Chapter 13

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"Noona did something happen yesterday? Jaemin keeps glaring at you." Jun asked suspicious.

"Nothing in particular. I may have destroyed his ego but that was to big anyway." I answered nonchalantly and the little devil giggled amused.

"Did Renjun watch?" He asked eyebrows wiggling.

"Titch!" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What?" He asked inocently.

"This was not meant to impress Renjun. It was meant to shut Jaemin up." I said but laughed at his disappointed face.

"Someday you two will date I can feel it." He said and nodded to himself.

"Sure thing titch." I laughed and let him run off to the front next to Mark.

Finally we made it out of the forest and ran through a cornfield to end up on a highway. Joking and laughing we walked along the highway and soon entered a little village. Curious we wandered through the streets and looked around until we met a cute old lady. Jun being the social person he was immediately started talking with her over her fence and I knew she liked him straight up from the beginning he talked to her. Curious she eyed our appearance which wasn't the best honestly but she smiled at us anyway.

"You guys look hungry and a little bit tired." She noticed. "Do you want to come in? You can take a shower while I cook you something."

Hesitating we looked at each other. None of us really sure if we could trust her and even my intuition wasn't helpful this time. But Jun, as the captain, decided very fast and pushed the fence gate open. The other boys followed him while I still looked unsure around. My eyes meeting the pair of eyes of her neighbour. He shook slightly his head but turned away leaving me more clueless than before.

"Won't you come my dear? It's getting dark." She smiled and Renjun moved his head reassuring towards her house.

Sighing I gave in and followed them in the house.

While one after another went showering and returned in a completely new outfit the lady laid out for each of us took I some time and wandered through her living room, looking at her big collection of books.

"Would you help me in the kitchen dear?" The lady called from were I asumed was the kitchen.

"Uhm yeah I'm coming." I called back and started searching for the kitchen.

Finally finding it after five minutes I went to wash my hands and looked questioning at her.

"You can cut the vegetables in slices." She smiled at me and gave me the knife before she continued talking. "You weren't showering yet?"

"No I let the boys shower first." I answered still insecure.

"Oh of course a lady takes her time in the bathroom." She giggled amused and I managed it to smile. "Oh by the way I'm Minji if that makes you less stiff and insecure." Minji introduced herself, making me wonder if I was really that obvious.

"I'm Hyemin. It's nice to meet you." I smiled, feeling really a bit less insecure.

At least I knew now the name of my potential murder if she was one.

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