Chapter 24

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A few days passed and we ran completely out of food. Jeno was whining none stop, Renjun tried to tell me that everything would be fine with Jun since I was going insane about it, Mark and Jaemin were discussing like an old married couple where we should go for about an hour and Haechan on the truck bed enjoyed the silence. How desperately I liked to switch places with him.

"We need to meet a person like Minji again." Jeno sighed and I nodded, my gaze fixed on the street outside in case we would find Jun along with Chenle and Jisung. The fact that my little brother was somewhere with the youngest of the seven boys was definitely not calming but at least he wasn't alone.

"We're running out of gasoline." Mark,  who was driving, mentioned.

"Pull up to a gas station." I ordered.

As I said Mark pulled up to the next gas station.

"How do you wanna pay for the gasoline?" Jeno asked confused.

"We don't." I said rummaging through the things behind the back seat.

"What? Oh no we not gonna steal gasoline." Mark protested.

"You seriously need to losen up." I rolled my eyes at him.

"We're such a bad influence." Renjun whined and covered his face with his hands.

"Get your shit together we just take it from someone else so basically it's payed and not stolen." I said and hold up a tube. "At least not stolen from the gas station. Also I told you we should safe my last money but no, none of you wanted to listen to me." I ranted.

Quickly I got out the car and inserted the tube into the tank of the freshly with gasoline filled car next to us. Deep enough to be sure it's under the water surface before I wrapped my fingers around the other end and started to suck in the gasoline. Soon the gasoline run trough the tube and I inserted it into our tank, spitting out the gasoline that managed to get in my mouth. The boys, especially Haechan, watched me closely with an opened mouth.

"Anything else we should know about you?" Haechan asked as I threw the tube beside him and closed both gas caps.

"Not really it's funnier if you don't know." I smiled and climbed back in the car. "Hit the gas before they notice it." I said to Mark and he did.

"What the hell do you do in your free time, Watson?" Jaemin asked.

"Well actually working but for now being a lawless person." I answered with a smile.

"And where did you learned that?" Jeno asked interested.

"Nowhere really but my dad explained me once that if you need to get gasoline out the tank you need to insert the tube under the water surface to reach the gasoline."

"Parenting gone right." He laughed and high fived me.

At least one who appreciated my knowledge about cars and stuff.

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