Not So Average

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*Photo of Juniper*

Beep Beep Beep
"Ugh" I groaned smacking the alarm clock as it stopped, dragging myself out of bed. My days always went the same way: 8 am class till noon. Noon to three clock in at the diner, closely watching everyone who enters and leave, I go to the bar at eight and do the same thing as i did in the diner. I got paid for not only undercover work, but i got paid just like the diner workers and bar workers do as well. We have been investigating some local gang violence and deaths spread around the city. I was off on the weekends when my partner took over. I walked over to the bathroom. I'm around five foot six, flat stomach and defined curves from being in the force. I run and workout constantly to prepare for the line of duty. I have long hair to the lower part of my back thats magenta at the moment. Due to my position as a hard working college student, I am aloud to show off my tattoo's and I'm aloud to have my hair any color i want it. I stick with magenta because it blends and makes me tattoos pop out. Same with my eyes, they were dark bluish with an almost purple outline. My boss says I'm the badass of the police force. I dont need to go to school, but there's evidence of gang related activity within the university here, so I'm being paid to go to school and I'm getting my masters degree at the same time.

"Morning sleeping beauty."
"Hey Ollie, plans today?" I sipped my coffee as Oliver flipped the eggs on the stove.
"Well, we have word that there's a deal of some kind going down at the diner tonight. Hell its a big enough deal the chief may be stopping in." I nearly spit my coffee out.
"THE chief? The guys who is supposedly running the damn force without being scene?" He laughs and rolls his eyes.
"Yep him alright."I groaned and finished off the cup of coffee.
"Great just what i need today." I pulled out my phone seeing one unread message from the schools.
"Dear Students, due to unexpected power failures on campus, classes are canceled for the rest of the week." I spoke out loud and fist bumped the air. "YES one less thing to do. What do we do now Ollie?" I pour the rest of the coffee into my mug, as my phone started ringing.
"Juni, Baby. I had my morning waitress walk out on me today, can you work now through your shift tonight? Ill pay you time and a half for it!" I hear Steves gruff voice on the phone. I sigh.
"Yeah give me an hour to get ready and get there, ill see you soon. *click* Welp, never mind that statement I'm apparently working an extra 6 hours today." I sighed and walked back into my bedroom. The diner doesn't have much of a dress code. Just as long as you have your apron and hair up. I went to my dresser pulling out underwear, bra, and a pair of jeans. Walked over the closet and grabbed a black v-neck fitted shirt. I walk into the bathroom and hop into the shower, i have a special shampoo mixed with my hair color to make sure it stays vibrant. My only rule when i got permission to color it was to make sure it didn't look trashy. I call it hacking the system a little bit. I blow dry my hair, throw on the clothes, put on some mascara and lipgloss, tie up my hair and leave my bedroom.
"Ollie I'm off to work! Ill see you tonight!"
"Later boo bear, stay safe, ill be at the diner in my usual spot around 2. Be safe!" I grabbed my keys and apron and leave the house.
I drive a brand new, newly rebuilt 1967 Chevy impala in sleek black. Everything from tan leather interior to a casket tape playing radio. She was beautiful, and i fell in love with the car when i was in high school. Call it the ultimate Fan girl, but them Winchesters in Supernatural new what a car was, and yes i named her Baby of course. I started her up and she purred right away. It was chilly this morning, fog laying over the areas. I pull up to the dinner grabbing my things and walking in.
"JuniPoo!" Sage squealed running to me. We have been best friends since diapers, she and I aren't allowed to work together at the diner usually because last time some guy grabbed her ass and i took him down, we had way too much fun with it too.
"Hey baby cakes." I smiled walking over to her. We were both undercover, on the same mission, she was more into people and reading them. I was good with computers, and looking hot to get information out of them without them knowing. We were a good team. "Anything new?"
"Nothing Ollie hasn't already informed you of. Two dead on fifth street last night, although lab says it was a double homicide due to each-other. They must of had an old fashion stand off because all evidence points to the pulling the trigger and killing each other. Nothing else." She then shushed the conversation as Steve walked over.
"Okay people I'm unlocking doors, girls no monkey business." He pointed at us and we smiled. "Juni your in charge, i have to go to the store for potatoes and avocado."

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