Bad to the Bone

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A small girl wearing barely any clothes and obnoxiously high heels clicks her way over to the table.
"Is this the Hoochie you left me for?! Shes not even pretty!" She squealed crossing her arms.
"Aimee, what do you want." She huffed chewing loudly on some gum in her mouth as she looked at her nails.
"Well i was coming to try and win you back but seems like you have picked up some whore from the streets." She glared at me and i laughed. I pulled out my wallet and flashed my badge at her.
"SCPD Mam, I'm here questioning Mr. Thompson on his location last night. There was a robbery at a local nail salon, and to conclude my investigation actually, where were you around six pm last night?" I pulled out a note pad as her face went white.
"Look i dont know what he told you, but those ladies fucked my nails up! I told them they were redoing them or I wasn't paying! It's not my fault they chose to not fix them! I want my lawyer!" She squealed before walking out. I burst out laughing as I saw her waddling quickly to her car.
"Why did you do that? Why would i be questioned for a nail salon robbery?" I was crying from laughing so hard.
"I cant believe you smashed miss press there!" I was dying. His face went from concerned to smiling again. Ah that smile could melt any girl.
"I told you, i had a few go to hook ups. She was the go to i guess." I laughed more "Alright whose your go to?" he asked cocking an eyebrow.
"Oh no no no. I'm not telling you."
"Come on its only fair." We stood up and he hands the waitress his card. I dont argue free food is free food. We walk out the door.
"Fine but dont get any ideas!" He looked at me confused. "I slept with my old partner. We were a couple undercover and one night we were supposed to pretend we were intimate and it went from pretend to real." He looked at me intrigued.
"That's not that bad. Partners sleep together all the time."
"Yeah until it ends badly because they decide to propose to you and you say no because you didnt even see them as being in a relationship so they move beats to avoid you." I was walking towards the car.
"LOOK OUT!" I turn and see a kid on a bicycle headed straight towards me. Suddenly two arms grabbed me and pulled me away. I look up and Dean and I were inches away from each other. I was breathing heavily from the incident and so was he. I looked into his eyes and couldn't look away from him suddenly his lips met mine and i could of sworn fireworks erupted or sparks or whatever. Something was there. I snapped back to reality as he pulled away.
"I'm sorry. I dot know why I did that." He looked panicked, i didn't like that look.
"It's okay, it was the adrenaline. I mean you just save my dumb ass from being flattened by a kid on a bicycle." I laughed and he smiled back at me as we got into the car again. I started Baby up and noticed he was staring at me. "What?" He came back to reality.
"I'm sorry, I was just thinking about that accidental kiss. It was pretty amazing." He smirked at me.
"Wow go ahead and toot your own horn." I chuckle. He leans over and meets his lips to mine again. Again I didn't pull away, he was a really good kisser. He pulled away and i blinked. "What was that for?"
"You said i was tooting my own horn. I felt like i needed to convince you" He wiggled his eyebrows at me and i pushed his face away. "Hey, be careful with the money maker." I rolled my eyes at him.
"So we are partners who can harmlessly flirt and kiss eachother?" I ask him.
"I'm down with that." He gives me a cheeky grin.
"No, in, no not happening. I'm not repeating anything nor making people think i got where i am because I'm screwing the boss. I'm not that kind of person i work my ass off to be here."
"Screwing the boss?" He smirked at me.
"No Dean." He pouted at me. I pull my phone out and see i had a missed call and text from Sage. "Oh they got something!" He leaned over looking at my phone and i tilted it away from him to unlock it.
"Hey, am i not aloud to see?"
"No your not aloud to see my passcode. I have valuable information on here and four numbers aren't that difficult to hack so." I unlock it and call Sage back.
"Whats up?"
"It's about damn time! Reggie and I have been calling you both for like an hour! We went back over the guy we arrested from the army. All we got out of him was basically the same, however he said that one of his partners took off with the diamond before he got the chance to deliver it to The Chemist. Part of the reason why they betrayed him and got him incarcerated. Reggie did all he could to get more out of him, but this guys good. I honestly couldn't tell if he was being honest or not." I sighed and laid my head back.
"Well as of now its all we have to off of. We already new that he had a partner the only question was who, which he didn't give us help with."
"Well, he did slip up in interrogation and mention someone by the name of Nate. We aren't sure who Nate is though because he mentioned it while he was rambling on about how the plans for the robbery were. We know Nate was someone who gave them the orders, whether it was his partner or not he clammed up after that so we got nothing else."
"Well a twenty bucks is twenty bucks. It's a lead on something. Run through the data base and fine us a list of potential robbery subjects with the first name Nate in the area. Meet me at my house and we can go over it." She agreed hanging up. I put my phone down and Dean was staring at me.
"Do i get to be informed on what's going on?"
"Maybe if you called Reggie back you would know. Now i have to meet Sage at my apartment with Ollie, you coming?" He glared at me.
"I mean I'm involved in this just as much as you are." I rolled my eyes and pulled out of the parking lot heading to my apartment.

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