Chapter 5*

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"What? You look like you've seen a ghost or something." Elvis said as he laid there on the bed. He changed his position to lay normally with his back against the headboard. One leg was over the other as he lounged.

I began laying at the foot of the bed on my side, my hips on display in front of him. Usually, I wouldn't be so direct, but this was Elvis Presley.

"I don't know, have I seen a ghost?" I asked him with a grin. Elvis laughed as he rose his eyebrows, then wiped his eyes with one hand.

Squeezing the bridge of his nose, he let out another chuckle. "I guess you recognize me, huh?"

"Elvis Presley, in the flesh." I said smoothly to him.

"Flesh. That seems to be a key word tonight." He mumbled, his eyes set on my body. I sat on my side in a way where my dress could barely hold up on the top. Elvis was captivated in the worst way possible, which is exactly what I wanted. "How'd you end up here at Anka's house?"

"Anka?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows. "As in Paul Anka?"

The other stranger in the room chuckled then sat up from his seat. "I'll see you later, E. Looks like this dame has you occupied."

His friend exited the room then shut the door behind us. I looked over my shoulder at the shut door, then back at Elvis who continued to have a certain look in his eye toward me.

"So you're at this party, but you don't know who owns the house?" Elvis laughed with a crooked grin, his cheekbones on display.

"I was brought by a friend, he didn't disclose exactly who was hosting." I laughed. We sat there for a moment, but I knew Elvis wanted things to go future.

I wanted him too.

So, I kicked off my shoes then began crawling up the bed. I took my place in laying next to him. Now both of us had our backs against the headboard. I tilted my body towards him, he looked down at my legs.

"And who is this friend of yours?" Elvis asked, reaching his hand over and touching my leg. The cold metal of his rings caused chilling sensations as he rolled his hand up my leg. "Matter of fact, I don't care who brought you. You're my date now."

"You don't have to worry, he was only a little boy." I pouted, pulling at the short hem of my dress. "He wasn't my date."

"How old are you, sweet face?" He asked, touching my chin.

"I'm eighteen." I informed him, he grinned, lowering his face and kissing my neck. I closed my eyes as his full lips rolled along my neck. Elvis Presley seemed like he was going to sleep with me. But my thoughts were interrupted when a legitimate question popped into my head. "How old are you?"

"Huh?" Elvis asked, the hand that was running circles around my hip suddenly coming to a stop.

"You heard me. How old are you?" I asked him again. He let out a heart laugh with a smile.

"Usually girls don't ask that, they already know

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"Usually girls don't ask that, they already know. But— I'm 22 years old." Elvis told me quietly. I nodded as I laid there, thoughts running through my mind. "Why, does that turn you off?"

"No." I said defensively. Then, I leaned closer to him with a grin. The first few buttons of his shirt were undone to display his chest, I placed my hand inside of his shirt. "It turns me on even more."

Elvis took my hand and rolled his lips along my wrist, then down to my forearm. He left a kiss on the side of my elbow, then moved my hand to his lips and left a kiss on my fingers. "Your skin is beautiful."

Now I was getting nervous. I was negro, I was still in high school, and Elvis was about to fuck me. The idea still hadn't become real in my mind, it felt like a dream.

"Your eyes are beautiful." I told him in an exasperated voice. He paused and looked up at me. Embarrassment spread throughout my body, then he laughed again.

"Come here." He told me, placing his large hand on my waist. He pulled me in closer to him, I watched his long lashes as his eyes closed. He sat like that in front of me for a while, but when I just sat there dumbly looking at him, he took the initiative to kiss me. Closing my eyes, I wrapped my arm around his neck and we both laid down. His hand found its way to the inside of my thigh as he slowly inched up.

Then, Elvis looked into my eyes. "Do you want me to touch you?"

"Yes, Elvis." I exhaled, pushing my hips forward. That caused his hand to press between my legs and onto my core, making me feel a sudden rush of warmth. His fingers slowly rubbed up and down along my panties as he continued to kiss my neck.

Then, I rolled on top of him and straddled him. My dress was inched up around my waist as I moved my hips against his groin. I was shocked to feel the bulge in his pants, it was larger than I could've ever imagined. Hips lips parted as he held my hips moving against him, his hands clasped onto me as I moved.

"Let's get these pants off of you, Presley." I announced, unbuckling his belt underneath me. He bucked up his hips as I pulled his pants down. Then, I placed my hand on his hard member that was inside his boxers.

"You have pretty lips." He observed, rolling his thumb along my lips. Then, he stuck his thumb inside my mouth, where I sucked it. A grin appeared on his face, then he pulled down his boxers.

His large member sprang free, I lowered myself so I laid on my stomach. He spread his legs to give me room to lay in between them. The tip of his member easily made its way into mouth. I earned a hiss from him as I moved my head up and down in my mouth.

Taking off my panties, I sat up and held the head of his member at my entrance. He looked into my eyes while I slipped him inside of me, then rode him rhythmically.

Elvis jumped up once the door opened.

"Isn't there such a thing as privacy?" He mumbled, wrapping his arms around me. I stayed straddles on his lap while he sat up, he was still inside of me. Elvis laughed once he saw who it was. "Oh, it's you."

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