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*Photo of Reggie*

We were sitting at the diner, i was enjoying my pancakes as we had entertaining chat.
"What kind of question is that?" He laughed and I smiled.
"It's a very valid question."
"How much do i think you could make as a prostitute is a valid question?" I nearly snorted my pancake out.
"Okay when you say it like that I get what you mean. I just wanna know." He pinched the bridge of his nose laughing.
"Okay well, I dont know if i have an answer to that. I'd pay a pretty penny personally, but I love you so I think I'm kind of biased dont you think?" I blushed and he laughed.
"True I guess." I enjoyed being near him. I felt empty when he left for work. The weekends were my happy place because i got him all day long. I look out the window at the people passing by and see a guy across the street looking at Dean. He reaches into his pocket and i see him pulling out a black object. I grab Deans hand pulling us to the ground as a bullet flies through the hair, right through where he was sitting. Panic went through the entire diner as everyone was rushing around, calling 911. I glance up seeing the guy was gone and my attention goes to Dean.
"Dean are you okay? Did it hit you?" I'm looking over every inch of him as he stares at me. I didnt even notice the tears falling down my face from the idea that someone tried to kill him.
"Baby please calm down I'm fine. You saved my life, i wasnt hit. It's okay please just calm down." He pulled me to him and i held him like ive never held him before. Listening to his heartbeat, hearing him inhale and exhale. Proving he was still alive.
"I love you. I love you so much. I'm sorry I dont say it but its true Dean." It spilled out of my lips without control. I felt my chest getting tighter.
"Baby, baby, baby. Breath." He looks me dead in the eyes as he tells me to take deep breaths. I do. "Now I know this is a lot but i need you to tell me what happened okay love?"
"We were sitting talking and for some reason something caught my eye outside. I was watching the people walk by and saw this man in a green hoodie standing across the street staring straight at you. Next thing i new i saw him pulling something out of his pocket and I tackled you to the ground right before he shot." He kissed my forehead.
"Dean? Oh Dean are you okay? I saw the whole thing from over there!" The slutty girl from the first time we were here clicked her heels over. "Baby I've been calling you and trying to get ahold of you. I thought I'd find you here but never like this." She grabbed his shoulder and i saw red. I pushed her off him and she glared at me. "How dare you touch me you filthy whore." My blood was boiling as I clenched my fist and swung, feeling her nose crunch beneath my fist as she fell backwards.
"Touch him again and ill snap your neck." I spit at her as she stared at me.
"I should have your head for this!" She squealed and i saw her eyes darken.
"Thats enough!" Dean spoke to her in a commanding voice and she coward back. "You heard her, touch me again and she'll snap your neck. Talk to her like that again and I'll personally have someone do it for her. Understood." She looked shocked and sniffled before walking out of the diner. Strange, i know for a fact i broke her nose, but she didnt even shed blood. I crossed my arms and glared at her as she walked away.
"You know, your kinda hot when your jealous." I felt him snake his arms around me. I instantly relaxed from his touch.
"I want to go home. I'm so done with today." He nodded and we tossed some cash at the register before leaving. I started the car and stopped for a moment. "Before we go home, do you think we could go to like Home Depot or something and get a security system? Just between someone trying to shoot you, and our house being robbed in the same day. I'm just kind of scared." I whispered the last part and he grabbed my hand.
"Baby i promise you i will never let anyone hurt you. But if it makes you feel better then yeah lets do it." I smiled and we drove off towards the store.

We got home around 6 and went inside to set up the alarm system. Our house had been completely put back together and i smiled.
"Thank you." I kissed his cheek and he smiled.
"Anything for you sweet cheeks." He swatted my backside before programming the system with our code. It had sensors at every window and both doors. If they were opened while the alarm was set it would call the police immediately and set off a siren. We can cancel it by typing the pin into the alarm.
I go over and light a fire in the fire place and sit down in front of it. Dean was in the shower so i relaxed on the couch with a blanket and put on the new remake of Jumanji. I'm a sucker for Kevin Hart and Dwayne Johnson.
"Babygirl," I jolt up looking at Dean sitting up on the couch. He had water droplets on his chest and some sweat pants hanging low on his waist.
"Hi" I smile at him and he rolls over the couch snuggling up behind me.
"Do you wanna go up to bed Juni?" I blink looking up at him, shaking my head. It was a perfect moment to ask him some questions I had.
"Dean, can i ask you somethings?" He sat up looking at me.
"Of course." Great. Okay here's my opportunity. What the hell am i gonna say? Why do your eyes change colors? How did you control that girl at the diner? I broke her nose, and it didnt even leave a mark.
"I just, uh, is there something your keeping from me?" Wow, could i be any more vague? He cocked an eyebrow confused.
"What do you mean love?"
"Look I'm gonna sound crazy but something isnt adding up and i just want the truth. Today at the diner, i punched that girl. I felt her nose crush underneath my fist. She didnt even bleed. Her eyes changed black. People's eyes dont turn black Dean. And ive seen yours halfway turn a lot Dean. Not to sound super conceited but i have never not broken a nose with my hook." He blinked and looked down.
"Baby i dont know what to say." He scratched his head and i sighed.
"You think I'm crazy dont you?" He went to speak when the alarm on the house started going off. A bullet went through the door. Dean grabbed me rolling us onto the floor. I reached under the couch and grabbed a gun i had holstered on the underside. I probably own six of these things scattered around the house in hidden spots. Three shots went through the couch above us and I sat up firing two rounds at him before falling back down taking cover. I look over at Dean and his eyes are pitch black. I stand up firing a couple more rounds and hear a cracking sound. I go back to my cover and see a black wolf jumping over the couch and tearing the shooter apart. Two more guys came around the corner and I fired, taking one down and barely missing the other. I pulled the trigger again and nothing happened. Fuck. I look up as the guy lifts his gun and fires, I close my eyes but nothing happens. I look up as the wolf kills the guy who shot me before dropping to the ground. I run over to where he fell and see a stark naked Dean holding his side.
"Dean! Oh my god what the hell just happened? Baby hold on ill get a towel. Police and perimedics should be here any minute okay?"
"Juni! Stop, I'm fine."
"No your not you got shot and hell probably attacked by that damn wolf." He smiled and lifted his hand. The wound had stopped bleeding and looked a little worse then a paper cut. "What the hell is going on?" I step back away from him.

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