Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

'How could it be hers? There is just no way possible unless...unless she had a suitor who she loved. That would make some sense but according to the rules, you are not allowed to have sexual relations with someone unless you were married to them. The key word here is 'married'. The chief continued trying to convince himself 'That is not possible. She was being monitored even after she left the village. I never saw her meet any guys. She always seemed focused on her family. I must believe in her but l now know that the elders will come for her for sure regardless of the fact that she is innocent. She broke another rule and deserves to be punished.

Edena's P.O.V

I was slightly scared that the girls might catch on to the baby being a girl but luckily her healing magic worked some wonders and actually kept up the illusion that the baby was a boy. Sighing slightly, my shoulders drooped in relief as l tried to push out some negative thoughts of 'what if?'. What if they noticed? I mean they probably suspected her relation to the baby because she, oops, l mean he, looked nothing like me. In my peripheral, l heard someone slip into the house. They concealed their aura so l could not sense any leaking killing intent. I did not want to make the girls aware of this so l said to Mira "Take the baby outside since there is some sunshine today. Also, you can decide his name l will leave it to you!"

The girls squealed in excitement and said: "Thank you so much sister! We will pick a good name!" Freya dragged Mira out of the room while holding the baby in her other arm. It was slightly dangerous but she managed to do it. Once they were out of the room, I turned to the person and said: "Come out. I know you're here. Enemy or foe, expose your intentions." The person did not move at all and even edged towards the window as if they wanted to jump through it. I quickly rushed towards them to close the windows: "Don't. Even. Think. About. It. You WILL stay here and explain why you are spying on my family."

The figure shook its head slightly before talking: "You don't need to know who l am. All you need to know is that you are in danger because of that baby. You know you are breaking village rules by having a baby out of wedlock. You may be severely punished by being in isolation for years on end with the very same baby. Are you willing to do that? Besides, whose baby is it anyways?" I shook my head as l wondered why people always asked 'obvious' questions. "Its mine. Now please leave. I don't need your protection and l will accept whatever the leaders are planning. If – "But l was cut off with: "Boy or Girl? Please don't tell me it is a boy. That would be even more dangerous for you people." Laughing slightly, l said: "Oh well. Danger it is then because my baby is a boy."

The figure tousled their hair in frustration: "You know what. Just say that this baby is mine. That way l can protect you. Besides, l won't be heavily punished and l could get married to you." I shook my head in desperation. "I don't want to marry you!" The room suddenly got colder and l could not feel the sunshine that was previously streaming into the hut. Darkly, the figure, l am guessing a 'he' since he asked for my hand, retorted: "What exactly do you mean? Who said you had a choice? I have waited for you for years and if l don't get you this time, l will regret it for the rest of my life."

Walking towards me intimidatingly, the man added: "Let's have some fun right here." "NO! NO! I gave birth today! You can't do this to me!" He just laughed: "I cannot wait any longer. I willget what l want today regardless of your condition." I tried to protect myself and run away from the man and towards the door but he got there before me and closed the door, effectively barring me from escape. I backed into a wall and he put his hands on either side of me. "Since someone else has already sampled you. I can go in without any reserve." He lowered his head to kiss me but l moved my head to the side. He chuckled slightly: "So feisty! I love it."

Author note: Now here is one of the checkpoints where the story could divert. Mature or not mature? Please comment on which one you'd prefer and the next chapter will change a lot of things. There will be more opportunities in the future to pick how you want the story to progress. Enjoy!!

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