Love So Soft

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*There kids Above*
*Deans POV*

"Is this really necessary?" I stood up holding the bars on either side of me as they attached the prosthetic leg to my thigh.
"Dean, you do realize you are not going to be pro at walking on this thing right away right?" Apollo laughed and i glared at him.
"I just don't see how hard it can be. I mean its the same length at the real one was." I looked down as they fastened the last clip and I stood up letting go of the bars. "See?" I took a step forward expecting to walk and the other leg slipped out from under me. I grabbed the bar before I fell on my face, Matt laughed at me.
"And the king of stubborn loses epically." I rolled my eyes standing myself back up right, Matt comes over giving me his arm to use to balance myself.
"Am i going to be able to shift?" I asked looking at them. I never even thought about how missing a leg would effect me in wolf form. There was noises coming from the door way and it pushed open. We all look over and see Micheal crawling across the room. I chuckle and Apollo goes over picking him up.
"What are you doing little guy?" Apollo tickled him and he giggled reaching over for me. I grab him and use the cane i had to carry him back out to Juniper. She was finishing up paperwork in the office and I walked in.
"Micheal, what are you doing you silly boy." He hid in my chest away from his moms glare and i chuckled. I walked over and kissed her and she relaxed.
"He just wanted to see his daddy, is that so wrong?" I leaned against the desk setting my cane to the side. She smiled and laced her arms around my waist kissing Micheal on the back of his head. He nuzzled into my chest and his eyes closed. "Apparently he's just tired. Where's Amaryllis?"
"Well, she was with her brother in the daycare, so since he managed to escape I'm hoping she is in the daycare still." She groaned before trying to pull away from my grasp,  I pulled her right back to me.
"Don't worry about it, even if she did get out shes completely safe in this house no matter where she goes baby, relax." I kissed her and she leaned into my chest. She has been very clingy to me ever since we got out of the hospital two months ago. I was there for a month longer then anticipated because of complications with the surgery. I was just happy to finally my home with my family, the door pushes open and Amaryllis crawls in babbling away. They were only four months old, but about the size and mindset of being eight months old. Juni walked over picking her up and walking back over to me. I kissed her forehead.
"Hi baby girl." She batted her long eyes at me and I stuck my tongue out at her causing her to giggle.
"They both have you completely wrapped around there little fingers." I shrugged.
"What can i say, you turned me into a family man." I smirked and she rolled her eyes turning around to the desk, i swatted her behind as she walked away and she yelped glaring at me. "Hey you rolled your eyes at me. You know the repercussions. I stepped forward and finally got the fake one to follow so i was somewhat walking.
"Therapy seems to be going good, your improving a lot from the last one you had." I limped over to the chair in the room, sitting down and patting Micheals back as he slept. She shut the door and put Amaryllis down so she could play.
"Marry me." I said to her nonchalantly, and she laughed.
"Okay time to get you on a lower dose of pain killers." I smiled at her.
"Oh come on why wont you marry me?" She sighed leaning against the desk. "We have two kids already, I dont want anyone else except you for the rest of my life. I want you to be with me forever Juni." She looked at me with a soft gaze.
"Baby, i love you more then anything. I just don't understand why we have to have a piece of paper proving my love to you. Plus i gave you two pieces of proof right there," she pointed to Micheal sleeping on my chest "and the- Amaryllis no! Get out of the trash!" I laughed as she ran over putting the trash can on top of a table causing Amara to pout.
"I know, you prove yourself to me every single day. You got all of the pack paperwork caught up i missed, you run this place, you run the police department, you care for our children, you care for me and my brokenness. I just want to be able to prove myself to you." I looked down and watched Micheal sleep on my chest. She walked over and wrapped her arms around my neck planting a soft kiss on my lips.
"You do realize everything that happened to you is my fault right? I was the one who went out with Spencer, I was the one who denied his proposal, I was the one who let you have everything that Spencer wanted. I'm the reason he went crazy and tried to kill me. I'm the reason he kidnapped you. There is literally nothing I can do to make it up to you. So if getting married will make you happy then lets do it. Thats all that matters to me is you being home and you being safe." She sat on my other leg that didn't have a sleeping child on it. I felt a tug on my pants and looked down at Amaryllis pouting. Juni leaned over picking her up and she snuggled herself in between us. I held my family and kissed Juni on her forehead. There was a commotion outside the room, Juni stood up putting Amaryllis on my lap.
"I'm gonna go see whats going on, stay here with them until i get back okay?" She whispered and I nodded as she stepped out, I got nervous hugging my sleeping kids against my chest. Juni stepped back in the room and instantly i relaxed.
"Matt just went out with some guys and they got drunk. He fell down the stairs, its okay I got everyone in there rooms and have people cleaning up the vomit."
"You are an amazing Alpha." I grinned up at her and she laughed.
"Oh no, once you get on your feet again, both figuratively and literally, you are fixing all of this. Do you know how much paperwork and things i have done? Meetings and the organizing. You are terrible at organizing by the way, Alpha Camryn called about paperwork you had and it took Matt and I four hours to find that paperwork." I laughed out loud causing the twins to jump awake and glare at me. Micheal kicked me in the ribs.
"What is with you and the kicking? Should we be concerned or getting him help?" Juni laughed picking him up.
"Come on pretty boy, lets put these two down for nap and we can go spend the day in bed. Sound good? I wanna talk to you anyways." I smirked before grabbing my cane and picking Amaryllis up against my chest and followed Juni to the nursery. We took down the door and set it up so we could see the room from our room at all times. Juni shut the light out and i stared at them, watching the rise and fall of there sleeping chests. They were little miracles. Completed my entire life goals. Juni wrapped her arms around me and laid her head against my back. "They are so perfect." I smiled and kissed her forehead.
"Yeah, you did good my queen. You made two gorgeous babies."
"About that, wanna know what i found out? Remember the first time we hooked up? The front seat of Baby before we moved? Apparently, Oliver went to use some of my condoms and dropped the box, stepping on them. So he most likely broke the one we used and shoved it back in the box, one thing led to another, and now we have them." I shrugged.
"I wouldn't have it any other way though. We make some really cute kids." I smiled wiggling my eyebrows.
"Oh no no no, until you grow a vagina and begin pushing that is all you are getting for a long time. I'm not going to be putting myself through that again in a very long time." I wrapped my arms around her turning so her back was against the wall. I pressed my lips against hers, kissing her with everything I had. I ran my hands down her sides and she grabbed them stopping me. I pulled away confused. "I-I just dont know about this." She blushed and looked away. I haven't touched her since we have been home, and we got cleared for health reasons two weeks ago. I caressed her face.
"I understand. Did I do something wrong?" I raised an eyebrow in question. Now that i was thinking about it I hadn't touched her or seen her without clothes on since we have been home too. Not even to shower. Is she ashamed of me? "Are you ashamed of me?" I could hear the pain in my voice as i spoke and her face went white.
"No baby, of course not. I could never be ashamed of you. I thought i told you that back in the hospital that?"
"Its just you never touch me other then when we kiss, I haven't seen you I just feel like somethings wrong between us and i dont know what?" She looked into my eyes as her gazed softened, before looking away and separating herself from me. She went and sat down on the bed not looking back at me. She grabbed a booklet off the nightstand and patted for me to sit down. I walked over to her and sat next to her on the bed. She opened it and handed it to me. It was sonograms of the baby (even though there were two, apparently one blocked the other from the photos) followed by photos of her during the pregnancy. She was so beautiful carrying my children. "You are glowing. Even pregnant you are the most beautiful woman i have ever seen." I flipped through the paged and one was a photo of her large belly with bruises on it. "Micheal?" I asked pointing to the photo.
"I told you, its a feeling i have gotten used to." She giggled and i smiled before closing the book.
"Thank you for this. Sometimes I feel guilty for missing your pregnancy, even though i know its not my fault." She leaned against the wall the bed was pushed up against and she looked sat.
"Dean, I love you so much. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you, you are perfect. You are kind, loving, sexy, and the most amazing father to our kids. They adore you so much." I looked over at her and she looked at me with so much love in her eyes, but then she got sad. "Its just, I'm not the same as i was before you were taken. I'm lumpy, stretched, I'm pretty sure my vagina is absolutely ruined by the way. Them two, not easy pushing out." She pointed to the nursery where the kids were sleeping. "Its just so hard because you make me feel so good, but I'm just not all there. I cant get into it because i just dont feel good about myself. Its hard to get myself in the mood because I look at myself and i just feel.... gross." A tear slipped down her face as she hugged her body. She looked so vulnerable. I held my hand out and she took it as i pulled her into my lap.
"Juni, baby. You are the most gorgeous woman i have ever met baby. I am amazed that you would even think that I wouldn't like you because your body changed. Do you know how unbelievably sexy you are? Especially with the changed? You carried my kids, your the mother of my children. Its hard for me not to be a walking boner when I'm around you. Baby you and that body of yours make me week in the knee's darling. You still turn heads when you walk by, and honestly unless you knew you just had twins, you look so incredibly good its crazy. I love you and everything about you." I kissed the side of her neck and she shivered. I tailed light kissed down her neck until i reached my mark. I grazed my teeth along the mark and she rolled her head to the side suppressing a groan. "This right here." I licked my mark and she whimpered. "This makes me want you all the time, even when i can't see you. I feel you and it pulls me to you, without it I would be another guy drooling over you wishing i was the one who got to do this to you. With it I just want to kiss you and hold you, and make amazing love to you all night long because i have the honor of being the man who gets to spend the rest of his life with you." She steadied her breathing and looked at me, her tongue licking her lips as she stared at mine. She bit her lip and i lost it, crashing my lips into hers as her tongue attacked my mouth hungrily. I moved us pushing her against the bed and she wrapped her arms and legs around me pulling me on top of her. I held her as our tongues battled for dominance, my hands trailing her sides. I broke away from her lips attacking her neck again, causing her to buck her hips against mine. I growled and she shivered i nibbled on her neck and she bucked her hips again, this time keeping up a steady pace guiding against me. "Oh babygirl, be careful my love." She giggled and i smiled against her neck. "Such a beautiful sound." I pushed her legs gently off my me trailing my kisses down her chest before reaching her shirt. Grabbing the hem of it i looked up at her waiting for her permission before removing it. She hesitated and then nodded, I lifted her shirt over her body and threw it across the room. My eyes roamed her body and I felt my wolf threatening to take over. She could see my eyes changing back and forth and she blushed. I growled and pressed my mouth against her chest between her breasts. She brushed her hand through my hair and tugged a bit, i nipped her skin in response and she gasped. I un did her bra, throwing it to the side before attacking her breasts with my mouth.
"Oh god Dean," she panted and i looked up at her still giving her breasts my undivided attention with my mouth. I pulled away from her trailing kisses down her body hitting her leggings pulling them off taking her panties with them and tossing them aside. I stood back admiring her and all her glory, she was so fucking sexy. I pulled my shirt off and as i pulled it over my head she was pressed up against me crashing her lips to mine as her hand fiddled with the buckle of my belt holding my jean shorts up. It came undone and she yanked it out of the belt loops, my shorts immediately sagging down on my lower waist. Her hands trailed my chest and followed my happy trail down to the button of my shorts. She undid it and I pulled them down kicking them to the side.
"Do you ever actually wear any underwear?" She smirked at I snaked my arms around her body, standing on the floor as she kneeled on the bed, my member sliding right between her legs rubbing against her wetness and she rolled her head back. "No sir, you better be wrapping him if he wants any action." I chuckled rubbing up against her but not putting him inside her, just enough to drive her wild with pleasure. I grabbed myself and positioned him at her entrance, soaking him in her juices as she moaned. I watched her face as I moved myself around her, rubbing myself around her entrance driving her crazy.
"Dean, please baby I'm gonna cum." I kissed her lips and pressed myself inside her, she screamed out as I entered her all the way. I hushed her with my mouth as she adjusted to my length, clenching herself around me. I groaned and burying my head in the nook of her neck, kissing and sucking on my mark I began to move she bit into my neck in attempt at quieting herself so we didnt wake the kids.
"Oh princess, your so fucking tight." I breathed into her neck before laying her down so we were no longer up right, I sped up my pace and her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she whimpered. It was so intense, so passionate. Suddenly she pushed us over so she was on top and in control, without disconnecting us. She attacked my mouth with hers as she moved so slowly at first, before speeding up her own face. I watched her entire body bounce on top of me, she was so fucking sexy riding me.
"Oh Dean" she purred and I lost control, grabbing onto her hips i felt my wolf take over.
"Thats right baby, say my name." I thrusted my hips up meeting hers half way and she shrieked. I held her hips up before thrusting into her hard and fast, she screamed out and I chuckled. "Come on baby, tell me what you want darling." I felt her clenching around me and i growled sitting up I pulled her into my arms, attacking her mouth with mine, she fought my tongue for dominance, pulling back to breath and biting my lip. It was so hard not making her scream my name over and over again, but with the babies only a wall away I had to have some kind of control over us.
"Fuck me baby," she whispered into my lips and i groaned causing her to smirk. "Come on daddy, is that all you've got?" My eyes shot open as she spoke and I slapped her ass causing her to yelp. I pushed her off of me and flipped her over so she was face down into the covers.
"Oh babygirl your gonna regret that." I bit her ass cheek causing her to groan, my hand smacking her other cheek as she whimpered. I re-entered her with full force, causing her to cry out and arch into me. I placed one hand on her back, with the other I grabbed her hair. Pulling her head back so she could see me. "Open your eyes little one, and don't close them until I'm finished." She opened them, i saw them glazed over from the pleasure as i thrusted into her. I pulled my hand back from her hair, her eyes never leaving mine. I placed two fingers in her mouth and she sucked and licked them, sending sparks straight to my core. "Thats enough." She stopped and i removed my now wet fingers from her mouth smirking as I pulled them back, she looked at me confused. I pressed my pointer finger in her ass, sliding it in with her own lubricant.
"FUCK DEAN!" I used my other hand to cover her screams as she sank her teeth into it. I pressed another finger into her ass, thrusting them and stretching her out. I bit her ear and tears fell down her face, i stopped and slowed down.
"Baby are you okay? Am i hurting you?" I pulled my hand away from her face slowing way down to an almost stop.
"NO, dont you dare fucking stop daddy." I groaned at her words and started going in full force, i felt her getting close. "I'm so fucking full Dean, ah yes baby!" She grit through her teeth and I felt myself getting close. I continued stretching her ass until i felt like it was ready for me. I pulled out, covering myself in her natural juices and she whimpered, before i positioned myself in her ass and started pushing in. She flexed her ass, arching her back I put my mouth onto her collecting her screams in my mouth as she moaned in pleasure. Her ass taking my dick like a glove, I was so close to my peak as i moved in her ass. I inserted my fingers into her wetness as she closed her eyes, clenching around them letting her orgasm go wild on my fingers. "FUCK YES DEAN, AH OH DADDY!"
"Little one I'm gonna cum okay? Can I come in your ass baby?" She was breathing heavily and nodded. I sped up, spitting on my dick for extra lubricant as her ass clenched around me, sending me into my own climax as i gritted my teeth and cursed in between squirts. I pulled out and hissed under my breath from the tenderness. I laid onto the bed next to her and she nuzzled into my chest.
"That was new." She said and i laughed.
"Never had anal before?" She shook her head and i smirked. "Good, that ass is all mine baby. I dont like condoms now that I've had the real thing." She shivered and I kissed the top of her sweaty head. I sat up, pulling her with me. "Lets go shower baby girl, I'd carry you but I'm not confident in my walking on my own. I don't want to. Fuck up and fall or drop you accidentally my love." I kissed her all over her face and she smiled I stood up and held a had. Out for her to grab, and she took it. I pulled her up and she winced.
"Ah good lord that smarts." She blushed limping to the bathroom.
"Now that my love, that is what Daddy calls a job well done." I kissed my mark again and she shivered, blushing and looking away. "My queen, don't hide your blush from me. You are beautiful and amazing. And one hundred percent mine." I tapped my mark, i couldn't help it. I looked so damn good on her shoulder sitting there. "I didn't know you were so kinky." I started the shower and she smirked.
"You haven't seen a glimpse of my 'kinkiness'" She whispered into my ear and I groaned, feeling my self become the walking boner i warned her about.
"Look what you do to me. Keep talking like that and in nine more months we will have another kid." She laughed at me before climbing into the tub.
"In your dreams Mr. Thompson."
"You know it, Mrs. Thompson." I climbed in after her pressing her against the wall before attacking her with my lips again.

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