Chapter 15

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I walked well rested downstairs and got greeted by an embrace from Jun and a sweet smile from Minji.

"Good morning." I mumbled with a sleepy smile on my face and ruffled Juns hair, before I sat down to get some breakfast.

"Good morning dear." Minji smiled and I eyed stunned the breakfast that could have been straight out of a five star hotel. 

It didn't took long until everyone of us was up and at the table. The first time I saw the boys with a bedhead and in comfortable clothes.  Jaemin became just thousand times more sympathic towards me. But well let's not waste to much of my ability to see on him.

"How long do you kids are planing to stay?" Minji asked curious, seemingly enjoying our company.

"I don’t know. How long are we allowed to stay?" Mark asked.

"Don't mind if it would be forever." She laughed happy, forming her eyes in two crescent moons.

"I guess a few days couldn't hurt." Haechan said thoughtfully and Mark nooded.

"Sounds great." Minji smiled and clapped her hands together in excitement.

While Minji went grocerie shopping with Chenle and Jisung, who both offered their help, sat I comfortably on the couch and continued reading 64. Jun was exploring the house which I could tell from his little footsteps running around. My mind wandered of to yesterday's talk with Minji and I stared out the window with a facial expression that could have propably been a meme. My eyes met the reflection of a wall with Fotos in the room next to the living room. Hesitating I got up and tip toed over to take a look at the pictures. It were mostly pictures of her and some dude, maybe her boyfriend and later on husband or anything. As I expected she looked beautiful in her younger days. My eyes darted around the wall and ended up on a piece of newspaper. I couldn't really tell what it was about since the letters were nearly vanished. It was propably very old. Quickly I got back in the living room and fell on the couch. Right in time before Renjun walked around the corner and fell on one of the armchairs. He smiled at me for a short moment and I had some library café flashbacks. Somehow I missed those days.

"You know I would like to have a jasmine tea and two caramel cookies now." He grinned, obviously feeling like back in the library café again too.

"Oof I miss the caramel cookies." I sighed and Renjun laughed.

"Yeah they were to good to be real."

"Of course they were. I made them after all." I said sassy and threw my hair back.

"We're seriously not a good influence on you." Renjun sighed.

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