Chapter 5: Faith

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Unready Guardian

Chapter 5


Danny wasn't much of a person, she lived in a three story apartment, down a busy street, all alone. She had a simple childhood. Both parents worked till her mother died when she was ten leaving her alone with her father. She got a scholarship from her works in science and went to a good college in town so she didn't have to pay for lodgings around the college. She was happy to see her father excell thanks to Mr. Borg hiring him on as chief security officer at Borg Industries. He even had a small apartment near the building paid for by Borg Industries. The pay was decent and he could pay for his medical bills. Being in his fifties he had a lot.

Danny remembered walking into his apartment one day to see how he was doing on his own. Their were still boxes along one wall. He had only lived there for a little over a month. She planned to stay there all day so she could help him unpack, maybe order a pizza, and watch horrible tv. But he wasn't there like he said he would be the day before. She had made a few calls and in the end it was Mr. Borg himself who contacted her. His voice was shaky when he let spill all that happened. He too, suspected foul play. He knew her father for some time, and was glad to give him the job. He knew he never drank...not even on holidays. He just couldn't afford to.

Danny opened her eyes a little her jeans were ripped, and bloody. She could feel the caked and dried blood on her face. Her memory began to unfold in her head. She remembered being in the car going down the road. Zareth was driving, then everything went fuzzy again. Zareth...she jumped as everything clicked. They were in a wreck.

"Zareth!" She jumped and looked around. In front of her was Zareth, he was strapped to a large metal chair. His legs, and arms were strapped down, their was even a large leather belt around his midsection. To her horror their was one around his neck too. One eye was locked onto her.

"Hey babe..." His voice was hoarse from the belt around his neck. She could hear him trying to breath over it. "Glad to see you awake." He had a huge gashon his forehead. His jackets arm had a rip at the seam and a large rip on one side. She could see the large gash across his chest that probably resulted to that rip on his jacket. His pant legs were ripped at the knees and his hands were blackened for some reason. She wondered just how bad she looked.

"Zareth...?" She called to him, he looked back up at her and shook his head.

"Don't worry about it babe. I'm good. Worry about yourself. You look like something the dog dragged in." Zareth tried to laugh, but just started to cough instead.

Zareth looked up when seeing a woman with bright red hair wheel something into the room. Their was a large cloth over the top of it so he couldn't really make out what it was. He looked back around at Danny who audiably gulped. He tried to get up forgetting he was a prisoner and stuck in that chair.

"Babe...don't look, close your eyes." He told her. Danny squeezed her eyes closed. Zareth knew without a doubt what was under that cloth.

"Alright lets get this started then." A man with gray hair walked into the room. He was old and lanky Zareth could have swore that if he stood sideways and stuck out his tongue he'd look like a zipper. This thought caused him to smile.

"Oh in high spirits are we?" The man leaned on the chair looking at Danny. "You know who this man is don't you Danny Peirce?"

"That mans name is Zareth, two people in one body, but that doesn't mean he's any less of a man. He's more of a man then you will ever be Richards!" Danny had never felt more defient in her entire life. Zareth smiled at her.

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