Chapter 9*

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After getting a grand tour of Graceland, I was in a trance. I couldn't believe Elvis invited me to his own home. After seeing every crook and cranny of the house, there was nothing to do but spend time together. The last destination on the tour was his bedroom.

Elvis and I sat on a couch in his bedroom together. I was still in awe about the gorgeous house.

"I can't believe you were able to do all of this." I looked around the room. "Did you always grow up with all of this?"

"No, not at all. I grew up with holes in the bottom of my shoe." Elvis pouted as he sat there next to me. "All I really had was music, even when I couldn't exactly afford records."

"Then how'd you get music?" I asked, then Elvis smirked at me.

"Going to the other side of town and spending time in jazz clubs. Trust me, I was the only white boy in there." Elvis joked and I laughed, holding his hand. "I couldn't keep away from it all, it was addictive. I found myself going to colored churches just to get my fix of good music."

"You went to churches?" I smiled and he nodded with a laugh. "I love that music, it's what inspired me to make my own."

"How does it make you feel knowing lots of people in your own race hate you for that?" I asked quietly. Elvis paused for a moment.

"Well, the ones that feel that way can honestly go to hell." Elvis rose his eyebrows. "I'll play the music I want and be friends with whoever I want and wear whatever I want..."

"You're a very open minded man, Elvis." I compliment, he smirked then scooted closer to me. With a stretch, he wrapped his arm around me.

"I'll love who I want to." He whispered to me, his lips hovering inches from mine. I looked into his greenish-blue eyes looking at me.

His arms were wrapped around me while he kissed me deeply

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His arms were wrapped around me while he kissed me deeply. I looked toward his bed, which was the biggest bed I'd ever seen in my life. Then I looked toward the red drapes that hung all around the bedroom.

I squeezed on tight to Elvis's shoulder and he paused his kissing on my lips.

Then, pulling back, he looked at me. "Is something bothering you?"

"This is all happening very quickly." I whispered to him. "Me meeting you and us doing that thing at the party..."

"I wanted to finish that thing." Elvis rose a brow and pulled me close again. We kissed for a moment, but then I pressed my hands on his shoulders to keep us apart.

"And now I'm all the way in Memphis in your bedroom. It's all moving a little fast, isn't it?" I asked him. He wiped his fingers across his lips then thought for a moment.

"Is this about Ricky?" Elvis asked, swiping my fingers along my knee.

"Is this about Ricky?" Elvis asked, swiping my fingers along my knee

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