Chapter 26

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While in Memphis, I stayed at Graceland with Elvis and his family. Instead of sleeping in the same bedroom as Elvis, out of respect, I slept in a guest room. I had been there for a few days, daily I'd call Martha and Pam at home.

I finally began to feel welcomed into the family. Sitting at the dining table in Graceland, I chatted with Mr. and Mrs. Presley. Elvis went upstairs to 'take care' of something.

"I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks in Los Angeles. I was very poor, my parents barely had a dollar to their name." I explained somberly. "We met the Nelsons since my mother was a professional dancer and she starred in one of their television episodes."

"I'm sure your mother is beautiful." Mr. Presley smiled, Gladys glared at him.

"She is." I said with a laugh. "Well, they befriended the Nelsons and it was history ever since."

There was a silence as I bit my lip, the subject of my parents was always touchy for me.

"Dear, there is something else." Mrs. Presley frowned. "What led to you living with the Nelsons?"

"My parents were on a plane to New York. My mother wanted a shot at going to the New School for dance. The plane they were on crashed, and..." I tried to hold back the tears forming in my eyes.

"I'm so sorry." Gladys comforted me.

"So am I, Lauren. We didn't know." Vernon told me.

"The Nelsons, they took me in. They were such fine people words can't express how thankful I am for them." I told his parents.

"How do they feel about you seeing my son?" Gladys asked and I let out a laugh. Both Gladys and Vernon laughed as well. "Just know you're always welcome in our home as well."

"I was so nervous meeting you, I had no clue how you'd react to me." I confessed to the Presleys.

"You surely are the prettiest girl that Elvis has ever brought through here." Gladys complimented me. "And I could tell that your heart is warm."

"Thank you so much for your kindness, Mrs. Presley." I nodded.

"How did you and Elvis meet?" Gladys asked with an innocence to her voice. I began to stutter, then looked to Mr. Presley.

"Well, let's not pry on that one. We know Elvis has been in interesting places." Vernon teased with a chuckle.

"It surely isn't like that..." I finally got my words together. "It was at a get together at Paul Anka's house."

"Who is Paul Anka?" Vernon asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"I think it's that singer boy. Put Your Head On Mine or something like that." Gladys smiled at Vernon.

I laughed about the fact they didn't know the current music. Inside I was secretly relieved they didn't ask any more questions about that night at Paul's house.

"Now, you know Elvis is getting older, now. He needs to take a wife, but as you know, there will be some limitations within the state of Tennessee." Mrs. Presley frowned at me.

"Do you have an issue with the fact I'm negro?" I asked nervously.

"No, no, dear. We don't mind at all. We were always open minded folks and have no problem with color." She clasped my hand in hers.

"You know, I always wondered what type of girl my boy could've ever brought here. Yes, he's seen a dime a dozen pretty faces and yes I have liked a girl or two..." Gladys admitted. "But I fully trust you with my son."

"I hope our relationship will deepen a little more." I smiled and Gladys patted my back.

"It surely will, trust me—" She began, but she was interrupted with Elvis walking into the room.

"Mama." Elvis stood in the doorway with widened eyes.

"Ohhh, come on." Gladys teased with a laugh. Elvis grinned then held his hand out to me.

"Why don't we take a little walk, Lauren?" He asked with risen eyebrows. I looked to Gladys and she nodded. So, I stood up and walked to Elvis. He took my hand and left a kiss on it, then looked to his mother. "We'll be right back, Satnin."

Satnin was a nickname Elvis used for his mother. I could tell by the way he acted around her that he held her in high regard. His respect for her was so profound.

We walked outside along the grounds of Graceland. The sun was going down, the sky was slowly becoming a sapphire blue color. I looked at the trees and nature around the house, Elvis continued to hold my hand.

"Lauren." Elvis held my hand up to his beating heart. "I've never been happier with a girl more than I've been with you."

My heart began to race. It was the moment I had been waiting all this time for.

"You stuck with me through my service, you've stuck with me despite me working crazy hours, even me living in another state for most of the time." Elvis laughed and I laughed too, my heart full of happiness. "And... I'd like to know if..."

I began practically holding my breath. I prayed to God praising him for this. He stopped talking and looked next to a bush we were standing next to, then picked off a flower.

I laughed as he got on one knee in front of me.

"You are beautiful, kind, sweet and loyal. I've opened up so much to you and I know you'd never tell anyone." Elvis serenaded me as he kneeled on one knee. "You love me because of me, not because I'm Elvis Presley. I can't imagine spending most of my time with anyone else."

"What are you getting at, Elvis?" I asked with an excited smile.

"Will you move in with me?" Elvis asked. My spirits were shot to hell. I really did think he was proposing to me. A scowl spread across my face. "Is that a no?"

"I just figured that you were... well— Elvis we've been together now for two years." I laughed.

"But I was in Germany for most of that time." He rose a brow as he looked up at me. Then, he stood up and handed me the flower. I took it from him with a pout. "Lauren, don't get like that. You know I care so much about you, it's just that I feel like we need more time before we jump into anything more serious."

"You haven't even made love to me yet you want me living in your house." Tears ran down my cheeks.

"Listen, I'd say I'm pretty good in every other department. I just believe in keeping some things for later." Elvis called out to me as I walked a few steps away from him.

I turned around to face him. "Fine, Elvis. If you need more time to realize that we belong together, I'll move in. As long as this ends in marriage, I'm fine with it."

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