Chapter 10 - non mature

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Author's note: This is the non-mature part as promised. Just a reminder, l don't publish chapters on weekends because that's when l normally do work. Enjoy!

Recap: I backed into a wall and he put his hands on either side of me. "Since someone else has already sampled you. I can go in without any reserve." He lowered his head to kiss me but l moved my head to the side. He chuckled slightly: "So feisty! I love it."

I looked up fiercely at him and said: "Reveal yourself!" But he just didn't reply. And instead kept lowering his head until the touched my lips for a second. The moment his lips touched my mine, he relaxed and l took the opportunity to push him away from me. "What do you think your doing?!" I shouted, "How can you kiss an unmarried girl! Aren't you trying to ruin my reputation?!" 

              The man titled his head in confusion. "If you aren't married, then how did you have the child?" I looked down. It was time to bring my acting skills to the forefront to save myself otherwise my whole family could seriously get in trouble. *sniff * *sniff * "You see l had a friend! And l really trusted this friend. 9 months ago, said friend drank too much alcohol and ended up raping me. I was so consumed by shame that l almost killed myself but you know, l have my sisters to look after you know. So, l decided to come back to the village but l kept my pregnancy a secret until today when l had to give birth. I went extra late last night but my water broke and l had a painful birth. When l came back to the village, l hid the baby in my clothes so that no one would notice that l had had a baby."

                       The masked man sighed in pity. "You have really suffered a lot. What can l do to help you?" I shook my head in denial. "There is no need for you to get involved. I can solve this myself and if my family goes on trial, l will die in their stead since it was me that the shame was inflicted upon." Then l proceeded to sob quietly to appeal to his masculine instinct to protect. "Are you okay Edena?" My head whipped up so fast l almost broke it. "How do you know my name?" The man just laughed wryly: "I don't think that anyone is this village doesn't not know your name or your family." I nodded in agreement. The man knelt down on his knees. "I am so sorry for taking advantage of you Edena. I was so wrapped up in my want for you that l did not acknowledge your feelings. I am so sorry for also bringing up memories of the previous rape. Please forgive me?" I huffed and turned my head to the side. "Not forgiving." 

                      He just laughed in response: "So petty as always." I looked at him sharply again trying to figure out who it was behind the mask. "Keep looking at me all you want!" He even stroked a pose after saying that but l just thought he was shameless and turned around.

His tone then changed and became more serious: "But the matter from before is really life threatening. If you do not try to remedy the matter, then your family really will be killed. The elders are gathering this evening for the assembly with proposals to destroy you. What will you do about that?" I sank to my knees in despair: "l do not know what to do at this point. I have no plans. But l still do not plan to ask for your help. Please leave now. I don't want to see you anymore. I know that my sisters are coming in a minute and l don't want them to see you. Leave." 

                     The masked man sighed and shook his head. "Fine. I won't come back but l'll protect you from the side-lines. You will not die that easily trust me and believe in me. Honestly, l know that you won't know who said this but l love you. From the bottom of my heart and l want us to be together. I will try the hardest that l can to win your heart. Goodbye" Frowning, he said these words and then opened the windows to see if anyone was coming. He jumped through the window and disappeared from sight. Wiping my tear-stricken face, l smiled in relief. He was finally gone. Also, I looked at the empty space where he previously stood while thinking: 'Who would marry a pervert like him? If l had not thought first, he really would have taken my virginity today. That was some quick thinking there!' Patting myself on the back, l stood up and moved towards the door. 

However, my sisters opened the door so swiftly that it hit me and l fell down painfully. They looked down and saw me on the ground so they helped me up as they apologised. "So sorry sister! We didn't see you there." Wincing, l replied: "It's fine. Where is the baby?" The two looked at each other nervously so l asked the question again: "WHERE IS THE BABY?" Mira replied in a small voice: "We buried it." I paused before processing those words. "YOU DID WHAT?"

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