Chapter 28

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"You guys are akwardly silent." Haechan mentioned after Jaemin and I had switched places with Jeno and Renjun after a little break and sat silently next to another.

"I'm enjoying it." Mark answered without hesitation and I smiled briefly.

"Did anything happen on the truck bed?" Haechan asked further.

"No." We answered both at the same time and way to fast for the liking of the two boys.

"You sure? The was a very loud bang after I stopped the car at the railway crossing." Mark smirked and looked at us through the driving mirror.

"Well yeah my head banged against the car. Nothing serious." Jaemin said insecure.

Boy definitely knew how to be not obvious that something happened.

"Just that? Nothing more?" Haechan asked.

"Yup. Nothing more why?" I asked back deciding to cover our embarrassing and definitely not planed kiss up.

"It was just deadly silent afterwards and knowing your love for another you would have laughed at him." Haechan smiled sweetly. 

"You guys must just overheard my laughing." I smiled back.

"Oh we would at least have heard Jaemin yelling at you." Mark mentioned and I realised there was no way they would believe us that nothing happened.

"So last chance to confess before we start making up conspiracy theories." Haechan, who seemed to enjoy our dilemma, laughed.

Before Jaemin could tell the truth I stomped on his foot to make him shut up. He gave me a painful but angry glare but didn't say anything.

"Your choice?" Mark asked grinning.

"We would like to have some theories. Sounds way to interesting than telling the already stated truth again." I answered confidently and saw the grin on the faces of both boys in the front seat vanish.

They obviously expected that we would spill the truth but let's be honest hearing some conspiracy theories about oneself was way more interesting. It went dead silent as both tried to come up with the most interesting theory. Jaemin and I looked at each other in amusement. Of course both hadn't thought they needed to make a theory now but sucks to be them I guess.

"Can't you just say the truth?" Haechan whined desperate.

"Nope." I smiled, empathsizing the 'p' with amusement.

Groaning he let his head fall against the head support and I could imagine him rolling his eyes at my stubbornness.

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