Chapter 10

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Apparently it was some time in the afternoon, as we sat on the meadow to rest a bit. Seoul far away behind us. Jun still ran around, picking a little bouquet of daisies to place them gently in my messy hair.  He never looked happier or livelier than now. His dark brown teddy bear like eyes sparkled at the sight of the bright flowers in my dark hair.

"Now you look like a princess." He squealed happy and I smiled lovely at him.

"But wasn't she the empress?" Renjun asked.

"She can be princess again. Or are we still drama queens?" Jun looked questioning at me.

"It's fine I can be princess again." I laughed and hugged the little child in my lap.

His little arms wrapped around my neck and he buried his face in my hair, taking in the shampoo I used the evening before.

"You're hair smells like Renjun's." He mumbled. "Are you finally dating him?"

Hopefully his eyes met mine and I shook smiling my head.

"I had no other choice. There was only one shampoo." I giggled.

"I miss your apple shampoo." Jun pouted.

"Me too titch." I smiled and let him open my jacket so he could snuggle in.

Glad I bought the jacket one size bigger than needed I closed it again up to Juns nose and watched him getting comfortable.

"I am not little." Titch protested and I grinned down at him.

"You sure about that?" I asked cheeky.

"Yes I am so..." He stopped midway because he realised that my jacket doesn't allowed him to show with his hand how tall he is. "I am tall." He said in the end and buried pouting his face in my sweater.

"Of course titch." I laughed and patted nodding his fluffy dark hair.

Soon the little child fell asleep. Must be tiring to be captain of a messy group. Softly smiling I picked the daisies out of my hair and started braiding them into a flower crown. It weren't enough flowers to fit me but enough to fit on Jun.

We decided to stay the night on the meadow since no one wanted to wake Jun up and the sun was already setting. Jaemin and Chenle went to collect some wood so we could make a fire and not freez to death. Well we only would've starved since we hadn't food with us. Soon it was completely dark. The only thing making us able to see something and stay warm was our bonfire. I laid Jun next to me on the meadow and missed his warm little body immediately but he couldn't stay there forever.

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