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I sat in the waiting room of the hospital with everyone waiting. Reggie and Sages Funerals were two days ago, Oliver slumped into a depressed state. We were quiet and i was overly anxious. This was the second surgery Deans had on his leg. He has had a blood transfusion and had to get more amputated due to infection. Just above the knee. He had three broken ribs and a fracture in his eye socket, on top of missing a leg. He was severely dehydrated and malnourished. The doctor said she was amazed that he survived as long as he did. So now we wait. Oliver was rocking Amara, Kat the same with Micheal. I wanted them here so if Dean was ready to meet them he could, or if something happened the babies could see him one time before we left. Ive never been so scared in my life, I was a mom now. I didn't want to do this alone. Even though Apollo and Phoenix were constantly with me and the twins, it was hard to think about it being this way constantly. Even if Dean pulls through we have a lot of ground to cover. Wolves heal fast,  but he still has to go through therapy for his leg, learning to walk on a prosthesis. I was biting my nails when KAt comes over, handing Micheal to me who was glaring at me.
"I know momma's stressing out. Your daddies in there and I'm scared baby boy." I kiss his little nose and he blinks relaxing himself. I swear this kid doesn't like anything i do unless I'm smiling.
"Thompson?" We all look up to the doors as s Doctor stood there. Katrina stood up first since shes the only blood relative.
"Yes?" She asked her voice quivering.
"So Dean is out of surgery now, everything went just as planned. Whenever he wakes up he should be ready for visitors. If you and the luna want to sit in with him while he sleeps thats fine, however i recommend the babies stay out here until he asks to see them. His heart rate needs to stay down, its been under a lot of strain these last few months." I hand Micheal to Phoenix and kiss his forehead, then going to Amaryllis and kissing hers. I looked at the twins giving them a stern glare telling them to be careful before following the doctor back to Deans room. I felt my heart flutter as we came closer, the beautiful pull stronger then I have ever felt it. we walked in and he was sound asleep. He was bruised everywhere, wires cords and monitors controlling everything his body did. His hair was shaggy and he had a beard starting. It took everything i had not to break down and cry. We went over and sat on both sides of him, I looked at Kat and she put her hand on his hand. I followed suit feeling the amazing sparks course through my body, the sparks i never thought i would miss until he was gone. A tear escaped down my face as i watched him sleep. I got permission for someone to bring me the twins one at a time when they needed to eat as long as they weren't fussing. I was holding Micheal underneath the blanket as he latched on and ate his dinner before bed. By dinner i mean his first dinner as he wakes up every two or three hours for extra dinners, breakfasts, and snacks throughout the night. He was wiggling his little nose as he scrunched up against my chest. My hand and Kats hadn't left Deans hand in the last three hours we have been sitting here with him. Micheal was being so stinking cute, he was covered under a blanket so that the lights wouldn't keep him up as he ate. I felt a light squeeze on my hand and looked over as Dean stirred. Kat leaved closer, I attempted to but since the baby was eating i was king of stuck.
"Kat?" he rasped out looking at her and she kissed his forehead. He looked at our hands before his eyes trailed over the arm meeting mine. I couldnt control my emotions anymore as i sniffled back the tears.
"Hey" he smiled at me and I chuckled through my tears.
"Hi." I smiled back and gave his hand a squeeze.
"You gonna come over here and give me a kiss or not?" He cocked an eye brow at me and i laughed wiping the tears with my shoulder.
"As much as i would love to, I'm kinda stuck at the moment." I saw his eyes trail down my body looking at the blanket. The blanket covered his head and my breast but stopped on his lower back, so his little legs and booty were peaking out the other side. He unlatched from me looking up at me with wonder on his little face. I looked at Dean who was on the brink of tears.
"Can i see?" He whimpered as i shook my head yes, covering myself before grabbing Micheal and lifting him up to his daddy. He sat grabbed the remote to the bed moving himself so he was somewhat sitting.
"Here." I handed Micheal to him and he looked at his daddy, he pulled Micheal close to him as a tear dripped down his face.
"Hi little pup." Micheal glared at him scrunching up his little nose. "What did i do to deserve that face?" He chuckled as Micheal grabbed onto his finger, he sounded sad and Micheal launched his foot out kicking him in the elbow. "Ow the hell?" He laughed looking up at me.
"Yeah anytime your sad or stressed out he kicks the shit out of you." Kat said lifting up her arms showing tiny bruises. "you should of seen her stomach when we were at the precinct."
"Lets just say it was a feeling i have gotten very used to." Dean looked up at me and I kissed him, I kissed him like i was memorizing his lips and movements. Like it was our first kiss all over again. Micheal started cooing and we pulled away. Looking down Micheal was staring at Dean blubbering away like he was telling him everything thats happened.
"Wow you dont say?" He picked him up so he was standing up looking at his daddy. Dean kissed his forehead and the nurse came in.
"Sorry to disturb, but Amaryllis is starting to get fussy." Dean looked at me.
"Did i not mention we had twins?" His eyes widened.
"Might of been a slight fact you left out when you told me I was a daddy." I smiled brushing my hand through his hair.
"Well we had twins. A little girl, then a little boy. Micheal Dean and Amaryllis Marie."
"She had them in the bathtub!" Kat practically shouted.
"You gave birth in a bathtub? Why the hell didnt you get to the hospital?" He sounded very concerned and i saw the monitor start to speed up.
"No calm down its not what you think, see they weren't supposed to arrive for another week, and his kicks were so strong i couldn't tell the difference between them and contractions. So i drew a bath to calm him down, next thing i know we are sitting in a bathtub as she makes her grand entrance followed by her little brother. I only knew one existed too, so when Phoenix said the second was crowning i was more shocked then you." He squinted glaring at me.
"Phoenix saw you naked?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. He smirked. "Thats one." I bit my lip and glared at him as he diverted his attention back to Micheal. "Micheal Dean huh?" I smiled and nodded.
"Micheal Dean Thompson" he smiled and kissed me again. Micheal was his and Kats dads name, he glared at his daddy and i swear i heard a little growl come out.
"Hey now, don't go challenging me pup." He looked at me and whimpered his little lip at his dads words. "Can you go get our daughter? I want to be with our whole family baby." I kissed his forehead and went out to the nurses chamber and grabbed Amaryllis from Apollo. She was not a happy camper. I grabbed her blanket and draped it over us while she ate, walking past Kat as she was talking to a nurse, or flirting with him. I walked up to her and she smiled.
"Hey! Isaac is going to have to cradles put in Deans room. I'm gonna give you guys some space okay?" I smiled and nodded heading back into Deans room. He was patting Micheal as he slept against his chest. I leaned against the doorway taking a mental picture of this specific moment. No wait, better idea. I pull my phone out and open up the camera, snapping a photo of them dozing off together not realizing the sound was on. Dean looks up and smiles as I carry Amaryllis over to him. She unlatched and i covered myself back up before swapping her for Micheal. She yawned and looked up at her daddy.
"Shes beautiful." He whispered kissing her forehead. I nodded.
"They both are pretty amazing, aren't they?" He chuckled and kissed my hand, she made a face like she was happy, then we heard her bottom roar.
"Yep. Definitely my kid." I He laughed before handing her back to me to give her a diaper change. I rolled my eyes at him and pulled up a chair to change her diaper. A nurse came in pushing two cradles into the room.
"Is everything okay sir? Any pain, discomfort, nausea or dizziness?"
"No, I'm actually perfect at the moment." He whispered setting Micheal back on his chest, he wiggled a bit before his quiet snores filled the room.
"Okay well I need to check on everything making sure nothings changed. Do you need anything else that i could bring back after I run your results through again?" he smiled.
"A bigger bed would be nice." The nurse chuckled before taking down some notes from the machine, changing out a few bags on the IV, and walking back out of the room. I picked up Amaryllis and stood up, i pulled two chairs over next to the bed making a mini couch to sit in and pop my feet up, leaning my head on Dean.
"I love you" I looked up at him and he looked back at me kissing me.
"I love you most. I love this even more." He motioned towards our little family snuggled up together watching some weird show on the TV. I smiled and sighed.
"We should probably let the others come see you." He smirked.
"Do we have to? I'm enjoying this time with you." I giggled and Amaryllis squirmed, I shushed her and she fell back to sleep. Just like reading our minds, Kat peaked her head in.
"Guys, can the others come see you now? They are about to start a hierarchy. Especially the twins who have been pouting ever since you took there god children away." Dean looked at me confused.
"Hey, they pulled the things out of my vagina, they deserve that title."
"You mean Phoenix did, Apollo puked and fainted like a girl." Dean laughed and Micheal jumped a little waking up and glaring at Dean. "Careful, he's gonna beat your ass for waking him." She smirked and he shrugged.
"Honestly, The day he takes me down will be the proudest day in my entire life." He beamed down at the little sassy man. A tiny growl escaped from Micheal and Kat cracked up laughing.
"That is the cutest damn sound i have ever heard! He is your twin Dean!" She gave a toothy grin as she looked at her brother.
"You gotta quit growling at me pup, your only a week old but daddy will still put you in you place." He sternly told Micheal who looked over at me quivering his lip. "Oh no, mommy isn't gonna save you." He held Micheal up so he was standing looking at his daddy. He kissed his little forehead and tickled his sides causing him to squirm and look very confused. They were too little to laugh, so he just looked angry and confused all the time. He laid him into his arm and I picked Amaryllis on his other arm so he held both kids.
"Its about damn time, I was about to chew the damn door down if you didnt let us in soon." Apollo walked in with Matt, Phoenix, and Oliver behind. Oliver looked at him holding both babies.
"Even though I hate thinking about it, y'all made some adorable kids." Oliver looked at Micheal who was staring at everyone wide eyed. Phoenix walked over and gave me a hug, a tiny growl erupted from Micheal followed by a deeper growl as I look over at Dean glaring at Phoenix.
"Hey now if it wasn't for me, your momma wouldn't have pushed you out after your sister little sassy man." Deans growl got louder "And man i was just doing my job protecting her! Amaryllis was already crowning when i arrived to her screaming. There was no other way to do it dude!" He put his arms up surrendering and Micheal started crying. I took him from Dean and he licked his lips saying he was hungry.
"Hey thats the same look i get when i see you too." He smirked winking at me and i blushed rolling my eyes.
"Keep it in your pants Dean, you already gave me a niece and a nephew. Have some self control." Oliver rubbed his face with his hands groaning. Kat laughed at him. Matt and Dean talked for a while and I moved so Oliver could sit by me.
"So how are things?" He looked over at me, rubbing Micheals tummy.
"Good, great actually." I smiled looking at Dean who was hugging his baby girl close to his chest while talking to Matt.
"I'm glad, I missed you being happy JuniPoo." He leaned against my shoulder and Micheal let out a tiny growl. "Seriously kid, the growling has to stop." I laughed as Kat piped in.
"Male pups are always super possessive of there moms, he's gonna be worse because he's my brothers son.
"He actually growled at me earlier for kissing his mother. He growls at me again I'm gonna put him in his place." Dean glared down at Micheal who got wide eyed. I laughed ant kissed his nose.
"Jesus, if I hadn't known he came out of you, I'd think Dean just made a tiny clone of himself." Matt said chuckling. Matt and Dean went back to talking to each other and Oliver leaned back next to me again.
"So, how close are you to Kat?" I looked at him questioningly.
"Uh, no reason.." He scratched the back of his head looking at her. She smiles at him before looking away.
"No reason huh?" I smirked at him and he sighed.
"Okay so maybe we fooled around the other day and I really like her?" I laughed and looked at him.
"So? Why are you asking me if I'm close to my sister in law?" He shrugged.
"I just dont know how to bring it up ya know? We cant be anything to serious because she has a mate somewhere. Not to mention we have to sneak around Dante as it is so he doesn't beat me."
"Just talk to her and see, who knows maybe you are her mate." Micheal was final asleep so i picked him up and set him in the cradle. I walked over and Dean handed me Amaryllis and i set her in the other cradle. I looked at Dean and he looked exhausted. I walked over to him and placed my hand through his hair.
"Baby you should go to sleep." I kissed his forehead and he interlaced his fingers with mine.
"But i dont wanna." He fake pouted, sticking his lip out. I chuckled and leaned my forehead against his. I didnt want to stop touching him ever, I was so scared i would blink and he's be gone still and I'd be alone. "Juniper, stop it baby. I'm here, this is real and the only way I am ever leaving you again is in a body bag. Never again okay?" I cried into his chest and he pulled me closer. I was afraid to move because i didnt want to hurt him, more then he already hurt. I carefully moved the cords over on the other side of his body and laid next to him, being as cautious as I could. I just laid there, staring into his beautiful eyes. "Baby, is this gonna bother you?" He brushed a hair behind my ear.
"What do you mean?" He sighed and looked down.
"I mean I'm kinda broken now, I dont wanna drag you down." I sat up and glared at him.
"Excuse me? You say something like that again and i will tug on your catheter. I dont care how broken you think you are you are everything to me. I searched for six months, night and day with a heavy ass belly for you. I was the one who found the photo of your leg and used the background to help find the correct building. Baby you are my world. You and i created two beautiful children. I dont care how many limbs or broken bones or whatever happens. I dont care how many times we get shot I dont care where we live i dont care what kind of money we have. I am meant to be with you Dean." He kissed me long and hard, so passionately. I loved him so much.
"Marry me." He whispered against his lips, and i pulled back.
"What?" I gaped at him.
"Marry me baby." I smiled and kissed him again, running a hand through his hair he groaned against my lips and the monitor started beeping slightly and i stopped pulling back. "Is that a yes?" He smiled and i nuzzled into his chest.
"You do realize even if we dont get married you're stuck with me forever right?" He cocks an eyebrow.
"Oh am I?" I laughed and pointed at the babies.
"For at lease, eighteen years." he kissed my lips again and i pulled away "You need to stop that." he chuckled.
"Why would i want to do that? My baby momma is so fucking hot." I laughed and dodged his lips again, he pouted.
"No, you cannot have sex. Thats the main thing the doctors told me when we came in here was absolutely no sex until you are healed. Your leg should be healed up in a week or two with you wolf healing, and I am off limits for another five weeks since i just shoved those two out a week ago." He groaned throwing his head back.
"Five weeks?! I survived torture and getting my leg cut off and you're gonna be the death of me." I laughed as he relaxed and laid his head against mine. I heard his breathing slow and new he fell asleep. I closed my eyes and for the first time in months, i slept comfortably and safely in his arms again.

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