. I listened to the boys making plans on where to go next but didn't participate in their discussion since I didn't cared where we went exactly. I was just glad to get rid of the sudden and overwhelming urge to run away that hunted me for years by now.

"Wake up sleepy heads!" A voice called and I buried my face groaning in my pillow. "I'm serious guys. We already have 10:30."

"What?" Another voice nearly screamed and I sat up with closed eyes.

"Oh holy shit." Some other voice said and then appeared a thud and a painful groan.

"Noona." The only voice I could recognise immediately called and titch threw himself at me.

Not having any body tension we both fell back in my pillow and Jun giggled happy.

"You know what? Jaemin fell off the bed." Jun wispered and I giggled sleepy.

"Serves him right." I mumbled.

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