First Times Luck

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*Photo of Matthew*

"Juni, hey do you have a sec?" I walk out of my room grabbing my keys as Oliver approaches me. I ignore him and begin walking to the door. "Juni please, I just want to understand what I did to push you away?" I stopped glaring at him.
"You are my big brother Oliver. We were best friends, we told each other everything. Then I got hurt and instead of being there when I needed you most, you pushed me away when I was just getting answers. On top of that you ignored me for almost three weeks Oliver." I glared at him "So please tell me you didnt deserve this."
"Juni there has just been some things going on that I didn't want to get you involved in. You left the force and everything has been a circus show. No one knows what we are doing, crime has doubled, and we have been going through officers like the plague do to the breach." I huffed crossing my eyes.
"So instead of talking to me and letting me in on everything going on, you choose to shut me out?"
"Come on Juni it's not like you were trying all that hard to. We just needed space from each other. I have Sage, you have Dean. It's not like we were going out of our way for each other and I'm to blame for that too. Juni your my baby sister. I'm sorry for making you feel this way."
"I'm not staying Ollie. I just need my own space. You can come over whenever you want to but i just need my own place."
"With Dean?" He smirked at me.
"He's going to be my roommate, I'm not ready for anything serious yet." I sighed leaning against the counter.
"You need to be selfish about this. You deserve happiness, Dean adores you and I trust him not to hurt you" I smile.
"Look, he's my roommate for now and we will see where it goes okay? I quit because I wanted to try with him. Don't make me regret taking this leave." I smirk "I'll stop by the precinct tomorrow and help get it put back together okay." I grab the rest of my things before hugging him and leaving. I put the box in my car and start to get in.
"Wait Juni!" I look over and Ollie is running out to the car. He opened the door and got in. "Okay let's go."
"What do you think you are doing?"
"I wanna check out the new place. I'll order us a pizza to make up for being a huge dick." I laughed as we drove off.

"Holy shit JuniPoo, this house is great." He brings the last of the boxes into the living room where they belong and starts unpacking. "Where'd you get all this furniture?"
"Dean gave me a bunch of catalogs before we moved in, saying since we were roommates he wanted to make it a compound effort on decorating it. Although now that I think about it, I chose everything and he just paid for it." I unpacked the last of the kitchen before heading to the living room with Oliver. He was passed out in the recliner in front of my TV. I hear the door rattle and turn around as Dean walks in, looking at Oliver then back at me confused.
"So you guys made up?" He pulled me into his arms.
"Yeah I guess so." I kissed him.
"I missed you." He said I'm between kissed.
"I bet you did." I giggled pulling back.
"Ew get a room." Oliver fake gags before stretching in the couch.
"Revenge for every time you and Sage did that." He frowned before looking back at the tv.
"What's wrong Ollie?"
"Well, Sage and I kind of ended things."
"WHAT? What happened?"
"Between work and cases, our feelings for each other changed. We mutually broke it off" I hurt for him. I know he loved her, a lot. She probably didn't return the feelings. I pulled away from Dean going over to the couch with Oliver.
"See this, this is a good excuse to cut yourself off from me and i would have completely understood that answer. I'm sorry Ollie." Dean came over sitting in a char next to the couch.
"It's alright. There's not much you can do ya know? Things happen for a reason. She hasn't been the same since she went to that domestic disturbance and the guy took advantage of her. I told her she can call me whenever and that the door is always open for her. I still love her but I'm giving her space she needs to help her heal herself ya know?"
"Yeah just make sure she doesn't do anything stupid." He nods before looking at his phone.
"Shit its already 7:30, I should get back to the apartment. Funny, out of the two of us the youngest is the one with a house." He smirked "Can I take baby?" I groan. I never let anyone drive baby.
"You can take my car, I dont mind." Dean tosses him the keys and I sigh of relief. Ollie hugs me before leaving the house. I pull the throw blanket off the back of the couch and pick up the TV remote finding something to watch.
"Mph!" A body flopped down on top of me. "Dean why! YOU'RE HEAVY" He chuckled on top of me.
"I just want love accept me!" I laughed and poked his side. "HEY! No cheating! Tickling is cheating."
"Oh is it?" I wiggled my eyebrows before tickling him. He thrashed and squirmed on top of me laughing.
"PLEASE! S-S-STOP!" He had a tear running down his face and finally I laughed before pulling back and letting him breath. He jumped up and pinned my arms to the top of the couch, my breathing sped up. And he kissed my neck.
"Baby, I told you no cheating." He kissed my cheek and i bit my lip.
"Oh yeah? What you gonna do about it?" I lifted my hips up grinding against his, he let out a throaty growl. Suddenly he pulled my arms up before bending me over his knee's.
"See little one, I think you purposefully do this to me." I felt him rubbing his hand on my ass. I bit my lip looking I'm dead in eyes, i wiggled my ass under his hand. "Are you challenging me?" He smirked and I batted my eye lashed. He removed his hand from my ass before bringing it back down making contact.
"Ah! Yes!" I panted, his hand rubbing my ass cheek. He let out another growl before smacking the other cheek. I groaned, squeezing my thighs together. "Baby please!" I moaned as he smacked my ass again.
"Please what? Do you like this?" He brought his hand back down and I whimpered biting my lip to suppress my moan. He brought my face up to his, placing a kiss on my lips. "Don't you dare muffle those beautiful sounds." He bit my earlobe causing me to shiver.
"Dean, wanna go upstairs?" I kissed his neck and he chuckled.
"Do you want to go upstairs?" He wrapped his hands underneath me and grabbed my ass. I took his hand and guided it to my center.
"I dunno you tell me?" I bit his lip and he growled picking me up with his other arm and carrying me up the stairs. I giggled from his quick movements.
"oh baby, keep making sounds like that and you wont walk for a week kitten." I kissed and nibbled down his neck as he pressed me against the door fiddling with the knob.
"Are you challenging me?" I repeated at him and he slapped my ass causing me to gasp.
"Game on baby."

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