Chapter 18

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Panicked we looked at each other before we decided to do the dumbest thing we could have done. Splitting up. I had a bad feeling about this. Especially since I had to set Jun back on the ground and practically left him with one of the boys.

"I swear to god. If this turns out to be a horror film scenario were gonna be screwed." I wisper yelled at Jaemin, who coincidentally had to run next to me.

"I don’t want to die with your presence either. Wouldn't be a peaceful death." He gave back and I scoffed.

We both looked over our shoulder to see if we were followed and we were. Why me? On top of that my clumsy ass had to trip over a rail and fell on the hard gravel gashing both of my knees and scratching the palm of my left hand.  Not taking the opportunity to turn it into the dramatic 'continue running without me' moment, since I actually wanted to stay alive, I grabed Jaemins hand and got quickly up. Wait... he offered me his hand to help me up? Okay I need to note that down in my nonexistent adventure book later. We hid inside an empty wagon that used to be filled with coal. Both of us trying to keep our breaths silent and flat.

"How was it with a bit adrenaline again?" I asked sarcastic.

"Shut up." He gave back.

Very creative of him.

I glanced through the gap between the wagon doors but couldn't see anything.

"I guess it's gone." I wispered and carefully opened the door to look around.

"I hope so." He wispered back and carefully followed me outside the wagon.

We walked around for a while, trying to find the others but we had no luck. Instead of finding the others we only met the thing that chased us before again.

"Run." I screamed, grabbing Jaemins wrist and dragged him right with me towards the fence.

Inelegant we landed on the other side and continued running even though we both realised the thing didn't follow us over the fence. Breathless we sank down on the grass under us and looked at each other. Sweaty and with black streaks from the coal dust in the old coal wagon. In my case even bloody. Wistful I turned my gaze down on my pants which was busted on both knees now and full with blood.

"You're bleeding." He noticed and immediately took off his backpack and pulled out his water bottle and a first aid kit.

"No shit Sherlock." I said nonchalantly and tried to stop him from taking care of my wounds.

"Shut up Watson. You're bleeding like hell." He said and carefully canted some of his water over my knees to get rid of the coal dust in it.

Before he could put a bandage around each knee I seriously stopped him. This moment was way to cliché.

"Okay thanks I can do the rest by myself. Turn around." I ordered and took the bandages from him.

At first he didn't understand why he should turn around but quickly got that I didn't want to take the risk that my now ripped pants would end up in my wounds. Quickly I had my knees bandaged and my pants back up and told him he could turn around again.

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