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I woke up to one of the twins crying. I stretched and slipped out of Deans arms and through on his T-shirt before heading over to the twins. To say I was sore was the understatement of the year, my hips were throbbing with every step. I picked up Micheal, as his sister sat up and whined at me, reaching up for me to get her. I picked her up and took them into the bedroom.
"Come on, lets get daddy!" She squealed in excitement and Micheal smiled reaching for his daddy. I set them on the bed and they immediately crawled over to there father, Micheal slapping his cheek until he woke up.
"Why are you always hitting me?" He pulled Micheal into his arms and Amaryllis fussed, glaring at him for not getting her first. He groaned kissing our sons forehead before putting him down and getting our daughter, who then was fussing because he had her and she wanted to be down with Micheal. I giggled and he covered his face with a pillow. "You do this every morning?" He said muffled through the pillow as Micheal and Amara sat on his chest, bouncing up and down giggling. I sat on the bed, leaning over Deans face to grab the TV remote off the side table. He bit my hip as i leaned over and i swatted his head.
"Hey now, thats enough of that." I scolded him and he chuckled giving me a sexy grin. I rolled my eyes and he swatted my behind, Micheal then smacked him in the head as he let out a tiny growl. I laughed and Dean glared at him.
"I can smack that ass if i want to, you should be thanking it because if now you wouldn't exist young man." I then smacked him in the head and he yelped "Gee, wonder were the hell he gets it from." Micheal looked at me and squealed and i shook my head.
"Micheal Dean, we do not hit. Mommy is a bad example. Daddy, we dont make inappropriate comments in front of infants that could start talking any day now." I glared at him and he put his hands up in surrender. He climbed out of bed and i through the blanket over the twins causing them to squeal. "DEAN PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!" He chuckled and grabbed a pair of sweat pants throwing them on before going to the bathroom. I pulled the blanket off the twins and they both started laughing hysterically which then turned into a game of peek a boo and tickle monster. I grabbed Micheal pulling him over to me. Tickling his little tummy as he giggled and thrashed around. Amaryllis then grabbed my arm pulling it off her brother so i grabbed her with the other hand and started tickling her too as she squealed and thrashed around on the bed.
"Mommommm" Micheal squealed and i stopped.
"You just said momma!" he breathed heavily pulling himself away from me squealing some more. "DEAN!" I screamed and he quickly entered the room looking worried. "Micheal just said Momma!!" His face relaxed and he crossed his arms.
"Really? I was taking a shit Juni, couldn't have waited?" He laughed and went back into the bathroom. I smiled as Micheal smacked his lips at me saying he was hungry. I picked up the twins and walked out of the room and down the hallway. Apollo and Phoenix rounded the corner into the hallway as we entered and the twins squealed reaching for them. They smiled and i handed them to there uncles.
"My favorite little people!" Apollo said bopping Amaryllas' nose and she giggled.
"Your two favorite little people are hungry." I said and we went to the kitchen, well they went i slowly limped. Matt was in the kitchen and looked at me.
"You okay?" I nodded trying not to blush.
"It doesn't have anything to do with daddy does it?" Apollo smirked looking at me and my face flushed. They heard that?!
"The whole house probably heard it. He tapped you good." Dante stated walking into the room. Oh dear god. My face was probably a second away from lighting on fire.
"Where's Katrina?" I asked changing the subject. Dante shrugged and continued munching on a pop tart he got out of the pantry.
"How do you not know where my sister is?" Dean walked in behind me, i could feel tension radiating off him
"She found her mate, our connection was severed. I couldnt tell you where she is. She was with Oliver last I new." I pulled my phone out and sent my brother a text.
Hey hey, you with Katrina?
    Maybe, whats it to ya? ;)
    Well Deans on the verge of killing something looking for her so you better get her back here before i end up an only child.
    Shit, just tell him shes asleep and we will be back in a few Kay Kay?
"Shes with Oliver, apparently they are mates?" I asked looked at Dante and he shrugged. He was obviously upset about something. "What's wrong Dante?"
"Nothing, just until i get someone else to be a guardian for or find my own mate. I'm kinda out a job at the moment." He stuffed the last piece of pop tart in his mouth and left the room. Poor guy, feels unwanted. Dean wrapped his arms around me.
"I cant help but notice you have a slight limp today. I didn't hurt you did i?" He whispered in my ear before biting it and i shivered smiling being in his arms. I turned so i was facing him and my eyes met his. He made me feel so good about my self, my confidence was skyrocketing. I smirked at him getting close enough that he closed his eyes thinking i was gonna kiss him.
"No, daddy didnt hurt me last night." I whispered against his lips and he growled, his eyes blackening.
"WHOA WHOA WHOA, there are children in the area!" Phoenix yelled as him and his brother covered the twins eyes as they ate there crackers. Dean smirked pulling away from me.
"To be continued." He whispered in my ear before heading back down the hallway. I smiled, my eyes not leaving his body as he walked down the hall. "Its not polite to stare babe." He yelled down the hall before disappearing into his office. I decided while he worked this morning i was gonna plan something special for him. I look over at the older twins.
"Do you two mind watching them tonight? I wanna go out with Dean for dinner, we haven't had a date since way before the twins were born." I brushed my hair behind my ear and Phoenix nodded, Apollo groaned.
"Fine, but only if you order us pizza! And pay for us to rent some movies!" He crossed his arms and i laughed hugging him.
"Deal!" I kissed his cheek and went back to the bedroom. I pulled my phone out and started typing a text message before guilt and sadness filled my chest as i looked at who i was trying to text. I felt a tear slither down my cheek, I was getting ready to text Sage and ask her to go to the mall. Its been two months since she died and it still seems unreal that shes gone. I open my phone and call Kat.
"Yeah?" She said groggily.
"Hi," I said choking back my sob.
"Juni whats wrong?" I learn my brother in the background as if i was okay and i laughed.
"Nothing, i just wanted to go to the mall and got sad. Do you guys wanna go?" I wiped the tears away from my face and calmed myself down so i was okay again. She agreed and said she would meet me there. I got up and went to my closet choosing a random shirt and pants and putting them on. Sliding on my sneakers and throwing my hair up into a pony tail. I grabbed my backpack and keys and went to the living room to leave. I saw an envelope with my name on it on the banister and opened it

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