Its a New Day

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*Juni's New Look"
It's been two weeks. Oliver hasn't talked to me, Deans been MIA, Sage hasn't talked to me. Depression has set in like the plague. Taking over every single inch of my entire being. I haven't showered in days, I never get hungry, i never feel anything. I've started writing a letter every day, and every day i write, the less I care about anything. I get my notebook out and write.
Dear Oliver,
I'm sorry, but i just cant do this anymore. I'm moving away and starting over. New life, new work, new house. I just cant be here anymore. You hate me, Sage hates me, i broke Deans heart. There's nothing else here for me. I cant spend my time around people who dont want to be in my life anymore. I'd kill myself without anyone. I love you so much, and i hope you live a long happy life. I'm not coming back to this life. I cant do that to myself, pops would be so disappointed in me and my life decisions. I love you to much to have you worrying about me constantly. Goodbye for now, ill sent you letters anytime i get the chance so you know I'm okay.
Yours truly,

I packed up the last box into my car. It has probably been close to three hours since I folded up the letter and left it on the counter. I planned on driving to New York, i had been talking to the police department there for a few hours and set up an interview with there captain Monday. It's Saturday, around four o'clock so i should have plenty of time to drive from Virginia to New York. I have a hotel in mind to stay at when i arrive tomorrow night. I closed my trunk and stared at my apartment.
"Juni?" I turn around seeing Dean standing there carrying a sack. He looks in the window of my car seeing the boxes. "Where are you going?"
"I'm moving." I walked around Baby pulling the keys out going through it for my car key.
"Why are you leaving?"
"Because theres nothing left for me here Dean. I quit my job, I've successfully pushed away every person in my life, and after two weeks of no one talking to me i decided instead of killing myself I'm going to start over. New life, new house, new job. New me.'' I dropped my keys before I could grab ahold of the key to unlock the door. I realized i still had a key to the apartment on here i forgot to leave. Shit. I walk away from the car back into the apartment, feeling Dean following me.
"What do you mean theres nothing here for you? You didn't push anyone away. We have been worried sick about you Juniper!" I scoffed turning around to face him,
"Worried sick? Dean i chased after you when you left that night and you vanished into thin air. I called, texted, i even got a hold of Kat to talk to you and never reached you. On top of that Sage hasn't been here since the bar, my brother hasn't talked to me. Any time i try to talk to him he walks away. What is there here for me? You proved yourself to me Dean. You proved to me how much you really care." I started back up the stairs.
"I proved how much i cared? I'm sorry Juni, I just was so hurt from what you said I lost control and left. I felt like we needed space from each other, that doesn't  make anything i said any less true Juniper." I stopped again. He was just a couple steps behind me and stopped as well.
"I get that. I understand i hurt you, but damn it i tried so fucking hard to get ahold of you. I even went to the damn station but coincidentally every time i was there you suddenly 'stepped out' or 'was in an important meeting'. I knew you were avoiding me so i gave up. It fucking killed me knowing i hurt you Dean. I'm sorry I hurt you Dean, and I'm sorry for thinking we could be anything if i quit." I felt a tear escape down my cheek so I turned back around heading up the next flight of stairs.
"Juni, I love you." I stopped dead in my tracks. I didn't dare turn around, i was shocked. "I've loved you since the moment i laid eyes on you in that diner. I couldn't take my eyes off of you, I always want to be near you so if your moving then I'm moving too." He was right behind me, i felt his body heat radiating onto the back of me. His arm came around and under my chin turning my face, and my body following, towards him so his piercing blue eyes met mine. "Juniper, I love you. Please don't leave." He whispered placing his forehead against mine. I closed my eyes taking in the contact i had with him, letting the sparks flow throughout my body. He kissed my forehead and i wrapped my hands around his waist nuzzling into his chest.
"I just. I dont know Dean, what if this doesn't work?" He pulled back so i was looking at him.
"There is no possible way anything is going to pull us apart again Juni. You are literally the only one i have my eye on. Your everything i ever wanted and everything i will ever need." I couldnt help the smile and blush that formed on my face. I looked down, just to have him bring my face back up, meeting my lips with his. It was filled with so much passion, I felt everything he was saying all in such a simple kiss. He wasn't turning it into any thing more, but yet it said so much. I pulled away catching my breath.
"I think i love you too." He smiled never taking his eyes off mine. "So... whats in the bag?" He chuckled before lifting it up.
"I brought you some please forgive me pancakes." I smiled and unlocked the door, going inside the apartment, he placed the food on the counter and began pulling it off. "So, did i give you a compelling enough argument to stay?" He batted his eyes at me and i laughed.
"I think so. I just have some calls i need to make tomorrow. Although i think I'm still going to move into a different apartment. I dont see things with Oliver and I patching up, and i think it will be easier to fix things if we didn't see each other so much ya know?" He nodded taking a bite of his burger.
"What if we found a place together?" I nearly choked on the piece of pancake i had in my mouth.
"I'm sorry?"
"Yeah I mean we dont have to like share a room, but we could be roommates. I stayed here for like three months with you anyways. It wouldn't be much different would it?"
"Yeah but we were focused on work those three months. Trying to find Toby and Spencer apparently."
"I can keep you safe if we life together. I wont worry so much. Plus i think you need to talk to your brother about this before you make any decisions."
"How am i supposed to talk to him? I never see him, and when i do he avoids me like the damn plague." I rolled my eyes.
"Well, I'm going to get the boxes in your car put back into your bedroom and you should think about it. Ill stay here with you and when he comes back ill talk to him for you." He walked over pulling me into his embrace again. "Why dont we grab some pillows and blankets, and go eat our dinner and watch tv in your room?" He kissed my forehead and I nodded happily.

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