Chapter 12 non-mature

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Author note: Hmm, do you think l should do Jane's P.O.V next? Please do tell and enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 12- non-mature

Recap: Mira just looked at her nails nonchalantly: "Answer our question first and then we'll answer yours." I laughed madly: "GOOD! GOOD! VERY GOOD! If l Edena don't make you spit blood, God will strike me dead!" I wiped sweat from the pressure off my forehead before continuing: "I don't know why you, my two sisters are denying knowing this child. This child is your nephew and my child!" Everyone collectively gasped in shock and astonishment.

             I just looked at my nails while letting the idea permeate into people's minds very used to the reaction already. This was getting boring and the baby- no my baby was still there coughing up soil. Better make it quick so the girl doesn't die. "Yes, Yes, the baby is my child and l had her out of wedlock. Well..." I turned to my sisters, who l knew set up this ploy so l could deny this baby, and smirked. "Dear sisters, you cannot deny that you don't know this baby because you saw it lying next to me this morning. No doubt about it!"

They averted their eyes in guilt but still managed to make it seem like were pondering about the validity of my statement which incriminated me even more. "My baby, actually isn't out of wedlock." One of the onlookers jeered: "If it wasn't out of wedlock, how did you have the baby? It couldn't have created itself." I looked at him in annoyance: "I was just getting to that. You see, l met a man from this village and we fell in love. I trusted him whole-heartedly and gave myself up to him since l knew he could never marry me anyways. A few weeks after that pleasure incident. l got pregnant and didn't even tell him because he was in a high position and could not afford to be burdened with my load. I kept the whole thing quiet and left the village periodically so that l could deliver safely outside and no one would know anything. Who would have thought that the moment l put the baby down, l was betrayed by my own sisters!"

        The people all around me were now looking at my sisters in contempt and jeering them for their lack of loyalty to family. This was quite a big crime in the village. Mira shook her head in denial: "WE did not betray her on purpose. We just wanted our family to be rid of the stain on our already worse reputation. We did not want this illegitimate baby to ruin everything." Some of the onlookers seemed convinced and looked at me to see what l would say in response. "But l am your eldest sister Freya, Mira. I looked after you all these years. Do you think that l would not have a plan for this baby? Why didn't you just talk to me?"

                 "But we did try to talk to you!" Freay desperately shouted: "But you just never listened or gave us any information on what your plan was, If you did not trust us. Why should we then continue to trust you?" I shook my head in disappointment: "You have now ruined our family and blackened my reputation." Mira glanced up sharply: "So you mean that your reputation was clean before the baby?" I nodded in agreement and Mira looked at the crowd triumphantly. "You see! She herself just indirectly admitted that the baby can't be hers. IF she was truly seeing this guy like she supposedly says, then her reputation would have been blackened from the very beginning. The very fact that she believes that only the baby blackened her reputation means that she knows the consequences and probably took a baby from somewhere. I know my argument does not seem very logical but it does make some sense, right?" Now, l was seriously sweating. I cannot let them doubt that the baby is mine. But spoken word just wouldn't do!

"I think-" "The baby is MINE. I am the father." The whole group now turned to see who came in declaring such a powerful statement. "Th-th-the ch-chi-chie-chief!" THE CHIEF?! I turned around to get a good look at my saviour. 'Why would he save me? What are his motives?" He walked right past other people, placed his hand on my cheek and caressed it. "How l have missed you, my love." WHAT?!

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