Chapter 16

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Apparently it was evening again and we were eating some snacks while playing ludo and talking. Jun was already asleep since his exploring adventure was obviously tiring. Minji was curious about our reason to run away from home and simply asked us to talk about it. Each of the boys explained there reason which was mostly just the will to experience an adventure. Pretty fast it became clear that none of the boys actually planed to meet each other. They just met and decided to continue together. Minji and I were both surprised since the seven seemed to know another for almost years.

"And how about you dear? Why are you on the go with them?" She asked and six pairs of eyes, excluding Renjun, stared curious at me.

Only now I realised that except for Renjun none of the others knew my reason to run away. Uncomfortable with the whole attention I cleared my throat and focused my eyes on the bowl of grapes.

"Well to keep it short my parents are fighting like 24/7 and one evening I had enough of seeing my family break apart in front of my eyes. So I grabed Jun, some important stuff and met the boys in a hotel." I explained and was greeted with silence.

"Okay the hotel could have been pure coincidence but how exactly did you end up in Renjun's and Chenle's room?" Jeno asked confused.

Smiling sheepishly Renjun and I held our phones up as a hint.

"Wait... how?" Jisung furrowed his eyebrows and the poor boys became so confused that Minji nearly started to laugh.

"I see I'm getting some tea here. Go on." She giggled and let a grape disperse in her mouth.

"We met at the library café I was working before I ran away. He became kind of a regular there and one day Jun showed up at my working place and became kinda friends with Renjun and well somehow I ended up getting his number."

Jisung nearly fell from his chair and the rest just sat there with an opened mouth. Seems like I brought a whole new world towards them with that information.

"So this is where you went everyday." Chenle grinned and wiggled with his eyebrows.

"For your information the reason why I went there was because of the books and the feeling of home." Renjun defended himself, shoving Chenle softly.

"Are you sure? I clearly remember my brother saying that you found me sympathic without even having a proper conversation with me." I teased, making the boys laugh.

"So you're betraying me now? I thought we were a team." Renjun looked offended at me and I smiled apologetically.

"Well children it's getting late. Let's end the game and go to bed." Minji said, stopping our teasing session even though she had her fun with it as well.

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