Chapter 29

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After arriving in Memphis, I didn't get a very warm welcome. The usual chauffeur car wasn't out waiting for me and there was no luxury treatment. Instead, I had to haul a cab and make my way over to Graceland.

At first, the guard pretended to not recognize me and tell me "Mr. Presley hasn't been expecting a Ms. Caldwell."

After tears and begging, finally he went inside of the house to speak to Elvis. When coming out, he opened the gate. "Welcome back, Ms. Caldwell."

I tiredly walked my way up the long driveway, holding my heavy suitcase in hand. Upon arriving at the door, I knocked. With each knock, my heart probably beat 1,000 times. The door opened, it was the butler.

"Ms. Caldwell." He bowed his head. "A pleasure to see you again."

"Hello, Oscar." I handed him my suitcase. "It's great to see you too."

With a weight on my soul, I entered the marvelous mansion. It was just as beautiful as it was when I was last there, but there was one thing missing.

"Where are my things?" I turned around as I stood in the foyer. Oscar immediately stopped walking away and froze.

"What 'things' dear? All of your things are right in my hand." Oscar smiled then scurried off. With furrowed eyebrows, I walked into the living room. No one was inside, so I went back into the foyer and up the steps.

In the master bedroom, Elvis laid in the bed. His lips were parted and he had bags under his eyes. His clothes were street clothes, yet it looked like he'd been laying in bed for days.

Gladys passed away, leaving Elvis alone and depressed. I promised him I'd console him through this time immediately once I got there. That must be why he's so aloof.

"Elvis— I know things are hard but I'm here now." I walked up to him, standing by the side of the bed. Desperately wanting to touch him, I stroked my fingers along his hair.

He pulled away.

"Is this about your mother?" I asked quietly. Elvis was silent. "What is this about? I know you're grieving but let me console you!"

Elvis reached to the side of him and picked up a thick newspaper. Without a word, he reached over and handed it to me. Ricky and Elvis' faces were on the front page.

"What was it for? Bragging rights?" Elvis asked me. "Or have you been using me to sell stories all along?"

"Elvis, you know I'd never do that to you." I cried out. He still laid there with his back turned to me.

"I don't know what you would or wouldn't do at this point." Elvis said a little too calmly. "I mean— you cheated on me with Rickety Nausea."

"That was in the past, that isn't who I am now. I love you, I came here to be with you." I tried to convince him.

"In the past!?" Elvis rose his voice as he clumsily sat up. "I let you in and you betrayed me."

"I'd never sell stories about you, you know that!" Tears began filling my eyes.

"Then why our my affair across the front page?" Elvis grabbed the newspaper I held in my hand. "How'd they know all the details?"

"My friend betrayed me." I explained. "Well— she's not a friend..."

"You told your friends?" Elvis stood up from the bed. "Damn it, Lauren, how dense could you be?"

"Oh, like you haven't shared things with your friends!?" I followed him as he began walking out.

"That is my business, I tell my friends things that involve only me. You decided to share things that could hurt everyone." Elvis rose up his hands.

"Ruined? Oh, because I'm colored? You don't want your precious white fans knowing about me, huh?" I defensively stomped closer to him.

"What the hell are you talking about, Lauren?" Elvis shouted. "It's more so about the fact that I found out that the woman I was moving into my house was sleeping with someone else!"

"Oh, poor you, Elvis!" I screamed. "I slept with one guy as the man I loved decided not the fuck me!"

Elvis squinted at me as he gave me a scowl. His jaw clenched as I spoke.

"You don't want to have sex, but you want me to move in." I cried. "You want me to move in, but you don't want to get married!"

"Is that what you want!?!" Elvis shouted. "Sex?"

"Yes, Elvis! That's exactly what's missing between us." I said in the heat of the moment. "Because at the end of the day all this money and fame doesn't matter when the man I'm with doesn't even want to touch me!"

Elvis stood there staring. Then he wiped his mouth with a nod. "I see where we stand."

"Mr. Presley." Oscar walked up the steps. Elvis looked to his butler. "There seems to be some angry fans outside the gates. Looks like you can't go to your appointment."

"Tell her I'll find a way to get to her." Elvis told Oscar. With a nod, Oscar turned around and went back downstairs. Elvis stood there looking at his feet, thinking.

"Her?" I asked with crossed arms. "Who is she?"

"Don't worry, you shouldn't care." Elvis rose his brows. "Wouldn't make a lucrative story."

Elvis then went towards the steps and left me in the corridor. I was shaking with anger, I couldn't believe that Pam could've betrayed me like this. Rushing to the phone in the hallway, I immediately picked it up and dialed Pam.

"Hello?" She answered quietly. "Who is this at this hour?"

"You bitch." I mumbled into the phone.

"Excuse me?" Pam asked from the other side.

"You're jealous because you're colored and haven't had as much success as I have." I spat into the phone.

"What? Lauren?" Pam asked in a confused voice.

"Why'd you sell the story?" I asked.

"The story...? Oh. Yes, I did read that. I'm sorry that happened to you but I never so—" Before I could listen to more of her lies, I slammed the phone onto the hook. Slapping the palm of my hand to my forehead, I sunk to the floor.

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