Cleaning a Mess

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They followed me into the diner. I got everyone up off the ground and the customers there left on the house. I called Steve telling him to get ahold of insurance and a bullet went through the window. All the employees not cops i sent home and we closed down the shop.
"Nikols, I don't see anything coming up on the group you were talking to."
"That's because there cops, and ones the damned chief. Tell Charles his ass is grass." I walk over to the table with my pen on it and picked it up.
"Did you have us wired?" Dean asked sitting back down. I shrugged.
"Yeah, I mean look at you all. It's red flag centeral. Also not sure who taught you to act but you need to go back." I spoke pulling out my ear piece. Matthew laughed.
"This was an absolute disaster." Phoenix said putting his head in his hands.
"So Nikols, tell me about you. I don't recall your file coming into my office at all."
"I'm a transfer from NYPD. Moved here with my brother and grandfather. Brother is over there." I pointed to Ollie who was typing away on his laptop talking to probably Charles. "Was in the military from 18 to twenty one, MP. Got my degree in those years and when i got out my brother and I got jobs here. I'm lead undercover detective for the force." I said crossing my arms. "I also know three different languages and martial arts. Anything else Chief?" He cocked an eyebrow.
"I'm impressed. Now what about a first name?" I rolled my eyes earning a glare from him.
"Is that necessary?"
"Really? Your not going to tell us your name Nikols?"
"Hey Juni! Pops called, he said we are good to head home for the night." Ollie shouted as he packed his stuff up. Great.
"Juni Nikols?" Apollo said chuckling. "Not what i expected to be honest."
"Welcome to the club, now if your done judging my name I'm guessing you want the information I have. I would very much like to go home so here is my address, meet there and Ollie and I will inform you of everything you need." I turn around and grab my gear.
"Damn, shes badass man." I hear Reggie say.

"So who are these people that are coming here?" Ollie says as he pets Spartacus, his cat.
"Chief Thompson, and some undercover agents working with him apparently. They want to know what we know." I said going into my bedroom. I throw on some yoga pants and a tank top, showing off all of my tattoos.
"Wow, you look homeless." My brother says as I walk back into the room with a file.
"Hah thanks, i forgot I needed to dress like I'm trying to impress someone. IN MY HOME." Just then we hear a knock on the door. I roll my eyes at Oliver and go open it.
"Hello, welcome to my casa. Beer?" I ask as I grab some and hand them out.
"You are the strangest woman i have ever met." Phoenix said and Apollo agreed.
"Thanks i think. Okay Chief Thompson, this includes everything my brother and I know about this gang that has infiltrated the city. So far we know that they all work for this guy. He goes by the name 'The Chemist" We have his DNA on file, but absolutely no face or name to go with it. The guy has erased himself from existence."
"How?" Thompson asked.
"Do you want my hypothesis or what the evidence says."
"Evidence then yours."
"Evidence wise we have nothing. No leads on how this guy has erased himself from existence. My theory, he has people on the inside. I know personally, if i wanted to erase myself from existence, i could." He took the file running through all of my notes.
"Well done. I want you and your brother on my team. Ill tell Charles tomorrow you are being reassigned."
Ollie and I looked at eachother.
"I'm sorry Chief Thompson..."
"Dean. It's Dean." For some reason I felt my face heat up a bit before brushing it away. "We will give you a pay increase and take you out of the diner." I think about it taking a huge swig of my beer. I look over as the cat enters the room and all the guy eyes go to her. Her fur started to stand up and I heard her have this low belly growl start to come out.
"Spartacus! I'm sorry, he's a very moody thing." I pick him up and throw him into Olivers room before shutting the door. "I told him to get a dog, they are way better then cats." Suddenly all the guys burst out laughing as i turned around. "Whats so funny?" Even Dean had a smirk on his face, i crossed my arms looking at them.
"Nothing just an inside joke that you reminded me of, see Dean here is afraid of dogs." Matthew said laughing. Dean glared at him.
"Okay well, is there anything else you guys need to know?" I look at my phone, it was 2 am. Fuck.
"Oh damn its really late, and we have been drinking so, keys in the bowl guys." I pulled out my bowl and they groaned as they put there keys in the bowl. I pulled the couch beds out and grabbed extra blankets and pillows. Most of them had wolves on them. They were my dads favorite animal, and i got them after he and mom died.
"So, you have a thing for wolves huh?" Apollo asked.
"My dad did. He thought they were the best thing ever created." I then lift up the side of my shirt, showing the wolf tattoo that goes from my hip down to my thigh.
"Damn girl. How many tattoos do you have?"
"Too many to count, and she did all of them herself." Ollie said as he kissed my forehead. We sat in the living room bullshitting.
"So, since you unfortunately the only woman here, whose more attractive? Phoenix or me?" Apollo asked finishing the beer.
"I cant say, I don't find people attractive really. I'm married to the job." I crush the can and throw it onto the pile we had created next to the trash can since none of us can make a basket.
"Damn Dean. Shes a female you." Reggie said as the others laughed. He smirked drinking the rest of his beer. "By the way, i never got the chance to say this but you are a damned good actress."
"Thank you, i took theater in college. Got the lead in all the plays and even musical. I can sing too."
"No kidding? You are the jack of all trades." Apollo crushed his can, throwing it over to the pile. "Look we are taking tomorrow off from field work to catch up on paperwork. You should come."
"Well it is Saturday. Spencer works the weekend shifts so I'm down." I got up and picked the cans up off the floor.
"Dean, its rude to stare." I hear Matthew say followed by him yelling ouch.
"We're you looking at me ass?" I cross my arms glaring at them.
"No." I hear Dean, Apollo and Phoenix say in unison. I glare and they look down.
"K well I'm going to bed and you should too." It was 3 am now and I planned on being up at 9 to work out.

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